
  • 网络benchmark yield;MARR
  1. 在损失估计中为了考虑损失的时间价值,引入社会基准收益率作为贴现率。

    Benchmark yield is introduced to take into account the influence of time value in the loss estimation .

  2. 基准收益率曲线无论在宏观金融领域还是微观金融领域都是值得研究的重大课题。

    Benchmark yield curve is the major topic to be studied both in the macro-finance or micro-finance areas .

  3. BOT项目基准收益率的确定和政府保证责任

    Determination of Expected Basic Rate of Income for BOT Project on Municipal Wastewater Treatment and Governments ' Responsibilities

  4. 投资项目基准收益率的内涵与确定

    Connotation and Calculation of the Basic Return Rate for Investment Project

  5. 基准收益率是证券投资决策过程中需要考虑的一个重要概念。

    Benchmark return ratio is an important concept for securities investment .

  6. 对重新测定石油行业财务基准收益率方法的探讨

    Discussion on Resetting Basic Financial Internal Rate of Return for Petroleum Industry

  7. 基准收益率对投资决策的作用及计算方法

    The Role and Calculation of the Social Returns Rate

  8. 基准收益率与证券投资的认知风险

    Benchmark Return Ratio and Perceived Risk of Securities Investment

  9. 我国利率市场化改革进行到现在已经到了突破口阶段,选择适当的基准收益率曲线更加成为我国全面市场化之前的必须正确迈出的重要一步。

    Now it is time to break through the marketization of interest rate .

  10. 航运企业基准收益率的确定

    Determination of Criterion Rate of Return for Shipping Enterprises

  11. 航运企业投资项目评价中基准收益率的研究

    A Study of Criterion Rate of Return on Project Investment Appraisal of Shipping Enterprises

  12. 电网建设项目融资租赁基准收益率的确定

    Decision of Expected Basic Rate of Income for Project Financial Leasing in Power Net Construction

  13. 基准收益率和内部收益率在医疗设备经济评估中的作用

    The effect of benchmark rate of return and internal rate of return on economy assessment in medical equipments

  14. 探讨港口建设项目投资财务基准收益率取值

    An Approach to Determination of the Value of Financial Standard Rate of Return for Investment of Port Construction Project

  15. 基准收益率和通货膨胀是投资项目评价中最重要的评价指标和参数。

    Basis rate of return and inflation are the most important factor and criterion to evaluation for investment project .

  16. 工程总投资估算值13880万元,项目的内部收益率所得税前为13.82%,高于基准收益率12%。

    The inner yield before income tax is 13.82 % , which is higher the basic requirement of yield 12 % .

  17. 美国实务界对风险的理解采取了折中态度:将收益率低于基准收益率的部分确认为风险。这种方法贴近公众关于风险的心理感受。

    The part less than the benchmark return is recognized as risk , which is consistent with the feeling of investors .

  18. 经过论证与计算,该项目内部收益率低于基准收益率,具有额外性。

    By demonstrate and calculate , the IRR revenue is lower than the benchmark revenue that proves the project has additional .

  19. 第二部分对于建设项目财务评价计算参数之一的财务基准收益率的四种确定方法开展研究。

    The second part researches the four identified methods of financial base yield which is one of the construction project financial evaluation parameters .

  20. 下坝址方案全部投资税前财务内部收益率大于基准收益率,财务净现值大于零,说明财务上基本可行,但盈利能力一般。

    IRR of new plan is greater than the benchmark rate of return ; NPV is greater than zero , indicating the financial feasibility .

  21. 对项目财务评价的重要参数&财务基准收益率的计算方法进行了分析和探讨。

    And an analysis is made on the calculate method of the financial discount rate which is an important parameter in project economic evaluation .

  22. 基于利率构成的分析,进一步就建设项目财务基准收益率确定方法进行了思考

    Started from the analysis of The construction of interest rate is analyzed and the method for determination of finance based profit rate is discussed

  23. 目前我国在项目投资评价中仍采用在经济条件下制定的基准收益率,这已经不符合我国目前市场经济的要求。

    At present , our country still carries on the MARR , which was made in the past economic conditions , in real estate investment appraisal .

  24. 与此相关,分析了基准收益率的选用,给出资产剩余使用寿命的定义与测定方法;

    Concerning with which , the use of standard rate of return is studied and the remainder useful life cycle of assets is defined and measured .

  25. 考虑到确定基准收益率的关键是确定风险报酬率,文中简要地介绍了商业房地产的风险因素。

    The key of making certain I_c is to ascertain risk reward rate , so the article briefly introduces the commercial real estate 's risk factors .

  26. 在分析现行农业机械化投资项目经济分析中存在问题的基础上,探讨了确定型、风险型和不确定型投资项目基准收益率的取值问题。

    A series of quantiative methods of minimum attractive rate of return that are related to both risk investment project and indefinite investment project are put forward .

  27. 西班牙和意大利等欧洲国家主权债券基准收益率的大幅下滑,似乎为欧元区银行吸引美国投资者铺平了道路。

    The sharp drop in sovereign benchmark yields for countries including Spain and Italy appears to have opened the door for eurozone banks to tap the US market .

  28. 企业基准收益率的确定,在工程经济学中占有很重要的地位。

    From the angle of capital resources this article expounds the determination of criterion rate of return for shipping enterprises which occupies a position of importance in engineering economics .

  29. 对收益法中的资本化率内涵进行了剖析,提出了资本化率应是行业基准收益率和机会利率之和,且小于行业内部收益率的观点。

    Anatomising the connote of capitalization rate and arising a view that capitalization rate should be the add of industry fiducial return and opportunity interest and less than industry IRR .

  30. 当前分散、缺乏流动性和扭曲的欧元区债券市场,将被一个代表所有欧元区成员国资金成本的单一基准收益率曲线所代替。

    The current fragmented , illiquid and distorted eurozone bond market would be replaced by a single benchmark yield curve representing the cost of capital for all eurozone member states .