
  1. 福建省级政府公众信息服务平台总体设计

    The overall design of Fujian provincial governmental public information service platform

  2. 省级政府公众信息服务平台安全系统设计与实现

    The design and realization of security system for provincial governmental public information service platform

  3. 电子政府公众服务的机制分析

    Mechanisms of electronic service delivery in electronic government

  4. 建立公众政府公众信息传导机制是实现这一转变的有效途径。

    The effective way is to establish the system of information conduction from public to government and from government to public .

  5. 本办法所指政府公众网站包括深圳市政府门户网站及各区、各部门网站。

    The term " government public websites " as mentioned in these Measures include the portal website of Shenzhen Municipal Government and the websites of all districts and all departments .

  6. 我国外来流动人员的管理已经从一般社会问题演变为公共问题,引发了多方面的公众诉求,越来越成为城市政府公众政策议程的重要内容。

    The management of the floating population has turned into an issue of public concern from a general one , which has brought about various kinds of lawsuits and become a tough problem for urban administrative institutions .

  7. 政府忽视公众对其经济政策日益增长的不满是不明智的。

    The government would be unwise to ignore the growing dissatisfaction with its economic policies .

  8. 最后,为了保障制定的营销策略能够顺利的实施,论文从加强组织建设、建立人力资源流动机制、建立行业协会、重视与政府和公众关系等几个方面为H公司提出了一些实施建议。

    Finally , in order to guarantee the smooth implementation of marketing strategy , the paper makes a number of recommendations from the aspects of strengthening organizational building , building flowing mechanism of human resources , establishing industries ' harmonious relationship and emphasizing the relationship between government and publics .

  9. 政府欺骗公众,关于低强度辐射的危险性。

    The government deluded the public about the dangers of low-level radiation .

  10. 本文探讨基于不同目标下的政府对公众情绪的管理。

    This article focuses on public emotion management under different government goals .

  11. 公共项目是政府向公众提供的公共物品或公共服务。

    Public projects are public goods and public services provided by government .

  12. 为防止环境进一步恶化,各国政府和公众开始对环保问题日益关注。

    Governments and the public began to increasingly concern about environmental issues .

  13. 政府在公众压力之下,取消了新的税种。

    The government has responded to public pressure by abolishing the new tax .

  14. 这件事给政府的公众形象造成极环的影响。

    The affair reflected very badly on the government .

  15. 我认为这只是政府欺骗公众的手段。

    I think this is just a government ploy to deceive the public .

  16. 当代政府、公众关系中的媒介角色

    The Contemporary Role of the Media in the Relationship between the Government and Mass

  17. 浅议新时期政府的公众形象

    A Superficial Comment on the Public Image of the Government in the New Period

  18. 另一方面,如果它们不这样做,将招致政府和公众的愤怒。

    On the other , they face political and public ire if they do not .

  19. 对于当代各国而言,经济增长是一个备受政府、公众和经济学家关注的问题。

    Economic growth is extremely concerned by many people in various countries of the contemporary world .

  20. 三是信⑥焦誓氯息化时代政府与公众之间构筑的信息平台不充分,不能形成有效的良性互动关系。

    Third , the information platform constructed between the government and the public is not stable .

  21. 电子废弃物的再循环利用:企业、政府与公众的角色和责任

    Recycle and reuse of electronic waste : the roles and obligations of enterprise , government and public

  22. 这种转变处于时代变迁的背景下,与地方政府和公众因素紧密相关。

    The transition is closely related to local government and public factors under the background of time vicissitudes .

  23. 进而对本文中所涉及的主要概念如地方政府、公众参与、公共政策等做出了相关的界定。

    The key concepts are involved , such as local government , public participation , and public policies .

  24. 英国政府呼吁公众保持警惕,尽可能避免旅行。

    The British government has called on the public to remain cautions and to avoid traveling whenever possible .

  25. 因此,环境问题的解决需要政府、公众、企业三方相互制约与协作。

    This means that resolution of environmental problem need restriction and collaboration among government , public and enterprise .

  26. 拓展软件工程中黑盒白盒测试法分析政府与公众的联系,说明电子政务的公平性;

    The relation between government and civilian is compared to the phenomenon of black box and white box .

  27. 唯一的解决办法是要让政府说服公众,政府会站在银行体系背后。

    The only solution is for the government to convince the public that it stands behind the banking system .

  28. 而传媒亦会根据实际情况对战争加以报道,影响政府和公众。

    But the media also will report the war according to the actual circumstance to influence government and public .

  29. 外资企业做的每一件事都会受到来自政府和公众的更多审视。

    Everything foreign businesses do will be under heightened scrutiny , both from the government and from the public .

  30. 一个现在战地的指挥官,万不可有一时与本国政府和公众意见脱节。

    A modern commander in the field is never more than an hour away from home capitals and public opinion .