
  1. 民营企业H公司为了参加A地林场的公开拍卖,委托笔者牵头组成猎鹰调查小组,对A地林场展开了一次营销调查研究。

    In order to take part in a auction of state-owned forest farm A , the private company H asked the author to form a team to pursue a study on marketing for the farm .

  2. 第四章是基于BI和CRM协同的精确营销应用,论证了在客户生命周期管理中的一次营销、二次营销、事件驱动营销、精准广告方面的模型和方案。

    Chapter four is basic on the application of precise marketing basic on BI-CRM cooperation and expatiates on the first marketing , secondary marketing , event-driven marketing and model and scheme of precise advertisement in the management of lifecycle of customer .

  3. 物业服务营销及二次营销主要是对后续项目有较大的影响力,可达到提升品牌价值的目的。

    The properties service and the secondary marketing mainly have much influence to the follow-up project , and can promote the value of brand .

  4. 虽然为了卖一本文学小说而进行一次营销活动似乎做作,可其实那时对上一次五年前作者退出一本书的响应。

    Although a marketing campaign to sell a literary novel seems contrived , it 's actually in response to the last time the author released a book , five years ago .

  5. 品牌与品牌价值:从交易成本角度的诠释&兼论房地产品牌创建物业服务营销及二次营销主要是对后续项目有较大的影响力,可达到提升品牌价值的目的。

    Brand and the Value of Brand : A New Explanation Based on the Theory of Transaction Cost The properties service and the secondary marketing mainly have much influence to the follow-up project , and can promote the value of brand .

  6. 从目标、过程、效益、影响、持续性五个角度,中长期业务运营效益评估共使用12个指标,两类单次营销活动评估略有差异、均使用13个指标。

    From the target , process , efficiency , effect , durative , the valuation system for medium-long term business operations totally use 12 index signs , the two types of single times marketing valuation slightly has difference and all uses 13 index signs .

  7. HF公司电力二次设备营销战略研究

    Marketing Strategy Research on Electric Power Secondary Equipment of HF Corporation

  8. Greene建议你将面试当成一次电话营销。

    Greene recommends that you think of an interview as a sales call .

  9. 蛇口集装箱码头(shekoucontainerterminals)市场销售部高级经理屠世海(allentu)表示,蛇口策划了一次市场营销活动,以寻求国际中转货运业务。

    Allen Tu , senior manager in the business development department at Shekou Container Terminals , said Shekou planned a marketing push to seek international trans-shipment .

  10. 许继电气股份有限公司电力二次设备营销策略研究

    Marketing Tactics Research on Electric Power Secondary Equipment of XJ Electric Co. , Ltd by Shares

  11. 在上完一次市场营销课后,三个女孩创建了一个微博账号,从而开始了创业之路。

    After a marketing course , the three girls launched a micro blog and started their business .

  12. 下次我再参加一次市场营销考试,最后再努力一把,此后再也不考了。

    The next one will be my last attempt at the marketing exam , after that I won 't try it again .

  13. 本论文从HF电气集团公司(简称HF公司)的实际出发,结合现代市场营销学理论,系统地制定出HF公司电力二次设备市场营销战略。

    I establish systematically the marketing strategy on electric power secondary Equipment for HF Electric Corporation with modern marketing theory in this thesis .

  14. 而对期货行业来说,这绝对是一次巨大的营销机会。

    And for futures trade , it is an enormous marketing chance definitely .

  15. 本文就是通过对风电设备产品的营销模式研究,做一次组织市场营销理论与实践相结合的尝试。

    This article analyses the application of organization marketing theory and model through a survey to windpower equipment market .

  16. 美国营销协会(AMA)举行了第一次研讨会“生态营销”于1975年。

    The American Marketing Association ( AMA ) held the first workshop on " Ecological Marketing " in1975 .

  17. 达夫又忙又常被打搅,他认为要进行一次关于她们的营销策略的采访是行不通的。

    Duff harassed and busy thought that an interview about their marketing strategy unlikely .

  18. 但毫无疑问,这是一次成功的市场营销,催生了大批只针对金砖国家的投资基金。

    But it has undoubtedly been a marketing success , spawning the creation of Bric-only investment funds .

  19. 例如,活动可能是准备一次会议、获取关于一个业务过程的知识或者组织一次营销活动。

    For example , it might be preparing for a meeting , acquiring knowledge about a business process , or organizing a sales engagement .

  20. 第五章对本次研究的结果进行了深入分析和讨论,并在此基础上提出了本次研究结论在营销实践中的启示,最后指出了本研究的局限和未来的研究方向。

    Chapter five analyzes and discusses the results of this research , proposes enlightenments in the marketing practice according to research conclusion , and points out the limitation of this research and future research direction finally .