
  1. 这些附加条件包括每年向加拿大工业部(industrycanada)提交一份合规报告,并向加拿大能源行业投资“相当多的”资金。

    Expanded conditions for the deal included filing an annual compliance report to Industry Canada and investing " significant " capital in the Canadian energy sector .

  2. 本文通过投资强度聚合模型计算了中国投资基金自2001年第二季度到2007年第4季度共27个季度区间内度量投资基金行业投资策略羊群效应的指标HB指数。

    The paper calculates the HB index of Mutual Fund investment strategies of Chinese from the second quarter of 2001 to the fourth quarter of 2007 using a special model .

  3. 我国汽车电子行业投资机会研究

    Research on the Investment Opportunity of Automobile Electronic Industry in China

  4. 商业银行在贴现消费优化下的行业投资策略

    Optimal Trade Investment Policy of Commercial Bank Under the Discounted Consumption

  5. 行业投资价值分析的本构关系方法

    Method of Constitutive Relation for the Analysis on Industrial Investment Value

  6. 对长治市电力行业投资情况的调查

    Investigation of the Investment Situation of Electricity Industry in Changzhi City

  7. 对我国轿车行业投资与产能问题的思考

    Thoughts on The Investment and Production Capability for Car Industry in China

  8. 行业投资机会的因素方差分析&以信息安全行业为例

    ANOVA Method to Investment Opportunities : a Case Study on Information Security

  9. 行业投资决策是企业经营管理的重要内容之一。

    The industrial investment decision-making is one of enterprise management important contents .

  10. 2005年中国石油石化行业投资分析

    Analysis of Investment in the Chinese Petrochemical Industry in 2005

  11. 实现基础设施行业投资结构多元化,促进体制改革;

    Can achieve multi-model investment and promote system innovation ;

  12. 资源型城市行业投资回报与金融贡献实证研究&以淮南市主要行业为例

    An Empirical Study of Industry Investment Returns and Credit Input in Resource-based Cities

  13. 不确定条件下电信行业投资决策研究

    A Study on the Investment Decision-Making of Telecommunications Industry under the Uncertainty Conditions

  14. 电解铝行业投资过热问题与宏观调控

    Investment Overheating Issue and Macro-Control in Electrolytic Aluminium Industry

  15. 我国医疗行业投资体制改革价值定位探析

    Orientation discuss on the reform of investment system in medical industry in China

  16. 电力行业投资价值分析

    Analysis of investment value of electric power trade

  17. 我国石化和化工行业投资走向

    Investment Direction in China Petrochemical and Chemical Industries

  18. 货币周期指导下的行业投资组合构建

    Build an Investment Portfolio Depended on Monetary Cycle

  19. 水资源约束下的煤炭行业投资决策的灵敏度分析

    Sensitivity Analysis of Investment Decision in Coal Industry under the Background of Water Resources Restrict

  20. 煤炭行业投资策略研究

    Studies on Investment Strategies of Coal Industry

  21. 眼镜行业投资机会研究

    Seeking Investment Opportunities in the Eyeglasses Industry

  22. 2009年中国燃料乙醇行业投资分析

    Analysis of 2009 China Alcoholate industry investment

  23. 发电行业投资风险分析

    Assessment about Generation Industry Investment Risk

  24. 尼日利亚官员表示,中国企业热衷于铁路和电力行业投资。

    Nigerian officials said Chinese companies were keen to invest in railways and the power sector .

  25. 正确的行业投资决策是企业多元化竞争取得优势的有力保证。

    The correct industrial investment decision-making is the enterprise multiplication competition has the superiority the powerful guarantee .

  26. 这也就意味着不同行业投资组合应该适用于不同的模型求出各行业的贝塔均值。

    This means that different industry portfolio should be used different models to estimate the mean of betas .

  27. 一周后,联邦政府出台了为太阳能行业投资提供全面税收优惠的计划。

    A week later , the federal government unveiled plans to offer extensive tax incentives for solar-power investment .

  28. 与此同时,煤炭、油和铁路等行业投资均保持较快增长。

    Investment in coal and oil production and in railway transport maintained rapid growth in the same period .

  29. 他们表示,从第二年开始,服装行业投资将以每年8亿美元的速度增长。

    They said it would be followed by new yearly investments of $ 800 million from second year onwards .

  30. 单在赞比亚,据信中国企业已在铜及其它行业投资逾3亿美元。

    In Zambia alone Chinese companies are believed to have ploughed more than $ 300m into copper and other industries .