
xínɡ zhènɡ ɡuǎn lǐ fèi
  • administrative cost;administrative expenses
  1. 最终达到遏制行政管理费过快增长,优化财政支出结构,降低行政成本的目的。

    Achieves the goal that containment administrative expenditures excessively quickly growth , optimized the expenditure structure , reduced the administrative cost finally .

  2. 财政分权增加了行政管理费的比重,同时降低了科教文卫支出比重,而官员晋升对两者的影响皆不显著。

    Fiscal decentralization increased the proportion of the administrative expenses , and reduces the science-education-culture-health expenditure , while officials in proportion of the influence of both promotion is not significant .

  3. 行政管理费似乎每季都有所增加。

    Admin cost seems to be rising each quarter .

  4. 公共财政理论下我国行政管理费支出现状探讨

    Study on Administration Management Fee Expenditure Present Under the Public Finance Theories in our Country

  5. 但应减少转移支出和行政管理费等财政支出,否则会影响经济增长的速度。

    Transfer expenditure and administrative management charge should be decreased in order to ensure the rate of economic growth .

  6. 浅析我国财政支出功能结构对公共财政的偏离&以行政管理费支出为分析视角

    On China finance payout function structure 's departure with public finance & Take administrative management fee payout as analysis angle

  7. 注:行政管理费中包括公检法司支出和外交外事支出。

    Note : expenditure for government administration includes the expenditures for public security , procuratorial work and the court of justice and for foreign affairs .

  8. 政府成本是由政府行使职能成本、行政管理费及政府隐性成本构成的,具有无偿性、趋向最大性、长期性、不确定性的特点。

    Government cost consists the functioning cost , the administrative expenses and the recessive cost , and has the tendency to the free , the greatest , long period and uncertain characteristics .

  9. 根据数据的可获得性,本文主要对农业支出、基本建设支出、文教科卫支出和行政管理费支出四类支出对经济增长的影响,以及各项支出冲击引起经济增长的响应函数进行了对比分析。

    According to data availability , this paper on agricultural expenditure , capital expenditure , health expenditures , Education , Science and administrative expenses for four categories of expenditure on economic growth , as well as the impact of the spending response function in economic growth were compared .

  10. 从实证角度来分析乡镇财政支出事权的重心,即教育支出和行政管理支出的定量关系,并对教育、行政管理费支出的弹性进行了分析。

    This paper , from the empirical angle , analyzes the quantitative relationship and the elasticity of educational expenditure and administrative management expenditure .

  11. 从横向比较来看,一个地区行政管理人员占用社会人力资源的比重越高,行政管理费占其国内生产总值(GDP)的比重越高,该地区的经济就有可能越不发展。

    In view of the comparative study , the higher the proportion of administrative staffs in total labour force and administrative expenditure in GDP in a district is , the more underdeveloped this district 's economy is .