- 网络consortium charge

The Comparison of consortium charge with Floating charge
Research on the Legislation of the Inventory Mortgage
On the Priority of Floating Charge
The author hopes the article can help in drafting the system of floating charge in the future Property Law of China .
The inventory mortgage system is a system of guarantee created by continental law system countries , with certain given property of enterprises as its collaterals .
In the final part of this paper , analyses are made on domestic and international economic development status to prove the necessity to establish the inventory mortgage system in China .
The mortgage can be divided into normal mortgage and special mortgage , the latter of which includes the maximum-limit mortgage , legal mortgage , the consortium unsecured mortgage , and floating mortgage .
Enterprise guarantee refers to the guarantee enacted with all the properties of the enterprise as the subject , which is both similar to and different from the financial group mortgage and floating mortgage .
The first chapter also analyzes the conception of the floating charge through the definition and features of it and distinguishes it from the related notion including financial group mortgage , retention of ownership and substitution of mortgage .