
  • 网络Political Order in Changing Societies;The Political Order
  1. 新加坡东南亚研究所(InstituteofSoutheastAsianStudies)的TerenceChong表示:政治秩序和经济稳定或许可以同时实现,但人们愈发意识到,这套理论可能不再有效,甚至人民行动党内部人士也这么认为。

    Terence Chong , of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore , says : Political order and economic stability may go hand in hand , but there is increasing awareness , even within the PAP , that that may no longer work .

  2. 政治秩序是政治思想的主题和逻辑归宿

    Political order is the subject of political thinking and logical destination

  3. 菲利普斯蒂芬斯(philipstephens)的结论是,这场危机实际上已产生了新地缘政治秩序的轮廓,不一定会有利于美国。

    Philip Stephens concludes that the crisis has indeed produced the outlines of a new geopolitical order , not necessarily to the advantage of the US .

  4. 政治秩序中最重要的是实行以法治国。

    The most important political order is a mount of ruling .

  5. 认同新的政治秩序是适时之举。

    The nod to the new political order would be fitting .

  6. 中国农村经济精英回归对村庄政治秩序的影响

    China Rural Economy Elites ' Return Affect Village Politics Order

  7. 转型时期的中国社会呈现出利益分化加剧,利益群体多元化。我国利益群体多元化与政治秩序的稳定

    The Multiple Benefit Communities and the Political Order 's Stabilization in China

  8. 政治秩序要得以持久,还需要政治合法性。

    Whether a political order can last long depends upon political legality .

  9. 政府信用建设是维护社会政治秩序的重要保障;

    Government credit development is the important guarantee in maintaining social political order ;

  10. 风险社会的政治秩序与政治文明

    Political Order and Political Civilization in Venture - Society

  11. 货币制度的转变预示着新政治秩序的兴起。

    Shifts in monetary regimes have signalled the rise of new political orders .

  12. 与此相关联的问题,是什么样的政治秩序是最符合人类本性的政治秩序。

    What kind of political system would match the nature of human beings .

  13. 合法性是指民众对于现存政治秩序的认同、支持和拥护。

    Legal status is approving , supporting and endorsing current political order by people .

  14. 论政治秩序的维护&以政治冲突、政治整合为中心之分析

    An Analysis of the Maintenance of Political Order

  15. 理想的政治秩序如何可能?

    How is the Ideal Political Order Possible ?

  16. 论政治秩序与发展问题

    Political Order and the Issue of Development

  17. 国际政治秩序与世界霸权&国家、地区、全球秩序的三重构建

    The International Political Order and World Hegemony

  18. 因此,研究政治秩序问题是时代对我们提出的要求。

    Therefore , it is requested that we should make a study of political order .

  19. 悔罪并不能决定政治秩序。

    Contrition cannot define a political order .

  20. 第四部分,中国政治秩序转型的趋向分析。

    The fourth part , " the orientation of China 's political order transition " .

  21. 印度主导南亚地区政治秩序的地位与作用加强;

    Enhancing of India 's dominance over political and economic order in south Asian region ;

  22. 强调稳定的政治秩序,突出民的主体地位。

    It emphasizes the stable political order .

  23. 跨国公司与国际政治秩序

    Multinational Corporations and World Political Order

  24. 政治秩序的强力维系&法家政治冲突与政治整合思想探究

    The powerful maintenance of political order & Analysis on political conflict and political integration of legalists

  25. 促进国内政治秩序化法案

    Promotion of Orderly Internal Politics Bill

  26. 其中最为突出的就是在参与国际化竞争的过程中,虽然同为发展中国家,但仍会面对不公正、不平等的国际经济和政治秩序的制约。

    They will face of injustice , inequality in the international economic and political order constraints .

  27. 对《帝国》的批判性分析评哈特和奈格里的《帝国全球化的政治秩序》

    Critical Analysis to & Comment on Hardt and Negri 's New Political Order of Globalization >

  28. 政治秩序何以可能

    How Can Political Order Be Realized

  29. 几乎所有已建立政治秩序的国家都把铸币权保留在国家手中。

    In almost all countries with established political orders coinage has been reserved to the state .

  30. 相反,奥林匹克运动将会积极地参与到新世纪国际政治秩序全面调整过程中。

    On the contrary , Olympic Movements will actively get in overall adjustment of international political order .