
  1. 提出了厚层基材用于隧道洞口绿化时的详细的施工设计流程图,以及相应的施工方法、施工工序和工程质量控制与验收标准。

    The flow chart of design and construction applying thick layer base material spraying technique to tunnel portal part green is given , together with the construction technological process , project quality controlling means and standards of checking the project quality on delivery .

  2. 但是对于工序繁多的工程来说,网络计划图的绘制是一项复杂的工作。

    But the job to make network planning and draw network-planning graph is complicate .

  3. 该组件有三个基本类:工序类、工程类及网络计划工具类。

    There are three basic classes of the component : activity class , project class and arrow network tools class .

  4. 简单介绍现在工程中对点式玻璃幕墙玻璃的强度验算、钢结构剂玻璃的施工工序及目前工程中质量的检测控制手段。

    This article simply introduces control method measure about type glass curtain wall glass computation in present project , construction and project quality .

  5. 较详细地介绍了设备的选择、孔间距及工艺参数的调整、工序安排和工程质量及检测方法。

    This paper introduces the selection of instruments , adjustment of the distance of drill hole technological parameter , management of processes prospecting method of engineering quality and examination method .

  6. 针对影响工程项目质量的诸因素,探讨了工序质量在工程施工阶段质量控制中的作用,分析了工序质量控制的重点和方法。

    Based on influence engineering project quality factor , Introduced the working procedure quality affects in the project construction stage quality control , analyzed the working procedure quality control key point and the method .

  7. 清水混凝土施工技术是房屋建筑工程施工中正在推广应用的一项新型施工艺,该技术可省去抹灰工序,降低工程造价、加快施工进度、明显提高工程质量。

    As-cast-finish concrete construction technology is one of the most advanced skills , which is being popularized in the building construction . Meanwhile , it can omit the activity of plastering , achieve cost effectiveness , accelerate progress and improve the qualities of project .

  8. 设一项工程的正常工期为T天,通过对所有可能的工序赶工,整个工程能达到的最短工期为S天。

    Let us assume that the normal time limit for the project is T days and the shortest time by fast working is S days .

  9. 上道工序或上单元工程未验收合格,不允许施工方进行下道工序或下单元工程的施工。

    If last procedure or last unit works are not accepted as unqualified , the next procedure or unit works are not allowed for construction company .

  10. 企业施工项目的质量管理控制是从工序质量到分项工程质量、分部工程质量、单位工程质量的系统控制过程。

    It is a systemic control process of the enterprise construction item 's quality management control from working procedure quality to subentry , branch and unit engineering quality .

  11. 工序质量是构成工程产品质量的最小单元,是形成工程质量的基本环节,是现场质量控制的关键。

    Procedure quality , the smallest unit of forming project quality , is the basic tache to form project quality and the key point to spot quality control .

  12. 防止不符合的非预期使用或交付,避免施工过程中不合格工序转入下道工序,确保工程质量、安全和环保符合规定要求。

    Prevent unexpected use or delivery not in compliance with relevant stipulations ; avoid unqualified process to turn to the next process during construction ; ensure that quality , safety and environmental protection of the works meet specified requirements .