
  • 网络government health expenditure;Government expenditure on health
  1. 指出我国政府卫生支出均为财政拨款,而国际上政府卫生支出以OECD(经济合作组织)筹资机构口径为标准,指广义政府实体筹集的卫生费用。

    The author point out that China government expenditure on health comes from government fiscal , but the international government expenditure refers to the health expenditure of general government entities , which are following the financing agent framework of OECD System of Health Account .

  2. 国际上一般使用广义政府卫生支出进行跨国比较。

    The generalized government expenditure on health is widely used in crosscountry comparative studies .

  3. 政府卫生支出年均增速快于GDP、卫生总费用和财政支出年均增速;

    The growth rate of government expenditure on average is more than GDP , total health expenditure , and financial expense respectively .

  4. 卫生总费用与政府卫生支出关系的动态计量分析

    Dynamic Econometrical Analysis of Relationship between Total Expenditure on Health and Government Budgetary Expenditure

  5. 结论:(1)山东省政府卫生支出变化趋势较好;

    Conclusions : ( 1 ) The trends of government health expenditure is getting better ;

  6. 以此为目标,我国政府卫生支出规模无疑将会扩大。

    On this account , the scale of government health expenditure will undoubtedly be expanded .

  7. 最后对国内外政府卫生支出进行了简要的对比分析。

    This article also executes primary comparative analysis of China and international government expenditure on health .

  8. 主要介绍有关国内和国际上政府卫生支出的口径与含义。

    This article mainly introduced the boundary and concept of China and international government expenditure on health .

  9. 与其他省份相比,山东省政府卫生支出水平较低;

    The government health expenditure is in a relative low level when comparing with other domestic provinces .

  10. 结论:不同卫生体制的模式决定政府卫生支出的水平。

    Conclusions : The ratio of government expenditure on health is determined by the structure of health system .

  11. 优化我国政府卫生支出体系策略研究&对新医改方案的分析与展望

    Policy Study on Optimizing Government Health Expenditure System in China : Based on the Analysis of Current Healthcare Reform Package

  12. 因此,进行国际比较时应对我国政府卫生支出的口径进行调整。最后对国内外政府卫生支出进行了简要的对比分析。

    Therefore , China government expenditure on health should be adjusted to meet the OECD boundary when execute comparative analysis .

  13. 运用筹资来源法对政府卫生支出进行测算,并开展国内外比较研究。

    Total health expenditure by source and comparative research method are used to estimate and analyze the government health expenditure of Shandong .

  14. 第三,从政府卫生支出的公平性来看,在城乡医疗机构之间、不同地区的乡镇卫生院之间以及同一地区的不同乡镇卫生院之间都存在支出公平的问题。

    Thirdly , on the fair effect of government health expenditure , there are some unfair problems between medical institutions in urban and rural areas , and between township hospitals in the different areas , and between the different township hospitals in the same area .

  15. 长期以来政府卫生支出一直被视为一种消费性支出,可以增进社会福利,但降低经济增长率,但作为政府对国民健康人力资本的投资其生产性支出的特点也是显而易见的。

    Government health expenditure has long been considered as a nonproductive expenditure , which can promote the social welfare , but reduce economic growth rate . But as a kind of investment of the national health capital , this expenditure also has an obvious feature of productive expenditure .

  16. 报告指出,政府人均卫生支出从1美元到近7000美元不等。

    As the report notes , government expenditures on health range from as little as $ 1 per person to nearly $ 7,000 .

  17. 结论:实证分析表明,老龄化因素对我国卫生总费用增长有显著推动作用;1978&2004年间的医疗体制改革和政府预算卫生支出的相对降低导致了卫生总费用的增加。

    Conclusion : Empirical evidences show that the population age distribution is the principal determinant factor for total expenditure for public health in China .

  18. 政府预算卫生支出和社会卫生支出所占比例逐年下降,政府财政支出增长率快于政府预算卫生支出增长率;

    The proportions of government budget on health and society spending on health is decreasing yearly and the growth rate of government expenditure is higher than that of government spending on public health services .

  19. 城乡公共卫生服务水平和覆盖面的差异、突发性公共卫生事件频繁爆发等现实问题都与政府公共卫生支出的效率、公平性等密切相关。

    Some realistic problems such as the divergence of the level of public health service between urban and rural area , and the frequent erupt of public health emergencies , are all closely associated with the efficiency and equality effect of public health expenditure .

  20. 由于政府分担的卫生支出额较低,自费付款是卫生资金的主要来源。

    Given that the government share of health spending is low , out-of-pocket payments are the dominant source of health financing .

  21. 对公共卫生支出经济增长效应进行定量分析能够避免公共卫生支出中一些不必要的问题的发生,并有助于政府确定公共卫生支出的适度规模,避免支出的越位和缺位。

    The quantitative analysis of the economic growth effect can help us avoid some unnecessary problems in the use of public health expenditure , and decide the proper scale of public health expenditure .

  22. 但政府预算的公共卫生支出所占比重却逐年减少,卫生总费用的增加主要是由于居民个人卫生支出增加所致。

    However , the weight of governmental budget on public hygienic expenditure is decreasing .

  23. 例如,只要在政府预算拨款中更加重视卫生支出,低收入国家的政府卫生支出就能增加一倍。

    For example , simply giving more priority to health in government budget allocations could double government health spending in low income countries .

  24. 政府投资不均衡,“越位”“缺位”现象等,提出了从明确政府在公共卫生支出中的职责出发,加大公共卫生支出力度,保持公共卫生支出结构平衡的建议。

    Starting from clarifying the responsibility of the government , the paper makes suggestion to increase the public health expenditure and keep the balance of its structure .

  25. 并进一步建议政府要在医疗保障中更好的发挥作用就要在:政策导向与汲取能力;规范政府层级间的卫生支出责任;政府与市场的协调这三个方面努力。

    Furthermore , if the government wants to play its role better in medical security , it should do its best in three aspects : policy guidance and finance ability ; standardizing the responsibility of expenditures among different level of governments ; coordination of government and market .