
  • 网络Subatomic particle
  1. 中微子是次原子粒子,虽然宇宙中有大量中微子,但它们很难被探测到。

    Neutrinos are subatomic particles , and while there are plenty in the Universe , they 're very hard to detect .

  2. 研究人员们观察到,次原子粒子的反应方式无法用现有的物理学理论来解释。

    They 've observed subatomic particles behaving in a way that can 't be explained by the current theory of physics .

  3. 早期宇宙内的高温提供给次原子粒子能量。

    The extreme temperature of the early Universe energizes the subatomic particles .

  4. 物理学中研究次原子粒子与其作用的分支。

    The branch of physics that studies subatomic particles and their interactions .

  5. 那时还没有原子,只有微小的次原子粒子。

    There were no atoms yet . But there were tiny subatomic particles .

  6. 宇宙包罗万象,小至次原子粒子,大到银河超星系团。

    The universe contains everything that exists , from the tiniest subatomic particles to galactic superclusters .

  7. 对物理学家来说,终年不化的冰层让他们能研究神秘的次原子粒子,或能看到宇宙混沌初开的原貌。

    For physicists , the permanent ice sheet will allow them to study mysterious sub-atomic particles that may reveal the very first moments of our universe .

  8. 把纽约中心地带高峰期想像成炽热的早期宇宙,把在中央大厅飞速往返穿行的上班族想象成次原子粒子。

    Imagine rush hour at Grand Central in New York City as that superheated early Universe . The commuters racing through the main concourse are subatomic particles .

  9. 观测宇宙学的终极目标,是建构宇宙的完整历史,对于宇宙最早由次原子粒子所构成的无形气体,提供清晰连贯的图像。

    The ultimate goal of observational cosmology is to capture the entire history of the universe , providing a seamless picture of our descent from a shapeless gas of subatomic particles .