
  • 网络active public
  1. 此规则同时要求公司严格筛选和检验供体,规则也授权FDA在必要的情况下采取紧急行动维护公众健康。

    Among other mandates , the regulations require firms to properly screen and test donors and , when needed , they enable FDA to take swift action in the interest of public health .

  2. 你必须关心自己的行动对公众造成的后果。

    You have to be concerned with the public ramification of your actions .

  3. 这类行动对公众的健康和安全显然是有害的。

    Such actions were dearly prejudicial to the health and safety of the public .

  4. 这不仅是一个低劣的医疗诊断,而且置病人生命于危险之中。我请求加州的药监局采取行动保护公众的安全,以避免将来发生更多惨剧。

    The exercise of such poor professional judgment and placing the life of a patient in jeopardy requires that the ( California Medical ) Board take measures to protect the public from future harm .

  5. “诚信行政”应包括政府诚实的动机、忠诚的行动、公众的信任、向社会公众提供真实的信息、国家公务员良好的品德等方面的基本内涵和精神实质。

    The basic content and spirit of sincere administration should include the honesty motivation , loyal behavior , peoples trust and include the true information providing to the public and the better moral accomplishment of the civil servant .

  6. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)昨日采取行动来平息公众对银行高管薪酬的愤怒。它宣布,计划今年不考虑向其排名前30位的高管发放现金奖金,并让股东就薪酬问题投票。

    Goldman Sachs yesterday moved to quell public anger over executive pay by unveiling plans to eliminate cash bonuses for its top 30 executives this year and give shareholders a vote on compensation .

  7. 此次打击非法工人的行动得到了公众的支持。

    The crackdown enjoys public support .

  8. 通过全社会的共同行动,提高公众的节水意识和水道德意识。

    The whole society should act corporately to enhance the water saving consciousness and the water concerned morality .

  9. 在信心丧失之际,我们需要以实际行动来恢复公众信任,表明政府有能力应对挑战。

    At a time of lost confidence , we need deeds that restore the public trust that governments are up to the challenge .

  10. 这项行动力求响应公众对涉及所有在人类参与者身上应用干预措施的研究,即所谓临床试验的透明度日益增长的要求。

    The initiative seeks to respond to growing public demands for transparency regarding all studies applying interventions to human participants , known as clinical trials .

  11. 如有需要,我们会先采取跟进行动,保障公众安全和健康,然后再向业主追讨费用。

    Where necessary , we will undertake the rectification works in the first instance to ensure public safety and health and recover the cost from the owners thereafter .

  12. 但通常,很难看出为何网络犯罪者会把个人设备列为目标,除非是为了把一个人的行动暴露在公众视线下,或者是为了伤害某个政治人物。

    But often it has been hard to see why a cyber criminal would target an individual 's device , unless to expose the activity of a person in the public eye or cause harm to a political figure .

  13. 此举也呼应了近年因公众抗议而引发的其它各种利益相关者行动。引起公众抗议的问题包括:石油和矿业企业动用地方治安部队,以及服装和鞋类供应链中的劳动条件等。

    It echoes other voluntary multi-stakeholder initiatives that have emerged in recent years in response to public protest , covering issues such as the use of local security forces by oil and mining companies , and conditions in the clothing and footwear supply chains .

  14. LVIA正与瓦加拉古市政府和邦格维戈国家城市公园一道开展一项辅助性行动,以提高公众的意识。

    In partnership with the Municipality of Ouagadougou and the National Urban Park of Bangr-Weoogo , LVIA is also conducting a complementary public awareness campaign .

  15. 政府因未能快速采取行动而开始失去公众的信任。

    The government is losing credibility by its failure to act quickly .

  16. 补救行动完成后,公众的照射分别考虑了正常和非正常情况下的照射。

    Two situation for the exposure to public after remedial action were considered : normal and abnormal condition .

  17. 印度政府也试图改变这种风气,近几年印度的反腐行动也引发了公众的不少想象,但这个国家仍然有很长的路要走。

    India is trying to fix this and anti-corruption has really captured the public 's imagination in the last few years but it 's a long road .

  18. 日本相扑协会因为在调查这些丑闻事件时行动不力而遭到公众的强烈批评。其中一部分原因就是相扑协会的高级官员之间信息沟通不畅。

    The sport 's authorities faced loud public criticism for their clumsy efforts to investigate the scandals , in part due to insufficient sharing of information among sumo leaders .