
The results of the study showed that , the regression coefficient of CPI to growth rate of local government expenditure is positive , implying that local government expenditure will indeed affect the consumer price index .
As can be seen from the response of CPI to growth rate of local government expenditure shocks , a positive shock of local government expenditure by the size of one unit standard deviation has a positive impact on CPI , but the impact begin to decline .
The proportions of government budget on health and society spending on health is decreasing yearly and the growth rate of government expenditure is higher than that of government spending on public health services .
In April , fiscal spending rose 1.1 % from a year ago , according to calculations by The Wall Street Journal based on official data .
From the growth point of view , this state of the rural compulsory education in the growth rate is still lower than the growth rate of fiscal expenditure .
The most superior disbursement scale is about 7.92 % . Looking from the data analysis result , the proportion of expenditure to GDP is around 7.92 % .
Following this , we get the conclusion that in Sichuan Province , the absolute size of GDP is the Granger Cause of the size of fiscal expenditure by Grange-Sims Causality Test .
Effects of District Public Finance Expenditures on Ec on omic Growth
An Analysis of the Mechanism Function of Fiscal Expenditures to Economic Growth
The Analysis on the Inertia of Fiscal Expenditure 's Stimulating the Economic Growth
An Analysis on the Influence of Financial Expenditure on Economic Growth of Hebei
An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between Jiangxi 's Economic Growth and Financial Expenditure
Firstly , we explore the paths and mechanisms of fiscal expenditure on economic growth from the demand and supply .
The relationship between fiscal expenditure and economic growth interested scholars in economic , but there are many different conclusions .
Western economic theory believes that the relationship between fiscal expenditure and economic growth is mutual promotion , but empirical analysis shows a lot of different results .
Government spending for economic growth and what impact whether there has been much controversy on the effects of national fiscal expenditure policy is also different opinions actual investigation .
In recent years , Hubei province thoroughly implemented the strategy that Promoting Hubei province by Science and Education , the government financial investment on S & T continued to grow .
By establishing the agriculture output function model and collecting data about fiscal expenditure and economic growth during 1981-2004 , we can draw the conclusion that the optimal scale of China 's fiscal agriculture input is 8.26 % .
The first chapter is introduction . This paper summarizes scholars ' theoretical and empirical study achievements at home and aboard on the relationship of fiscal expenditure and economic growth , then makes the key points of study on economic effect .
Based on the appraisement of relationship between different financial expenditure with economic growth , this paper analyses the impact of the public financial expenditure structure on economic growth , states adjusting direction of the quantitative structure of the public financial expenditure .
Economic growth has always been the most important goal of the macro-economic regulation and control , with the development of the New Economic Growth Theory , the influence of the government spending on economic growth has increasingly become a hot research in economic circles .
The relation between the government finance expenditure and economic growth always is a interesting and puzzled economic problem : Most theoretical studies indicate that the government finance expenditure positively acts on the economic growth , but the empirical tests find a lot of different conclusions .
Analysis of the Financial Expenditure Effect on Regional Economy Growth & the Empirical Analysis with Panel Data model
Budgetary expenditure for agriculture increased in a cycle flucturation form in China ( 1978-2001 ), and the same to agriculture GDP .
Analysis on the Impact of Local Expenditures on Economic Growth of Regions
Empirical Research on the Influence of Fiscal Expenditure Structure on Economic Growth in Lanzhou
Relationship between the Structure of Fiscal Expenditure and Economic Development during System Transformation in China
Contribution of different fiscal expenditure items to economic growth and social justice is dramatically different .
It is discussed several typical opinion of western and Chinese scholars about fiscal expenditure and economic growth .
Once inventory rebuilding slows and fiscal expenditure expires , consumption and businesses will need to take over to drive growth .