
  • 网络subprime mortgage;sub-prime mortgage;Subprime Loans;sub-premium mortgage
  1. 这种争论将远远超越次级抵押贷款崩盘、银行收房率上升和消费者保护措施充分性的范畴。

    The debates will go well beyond the debacle in subprime mortgage lending , increases in foreclosures and the adequacy of consumer protection .

  2. 本次危机爆发之前,监管者(包括我本人)并不了解,银行投资组合中的次级抵押贷款有何风险。

    Ahead of the crisis , regulators , myself included , did not understand the risk of subprime mortgage paper in bank portfolios .

  3. 不到两周,第二大次级抵押贷款机构newcenturyfinancial股票被停牌,因人们担心其能否继续经营下去。

    Within a fortnight , shares in the second-largest lender , new century financial , had been suspended over concerns about its ability to stay in business .

  4. 美国司法部(TheDepartmentofJustice)正在对该公司就其在次级抵押贷款证券崩盘前仍给予这些证券最高评级一事展开调查。

    The Department of justice is investigating the company for giving subprime mortgage securities top ratings just before they imploded .

  5. 他的一个大胆举措是在信贷泡沫顶峰的时候,收购次级抵押贷款放贷机构FirstFranklin时多付了一大笔钱。

    His one bold initiative was to have Merrill overpay for subprime lender First Franklin at the peak of the credit bubble .

  6. 这些工具通常投资于信贷市场工具,如美国次级抵押贷款债券和债务抵押证券(collateraliseddebtobligations)。

    These programmes typically invest in credit market instruments , such as US subprime mortgage-backed bonds and collateralised debt obligations .

  7. 这位印度籍的银行家永远也不会批准2002年汇丰以90亿英镑收购美国次级抵押贷款商Household的那宗交易。

    The Indian banker would never in a million years have agreed to the £ 9bn takeover of Household , the US subprime lender it bought in2002 .

  8. 周二,高盛(GoldmanSachs)公告称,美国证券交易委员会(SecuritiesandExchangeCommission,简称SEC)正在考虑对其提起诉讼,指控它在2006年底的一宗次级抵押贷款债券交易中存在不当行为。

    Goldman Sachs said on Tuesday that the securities and Exchange Commission is considering filing charges against the bank for its role in a late 2006 subprime mortgage bond .

  9. 贝尔斯登(BearStearns)上月透露,它旗下两只对冲基金蒙受了巨大损失&它们持有与次级抵押贷款相关的CDO证券,,但却难以判断损失的数量。

    Bear Stearns last month revealed large losses at two hedge funds that owned subprime-related CDOs - but had trouble quantifying the losses .

  10. EdwardChang补充说,那些太过乐观的投行在次级抵押贷款危机中遭受了重创,而高盛集团(GoldmanSachsGroup)当初却预见到了灾难性的前景,最终得以全身而退。

    Arguably , adds Prof. Chang , investment banks suffering from the subprime-lending crisis were too optimistic while Goldman Sachs , which plotted out disaster scenarios , has thrived . '

  11. CDO以次级抵押贷款债券、商业抵押贷款证券和其他资产作为担保。

    These securities are collateralized debt obligations backed by subprime-mortgage bonds , commercial-mortgage loans and other assets .

  12. 如果不是它们评为AAA级的次级抵押贷款证券变得一文不值,政府本来没有必要出手纾困。

    If all the subprime mortgage securities they rated triple A had not turned to junk , no bail-outs would have been required .

  13. 富国银行(WellsFargo)周二也公告获得了SEC的一张韦尔斯通知,涉及一宗次级抵押贷款债券的信息披露问题。

    Wells Fargo also disclosed on Tuesday that it too had received an SEC wells notice related to disclosures it made related to a subprime mortgage bond .

  14. 2007年8月9日,当法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)披露其在美国次级抵押贷款证券方面出现未曾预料到的巨额损失时,严重动摇了这种信任。

    That trust was badly shaken on August 9 2007 when BNP Paribas revealed large unanticipated losses on US subprime securities .

  15. 诉状称,就在2007年次贷泡沫破裂之前,该银行与对冲基金经理约翰保尔森(johnpaulson)合作,营销某些次级抵押贷款相关证券。

    It alleges that just before the subprime bubble burst in 2007 , the bank worked with a hedge fund manager , John Paulson , to market certain subprime mortgage-related securities .

  16. 开始时,出现在次级抵押贷款上的问题,蔓延到了债务抵押债券(collateraliseddebtobligations),危及了市政及抵押担保保险公司和再保险公司,并可能危及规模数万亿美元的信贷违约掉期市场。

    What started with subprime mortgages spread to all collateralised debt obligations , endangered municipal and mortgage insurance and reinsurance companies and threatened to unravel the multi-trillion-dollar credit default swap market .

