
  • 网络Industry profitability
  1. 为更合理的刻画多晶硅产能过剩现象,依据产能过剩的衡量指标,即行业利润率、产能利用率、价格指标等多维度度量产能过剩现状。

    For a more reasonable characterization of polycrystalline silicon overcapacity phenomenon , based on a measure of excess capacity , industry profitability , capacity utilization , price indicators , such as multi-dimensional metric overcapacity situation .

  2. 其劣势也是明显的,如行业利润率普遍偏低、产品同质化程度高、产品更新换代速度快、企业研发压力大等。

    The disadvantages are also obvious , such as generally low industry profitability , high degree of product homogeneity , fast product replacement , high pressure of search and development of enterprise and so on .

  3. 企业进入与行业利润率&对中国钢铁产业的实证研究

    Profit Margin and Entry : Case Studies of Iron & Steel Industry

  4. 另一方面,发动机整体行业利润率下降。

    Meanwhile , the engine industry profit rate is decreasing .

  5. 中国工业行业利润率变动模式研究

    The Analysis of the Pattern of the Changing of Industrial Profit Rate of China

  6. 华尔街从业人员,包括我们自己在内,我们所处的行业利润率很高,薪资也非常高。

    Wall Street employees , including ours , are in an industry with large margins and a very inflated pay scale .

  7. 面对日益恶化的外部环境,2009年汽车零部件行业利润率将进一步压缩,增长放缓。

    The face of the deteriorating external environment , auto parts industry in 2009 will further reduce profit margins and growth .

  8. 行业利润率低下和激烈竞争的现状使得在我国发展旅游饭店联合体具有必然性和重大的现实意义。

    Low profit rate and current situation of keen competition make association of tourist hotels in our country have great realistic significance .

  9. 但行业利润率高,进入门槛低的特点,吸引了大量投资者涌入,市场竞争日趋激烈。

    A lot of investors poured into the market due to the considerable margins and low entry barriers . The competition is becoming increasingly fierce .

  10. 如今我国的零售行业利润率已变得越来越低,行业平均利润率仅为1%~2%,并且仍在继续下降。

    Chinese retail industry has become more and more low profit margins , the industry average profit margin is only 1 % to 2 % , and continues to decline .

  11. 房地产业较高的行业利润率却并没有在股票市场上有相应的表现,房地产上市公司在净利润增长率等关键指标的表现要稍弱于同期市场平均水平。

    The real-estate industry profit rate is higher , but not has the corresponding performance in stock market . So , does earnings management behavior exist in the real-estate listed companies ?

  12. 食品和消费品公司正在全面改革购买及对冲大宗商品的方式。此前,由于原材料价格上涨,挤压了行业利润率、侵蚀了企业收益,令这些公司遭受沉重打击。

    Food and consumer goods companies are overhauling the way they buy and hedge commodities after being caught out by increases in the prices of raw materials that have squeezed industry margins and cut profits .

  13. 从船舶买方市场的新视角,指出船舶工业市场垄断与行业利润率不匹配的产业组织特征。

    And under the further analyses of the features of the buyer 's market , the another conclusion is drawn that the monopolization structure of the market is unmatched to the profits of the shipbuilding enterprises .

  14. 面对电信行业利润率的持平甚至下滑,国内三大运营商普遍收缩业务战线,理性规划电信固定资产投资。

    Faced with the flatting or declining of the telecommunications industry profit margins , the three major domestic carriers generally shrink the business front , and adopt more rational planning of telecommunications investment in fixed assets .

  15. 我国的建筑业一直在国民经济中占有支柱地位,随着改革的不断深入和经济社会的不断发展,建筑企业竞争日趋激烈,行业利润率进一步下降。

    In China , construction industry has been in the pillar position of national economy . With the constant reform and the development of economic society , competition between construction enterprises have increased and their profits have declined further .

  16. 油脂化工产业对我国的社会经济发展具有非常重要的促进和支持作用,近年来我国的油脂化工产业内部的竞争日益激烈,行业利润率持续走低。

    Oil Chemical industry is very important to promote and support the role of the socio-economic development of the country , In recent years , China Oil Chemical intra-industry competition has become increasingly fierce , industry profit margins continue to decline .

  17. 但是从我国旅游产业整体发展状况而言,存在产业集中度偏低、产业结构不合理、市场竞争不规范、行业利润率偏低等弊病。

    But from the overall development of tourism industry in China , there exists several problems such as the low industrial concentration , the irrational industrial structure , the lack of standardization of market competition and the low of industry profit rate .

  18. 但上述分析师也警告称,那些具有“中国特色”的固有难题将不会迎刃而解。在中国,饮食行业利润率较低,而且全国知名品牌的建立依旧颇有难度。

    But they caution that it will still be difficult for the restaurant chain to overcome inherent difficulties that come with operating in China , where dining profit margins tend to be low and it remains difficult to build a brand with nationwide appeal .

  19. 一些重要行业的利润率已开始收窄。

    Profit margins in some key industrial sectors are narrowing .

  20. 汽车行业的利润率太低,所以他们在财务上的控制也最为严格。

    Nobody has to have tighter controls financially than those car guys , with margins so small .

  21. 你认为在整个行业的利润率出现滑坡的情况下,你们是否还能保持利润率水平?

    Do you think you can sustain margin even in the event of a broader industry margin correction ?

  22. 巴尔特说,我们认为进入机顶盒和电视机这个低利润率行业存在利润率危险。

    We believe entering the low margin world of television set top boxes and TV is fraught with margin danger , Balter says .

  23. 在发展中国家的电信市场税前利润可高达60%,但各行业的利润率变化很大,并随着时间的推移。

    EBITA margins in developing telecom markets can be as high as60 % , but margins vary greatly across industries and over time .

  24. 大型房地产企业利用资源、资金和人才的优势,实现规模扩张,整个行业的利润率被压得越来越薄。

    Large real estate companies use of resources , capital and talent advantages , scale expansion , the weight of the entire industry profit margins are increasingly thin .

  25. 这类行业的利润率在狭义人工智能机器人一旦接管了这些工作后将可能减少。

    Take long-term short positions in any industry that relies heavily on rote human labor : The profit margins of such industries are likely to decrease once narrow AI robots take over these jobs .

  26. 近年来,乳制品行业的利润率逐年走低,如果说十年前,企业以追求市场份额最大化为目标,那么利润就会接踵而来。

    In recent years , the profit rate of the dairy industry drops year by year . If enterprises can get maximizing market share a decade ago , then the profits will follow into enterprises .

  27. 随着中国经济在去年取得了超过10%的增速,一些行业的利润率也已经开始回升&例如前些年存在严重产能过剩问题的钢铁业。

    With the economy growing at more than 10 per cent last year , profit margins have even begun to recover in sectors such as steel , where there was considerable over-capacity a few years ago .

  28. 事实表明,2000年以后的装载机市场高速增长带来的一个负面结果就是行业平均利润率持续下滑,这与波及全行业的价格战有很大关系。

    Facts show that a negative result from the high-speed increase of the loader market after 2000 is the continuous decline of the average industrial profit margin , which is related with the price battle spreading to the whole industry .

  29. 苹果公司想推出一台价格低廉的iPhone,同时仍然维持其行业领先的利润率水平。

    Apple wants to offer a lower priced iPhone while still maintaining their industry leading profit margins .

  30. 会展一般被认为是高收入、高赢利的行业,其利润率大约在20%&25%。

    MICE industry is usually regarded as a high-yield and high-profit industry with the profit rate at approximately 20 % to 25 % .