
  • 网络subordinate debtor
  1. 代位权诉讼中涉及债权人、债务人及次债务人三方当事人。

    Tripartite litigants of creditor , debtor and subordinate debtor are involved in subrogation proceeding .

  2. 本文从代位权的法律基础,债权人、债务人、次债务人的法律地位及拥有的权利义务,代位权诉讼的证据等方面进行了探讨。

    This paper approaches the subjects about the legal basis of subrogation , the legal position and right and duties of creditor , debtor and subordinate debtor and the evidences in subrogation proceeding .

  3. 次债务人的诉讼地位是被告,这一点不存在争议。

    The secondary obligor is accused of legal status , it does not exist .

  4. 对次债务人而言,主要是对其行使抗辩权的效力要具体问题具体分析。

    To the secondary debtor , the exercising of rights of pleadings should be solved in the light of concrete conditions .

  5. 最后,明确了应收账款质押对质权人、出质人以及次债务人的效力。

    Finally , clear the effectiveness of accounts receivable pledge to the pledgor , the pledgee and the secondary obligor ' s. ⅱ .

  6. 两个或者两个以上债权人以同一次债务人为被告提起代位权诉讼的,人民法院可以合并审理。

    Where in suits of subrogation brought separately by two or more obligees , the same secondary obligor is named as the defendant , the people 's court may combine the suits for adjudication .

  7. 对于代位权诉讼的主观范围,代位权诉讼的既判力当然作用于债权人与次债务人,关键在于既判力是否作用于债务人问题。

    In a suit of subrogation subjective range , a suit of subrogation of res judicata certainly to creditors and the secondary obligor , the key lies in whether the role of res judicata debtor .

  8. 法律关于代位权制度的规定,突破了传统的诉权理论和债的相对性理论,使债权人可以向没有直接利害关系的次债务人提起代位诉讼。

    Law on the right of subrogation provisions , breaking the traditional bonds of the right to appeal the theory and relativity theory , the creditor may have no direct interest to the time the debtor filed the subrogation action .

  9. 安全价值从企业信用体系的建立、严格设质前的审查、合理设计质押合同、明确对次债务人的通知、完善登记公示制度以及设质后的监管六方面来实现。

    Safety value in enterprise credit system is established , a strict quality before the review , reasonable design of the pledge contract , to clear the secondary obligor notice , perfect registration system of public and quality supervision of a after six realization .