  17. IMF相信,各银行已对其大部分美国次级抵押贷款进行了必要的减记&已减记约1930亿美元,还需减记的仅有约800亿美元。

    The IMF believes that banks have already taken most of the writedowns needed on US subprime loans – with about $ 193bn taken already and only about $ 80bn to come .

  18. 新的公司结构中,将不再包括一些有风险的投行和消费者金融业务,包括次级抵押贷款,这些曾是此前旅行者公司(Travelers)的部分业务。

    The new structure would no longer include some of the risky investment banking and consumer finance businesses , including subprime mortgages , that were part of the old Travelers .

  19. 正如沃伦巴菲特(warrenbuffett)所警告的,投资者已从美国次级抵押贷款市场发生的事情中认识到,这些证券可能是“金融大规模杀伤性武器”。

    Investors have learnt from what happened to us subprime mortgages that these securities may be " weapons of financial mass destruction " , as Warren Buffett warned .

  20. 在美国,布什(Bush)政府迫于政治压力,取消了对政府支持的抵押贷款发放机构实行的投资组合上限。此前,人们抨击了美国政府对次级抵押贷款市场危机的处理方式。

    In the US , the Bush administration caved in to political pressure to lift portfolio caps on government-backed mortgage lenders , after criticism over the handling of the meltdown in the US subprime mortgage market .

  21. 查克•普林斯(ChuckPrince)周日辞去花旗集团(Citigroup)董事长兼首席执行官职务。此前,该银行宣布其次级抵押贷款业务出现80亿至110亿美元的税前亏损。

    Chuck Prince on Sunday resigned as chairman and chief executive of Citigroup after the bank revealed pre-tax losses in its subprime mortgage-related holdings of between $ 8bn and $ 11bn .

  22. 巴克莱总裁鲍博戴蒙德(bobdiamond)坚称,尽管美国次级抵押贷款市场危机引发了为期数月的动荡,但巴克莱资本(barclayscapital)业务的长期增长前景基本未受影响。

    Bob diamond , President of Barclays , insisted that long-term growth prospects for the Barclays Capital division were largely undimmed in spite of months of upheaval triggered by the meltdown in the US subprime mortgage market .

  23. 两家银行都非常积极地用次级抵押贷款构造债务抵押债券(cdo),而且是音乐停止时的最后接棒人。

    Both were very active creating collateralised debt obligations out of subprime mortgages and got stuck holding the bag when the music stopped .

  24. 因为在最近几年,各银行不只是收购次级抵押贷款,它们还将这些贷款重新打包成难以估值的“资产担保证券”(abs)。

    For in recent years , banks have not simply been acquiring subprime loans , they have been repackaging them into complex " asset-backed securities " ( ABS ) that can be difficult to value .

  25. 拉托表示,美国房地产市场的风险定价错误,引发了次级抵押贷款问题,监管者必须从中汲取教训。拉托即将辞去IMF总裁职位。

    Mr de Rato , outgoing head of the IMF , said regulators needed to learn lessons from the incorrect pricing of risk in the US housing market that led to the subprime mortgage problems .

  26. 高盛(goldmansachs)昨日发布了又一份创纪录的季度业绩,该公司同时表示,没有发现次级抵押贷款市场出现的动荡正向着优质抵押贷款或其它资本市场领域蔓延的迹象。

    Goldman Sachs yesterday reported another record quarter and said it saw no sign that turmoil in the subprime mortgage market was spreading to prime mortgages or other areas of the capital markets .

  27. 瑞士再保险(swissre)昨日公布,该集团在以波动性著称的再保险行业中取得更可持续和可预测利润的努力取得了进展,并表示自己没有受到次级抵押贷款证券危机的影响。

    Swiss Re yesterday reported progress in moving to more sustainable and predictable profits in its notoriously volatile industry , and said it had been unaffected by the crisis in the subprime mortgage securities .

  28. 此次裁员是继雷曼兄弟上月宣布裁员1200人之后又做出的决定,当时该公司透露将关闭其次级抵押贷款业务BNCMortgage。

    The cuts will come on top of the 1,200 jobs that Lehman announced last month when it revealed it would close its subprime mortgage business , BNC Mortgage .

  29. 据报道,SEC正在对华尔街银行和公司发动新一轮的指控,重点是它们在次级抵押贷款繁荣期尾声的相关活动。

    The SEC reportedly is in the process of bringing a new round of charges against banks and Wall Street firms for their mortgage related activities at the end of the subprime mortgage boom .

  30. aig在为所谓债务抵押债券(cdos)提供此类担保方面表现得尤为活跃,债务抵押债券是指由次级抵押贷款等债务担保的债券。

    AIG was particularly active in providing such guarantees for securities known as collateralised debt obligations ( CDOs ) , bonds backed by debts such as subprime mortgages .