
  • 网络basic process
  1. 翻边是拉伸类冲压成形的基本工序之一,在生产实际中,各种翻边零件十分常见。

    Flanging is one basic process of stretch stamping forming .

  2. 针对在现行球面光学零件加工的基本工序中存在的问题,提出了用轨迹成型法加工球面光学零件的新原理,并对其进行了深入研究。

    According to problems of present spherical optical parts in machining basic process , a new principle is brought forward for machining spherical optical parts by the locus shaping technique and is researched thoroughly .

  3. 旋转零件进行动平衡测量和校正,是零件加工的基本工序之一。

    Rotor accessory balancing is one of the basic working procedures .

  4. 切片和研磨工序是硅器件衬底片制备中的两道基本工序。本文首先介绍了这两道工序。

    Slicing and lapping are two basic procedures in wafer substrate process and are introduced firstly in this thesis .

  5. 冲压工序可分为四个基本工序即冲裁、弯曲、拉深、局部变形。

    Stamping process can be divided into four basic processes namely , blanking , bending , deep drawing , local deformation .

  6. 从力学的角度认为体积成形的最基本工序为镦粗和挤压,其它变形可以认为是由其复合而成的。

    In this thesis , upset and extrusion are considered the most fundamental procedures in bulk deformation by using method of stress .

  7. 然而,现今的研究中,相对于冲裁、拉深、弯曲等冲压基本工序而言,关于翻边工艺方面的研究比较少,与翻边有关的文献资料更为有限。

    However , compared with other stamping processes such as blanking , drawing and bending , the investigation about flanging process is very limited in existing documents .

  8. 生产数据管理模块负责基础生产数据的管理,包括制鞋基本工序的管理、标准部件和变型部件的典型工序流程管理、设备和人员数据的管理等等;

    Production Data Management Module is responsible for the management of basic manufacturing data , including basic process data , typical process flow data , equipment and worker data , etc.

  9. 虽然这有点难以置信,但是装拉链是一道基本工序,拉链放在下层,修过边的裁片放在上层。

    Although it may be quite hard to believe , zip insertion is basically a lapping process , the zip being the under section and the prepared edges of the garment being lapped onto it .

  10. 压力加工各基本工序中,在变形体内,由于流速不均和流动方向不同,切变形是普遍存在的,而且在变形体的某些部位占主导地位。

    In the major processes of press work , shear deformation usually occurs owing to the non-homogeneous flowing velocity and different flowing direction of metal , which plays a main role in some parts of the deformed work .

  11. 简述了冷锻技术已发展形成为一门应用技术科学和独立的生产制造技术的观点,总结了冷锻基本工序的分类及定义,提出了冷锻工艺知识结构的一种系统。

    The point view cold forging technigue has been formed one of applied sciences and independent manufacture technique . Classification and definition of cold forging basic process is sumed up . A constructional system on technological knowledge of cold forging technique is presented .

  12. 我国轴承制造厂采用管料和棒料供坯的比重很小,锻压加工仍是毛坯的基本加工工序。

    Because of very low in the proportion of blanks made from bar and tube , the forging process is still a basic process obtained blanks in our bearing factories .

  13. 钢板切割作为钢构件加工过程中最基本的工序,其质量与组装后的钢构件截面特性密切相关,同时也直接影响着工程的整体质量。

    Steel cutting is steel processing components of the most basic processes , its quality is closely related with the steel components section feature after assembly , at the same time it has a direct impact on the overall quality of the project .

  14. 所有的服装结构有四道基本的组装工序。

    There are four fundamental assembly processes to all garment construction .

  15. 作为煤层开采最基本的生产工序之一,钻孔是矿井主要的尘源之一。

    As a basic procedure in coal mine , drilling is a major source of dust pollution .

  16. 该组件有三个基本类:工序类、工程类及网络计划工具类。

    There are three basic classes of the component : activity class , project class and arrow network tools class .

  17. 装隐形拉链是一道让人觉得麻烦的工序,但这也是一道基本的缝纫工序。

    Inserting an invisible zip is a process that some would find daunting but it is also only a basic joining operation .

  18. 在最佳条件下可将低温压榨麻疯树籽毛油酸值从10.48mgKOH/g降低到0.47mgKOH/g,基本达到后续工序对油品质的要求。

    The AV can be reduced from 10.48 mgKOH / g to 0.47 mgKOH / g under these conditions , which reaches the requisition for oil of the follow-up process .

  19. 而拉深、切边和翻边是最基本的三道工序。

    The deep drawing , trimming and flanging is the most basic three processes .

  20. 这些基本准则能使工序质量控制更具实用性,真正起到预控的作用。

    These principles can make the process quality control more practical and thus place effective fore control role .

  21. 介绍关节型道岔的动作原理、基本结构、关键工序工艺控制及制造验收。

    The article introduces the action principle , basic structure , key working procedure , technological control and manufacture acceptance .

  22. 上钢三厂转炉分厂组织生产的基本要素是:工序间在时间节奏、温度控制上相互协调,各工序生产能力匹配得当。

    Ey factor governing organization of production at the Converter Plant of Shanghai No. 3 Steel Works is to concert each process of the Plant in time rhythm , temperature control and productivity .

  23. 应用系统控制理论,提出了针对施工管理的基本单元,即工序管理的“接力技术”及其基本运行模式,改善和加强了施工动态管理,实现系统优化。

    Applying the system control theory , authors provide that engineers should improve and strengthen dynamic construction management to realize system optimization according to basic units of construction management , the relay technology of process management and its basic operation modules .