
cì dà lù
  • subcontinent
次大陆 [cì dà lù]
  • (1) [subcontinent]

  • (2) 一个大陆的广阔而又多少近于独立的分区

  • 印度次大陆向北延伸到喜马拉雅山脉,包括连巴基斯坦在内的印度半岛的全部

  • (3) 幅员广大但小于通常称为洲的一块大陆(如格陵兰)

  1. 印度次大陆宫颈肿瘤患者中HPV16基因E2序列的改变

    E2 sequence variations of HPV 16 among patients with cervical neoplasia seen in the Indian subcontinent

  2. 研究发现,印度次大陆的许多患者都有一种名为ndm-1的基因。

    The findings showed patients in the Indian subcontinent had a significant presence of a gene called NDM-1 .

  3. HbDLosAngeles在伊朗及印度次大陆的发生率相当高。

    The incidence of Hb D Los Angeles was fairly high in Iran and the Indian sub - continent .

  4. 印度次大陆及亚洲国家已被报导有H5N2型高致病性禽流感病毒(HPAI)。

    Highly pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus ( HPA I ) Type H5N2 had been reported in the states of the Indian Subcontinent and Asia .

  5. 一个俱乐部是以中国为核心的东亚:中国、韩国、台湾和东盟(Asean);另一个俱乐部是新兴市场中的其他所有地区:拉美、非洲、东欧和印度次大陆地区。

    In one club , there is China-centred east Asia : China , Korea , Taiwan and Asean ; in the other club , there is everyone else in the emerging fraternity : Latin America , Africa , eastern Europe and the Indian sub-continent .

  6. 由多个推覆体板片和形成众多Siwalik期山前褶皱的印度次大陆俯冲断层构成的体系展示了喜马拉雅新构造动力学的主要过程。

    The Hindus subcontinental underthrust fault system consisting of several nappe plates and many piedmont folds of Siwalik demonstrates the main processes of Himalayan neotectonic dynamics .

  7. 一些居民一个月只去一次大陆。

    Some residents only travel to the mainland once a month .

  8. 这是有史以来暴力在印度次大陆上分裂着各大区域。

    The violence polarised communities on the subcontinent as never before .

  9. 此病发生在非洲、亚洲和印度次大陆。

    The disease occurs in Africa , Asia and the Indian subcontinent .

  10. 印度次大陆及阿根廷的作物便是这样。

    This is the crop of the Indian subcontinent and of Argentina .

  11. 海的那一边有富饶的印度次大陆。

    Beyond this ocean lies the rich subcontinent of India .

  12. 种族隔离制度给我们这片次大陆造成了难以估量的破坏。

    The apartheid destruction on my subcontinent is in calculable .

  13. 例如,在整个印度次大陆,男同性恋都是一种刑事犯罪。

    For instance gay sex is a criminal offence across the Indian subcontinent .

  14. 唯一一个包括所有逆序元音的单词是“次大陆的”。

    The only word with all the vowels in reverse order is subcontinental .

  15. 一个印度或者南亚次大陆的土著或居民。

    A native or inhabitant of Hindustan or India .

  16. 贫困在印度次大陆很常见。

    Poverty is endemic in the Indian subcontinent .

  17. 印度次大陆持续向北挤压欧亚大陆

    the Indian subcontinent has beenpushing northwards intoEurasia .

  18. 印度次大陆是干旱易发地区

    Indian sub continent is highly prone to drought

  19. 居住在南亚次大陆西南海岸线的德拉威人民族。

    A member of a Dravidian people living on the SW coast of India .

  20. 第二次大陆会议于1775年任命富兰克林为第一任邮政总局局长。

    The Second Continental Congress appointed Benjamin Franklin as the first Postmaster General in seventeen seventy-five .

  21. 来自印度次大陆的移民。

    Immigrants from the Indian subcontinent .

  22. 黑羚最早生活在印度次大陆,它们大多数受国家公园和自然保护区的保护。

    Blackbucks are found on the Indian subcontinent and mostly protected in national parks and sanctuaries .

  23. 第4模态反映了印度次大陆东海岸降水的准双周振荡型态。

    The fourth mode shows the quasi-two weeks oscillation of rain around the east-coast of Indian subcontinent .

  24. 马纳尔湾和保克海峡将其与印度次大陆分开。

    It is separated from the Indian subcontinent by the Gulf of Mannar and the Palk Strait .

  25. 对财富管理机构而言,该报告的调查结果突显了南亚次大陆与日俱增的重要性。

    The growing importance of the subcontinent for wealth managers is underlined by the findings of the report .

  26. 14世纪到17世纪,毗奢耶那伽罗王朝执政,其权利延伸到印度次大陆大部分地区。

    This empire held power in the 14th to 17th centuries and covered much of the Indian subcontinent .

  27. 印度次大陆人的头发粗且打绺;中东人的头发都很结实;

    People native to the Indian subcontinent have coarse textured tresses while Middle Eastern populations have strong hair .

  28. 不过,印度已不再满足于仅仅在南亚次大陆占据主导地位,它还想登上并傲立于世界舞台。

    Yet India is no longer content to dominate just in India alone , but around the world too .

  29. 印度语支印欧语系的一支,由印度次大陆和斯里兰卡的一些语言组成。

    A branch of the Indo-European language family that comprises the languages of the Indian subcontinent and Sri lanka .

  30. 阿育吠陀是一门在印度次大陆上流传了数百年的医疗保健体系。

    Ayurveda is a system of health care that has existed on the Indian subcontinent for hundreds of years .