- 网络SUBPRIME;subprime mortgage;subprime loan

This is J.P.Morgan 's second purchase of a financial institution left vulnerable by the subprime mortgage crisis .
More than a trillion dollars were channelled into the US subprime mortgage market , which is made up of the poorest and least creditworthy borrowers .
French banking giant Credit Agricole says it will sell billions of dollars in assets to deal with subprime losses by its investment arm .
When subprime mortgages soured , bond insurers such as AMBAC and mbia , another embattled monoline , were on the hook to pay up .
Subprime crisis is also called subprime mortgage crisis or subprime lending crisis .
Another advantage is that Asia 's overall exposure to the sub-prime crisis is moderate and well secured .
And Lehman Brothers became the first investment bank to close its subprime-lending arm , at the cost of1200 jobs .
Although banks have already written off whopping sums over subprime mortgages , they are vulnerable to yet more hits .
The global economy has been rocked in the past year by a credit crisis stemming from US mortgage loan defaults .
The market has been hit by a combination of falling home prices and the subprime mortgage crisis involving high-interest loans .
Bank regulators have publicly raised alarm about these highly leveraged mortgages , which look uncomfortably like their sub-prime counterparts in the US .
Volatile markets , the subprime housing crisis , drops in retail sales and disappointing fourth-quarter earnings all paint an awfully bleak picture .
In2007 , mortgage defaults around the country sparked a crash in the high-risk sub-prime mortgage market , creating the worst recession in70 years .
And so Mr Paulson raised a dedicated $ 1bn fund to profit from problems he predicted in the US subprime home loans market .
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson Friday outlined a program to buy up bad mortgage-backed securities that he says will cost hundreds of billions of dollars .
Billions of dollars worth of those mortgages had been packaged into complex securities that the world 's banks , insurance companies and investment funds had bought .
Washington Mutual has been saddled with billions of dollars of debt because it heavily invested in selling risky subprime mortgages to customers who later defaulted on them .
It is widely accepted that the U.S.low interest rate policy , which encouraged excessive spending and caused the sub-prime crisis , was at the root of the problem .
This pattern of development is the inevitable result of the breakdown of consumer credit chain , is focused on the performance of the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States .
If , instead , the cash-flows behind the assets such as subprime mortgage payments have deteriorated too much , disposing of them at fair long-term values would crystallise heavy losses .
Spurred by pay that was geared to short-term gains , bankers and fund managers stand accused of pocketing bonuses with no thought for the longer-term consequences of what they were doing .
People began to focus on mortgage-backed securitization ( MBS ) again , which is one of the most important financial innovations nowadays , when the sub-prime crisis swept the world in 2007 .
The world financial crisis which was marked with the event that the second biggest subprime lending company & New Century Financial declared bankruptcy broke out and it seriously affected American , even all around the world quirkily .
The crisis began nearly 18 months ago in the United States , as many people who had taken out so-called " sub-prime " mortgages - home loans made to weak borrowers - struggled to pay their debts .
In the year of 2001-2004 , the low interest rates policy of Federal Reserve stimulated the development of the real estate industry , as easy to get , the sub-prime estate mortgage market is more prospective than ever before .
In 2007-2008 , the price of crude oil and material go up and it makes the operating cost rise . Then global demand goes down seriously due to storm of sub-prime mortgage and financial tsunami of Wall Street . Every company faces the big challenge of survival .
In 2007 , the United States sub-prime crisis , sparking a global financial crisis ; as the financial crisis spreading to the real economy and leading to the global economic slowdown , resulted in a large number of economic entities bankruptcy , and triggered global employment contraction .