
  1. 政资分开问题,实质上涉及到政府和企业的权力关系及其变迁问题。

    The division between government and capital is essentially the problem of the relations between government rights and enterprises ' rights and their changes .

  2. 改革开放以来,国有企业实现了政企分开、政资分开、所有权与经营权分开。

    Since the reform and opening up , the state-owned enterprises , and the separation of ownership and management of soe should , separate .

  3. 国有资本继续控股经营的自然垄断行业,实行以政企分开、政资分开、特许经营、政府监管为主要内容的改革。

    In the natural monopoly industries held by State capital , the separation of government and enterprises , of government and funds , and of franchise operation and government supervision are the main thrust of the reform .

  4. 要加强国有企业公司制改造,就要实行政资分开、政企分开,严格控制内部人控制。

    In order to reinforce the reformation of state-own enterprises , it is necessary to carry out " the division of government and capital " and " the division of government and enterprise ", strictly controlling the " controlled by interior personnel " .

  5. 公立医院管理体制改革的理论预期应当是实现政企分开、政资分开、管办分开和治理结构创新、组织结构创新、管理制度及理论创新。

    The theoretical anticipation of public-run hospital management institutional reform should be the separation of government from enterprise , of government from capital , of regulation from operation , as well as innovations in regulation structure , organizational structure , management mechanism , and theory .

  6. 政企分开改革应包括两个层次:第一层次是在政府机构内部实行政资分开,建立专司国有资产管理的政府机构,并最终与政府行政机构彻底分离。

    Te reforming of the separation of government and enterprise should include two levels : the find level is " the separation of government and property " in the government organization , and establish the government organization that will manage state property , finally separate it for goverment ;