
  • 网络fundamental decision
  1. 基于流的K-median聚类基本决策和内在机理;

    The fundamental decisions and inner mechanism of k-median clustering on streams ;

  2. GDSS的基本决策网络模型

    Basic decision making network model for GDSS

  3. 存货管理的基本决策问题归结为以下两个:1.订购或生产多少?

    There are two basic questions in inventory management .

  4. 东京都议会是东京都的一个基本决策机关。

    The Tokyo Metropolitan assembly is the fundamental decision-making body of Tokyo metropolis .

  5. 同时,证明了任一确定性规则都可以由确定性的基本决策规则生成。

    Moreover , we proved that any certain rule can be obtained by some certain basis decision rules .

  6. 最后,提出了软件项目投标风险规避的基本决策过程,并举例。

    At last , basic decision procedure of risk avoidance in software project bidding and an example are presented .

  7. 我们有由业务规则实现的4个基本决策点:验证、评分、资格评定和定价。

    We have four elementary decision points implemented by business rules : validation , scoring , eligibility and pricing .

  8. 供应商开发作为企业的一项基本决策也由此发生了很大的变化。

    Supplier sourcing and selection decision , as a basic decision & making of enterprise , is also change a lot .

  9. 通过业务规则实现的复杂决策服务通常包括一组由规则流安排的基本决策点。

    Complex decision services implemented with business rules are usually composed of a set of elementary decision points orchestrated by a ruleflow .

  10. 同时这加快了新信息利用的转化速度,以及创建基本决策的灵活可变方案。

    Coupled with this is the speed at which new information becomes available , creating ever changing scenarios on which to base decisions .

  11. 因此,决定规则服务分解的一个考虑因素是,基本决策点是否有相同的签名。

    Thus , one consideration when deciding on the rule service decomposition is whether or not the elementary decision points have the same signature .

  12. 企业短期融资决策包含短期融资规模决策、短期融资结构决策和短期融资方式选择决策等3个基本决策问题。

    Both the decision of short financing scale and the decision of short financing structure are two basic questions in short financing decision making of enterprise .

  13. 只有那些能够解决上述两个基本决策问题的存货管理方法,才可称之为存货管理模式。

    That is , reorder / reproduce point decision . Only those inventory management methods which can answer the two questions can be called inventory management models .

  14. 政府预算不仅是政府财政支出的基本决策工具,而且是市场对政府经济行为进行监督和规范的一个基本手段。

    The government budget is not only a basic decision tool of expenditure of government public finance , but also the basic means by which the market supervises and standardizes the government economic behavior .

  15. 基于可达概率区间,将以0-1划分对象的基本决策树扩展到以概率区间分配对象的基本决策树,不仅可以处理值不确定性离散对象,而且可以处理确定性离散对象。

    Based on the reachable probability intervals , the basic decision tree classification is extended to handle both value-uncertain discrete objects and certain discrete objects , which assigns objects to the branches with probability intervals .

  16. 本文在农户生产有机食品的基本决策理性是经济理性的假设下,以安徽省岳西县主簿镇余畈村的有机猕猴桃生产为例,首先对农户分散经营的有机猕猴桃生产现状做了研究和分析;

    Cognitive Inclination and Rationality in Decision-making Under the hypothesis that economic variability is the most determinant rationality of farmers ' decision on production pattern conversion the author conducted an empirical study Yufan village , Yuexi County , Anhui Province , China .

  17. 耕地入选基本农田决策模型研究

    Study on Decision-making Models of Selecting Cultivated Land into Prime Farmland

  18. 新建铁路基本走向决策支持系统

    The fundamental trend decision support system for new railway

  19. 功能型电子装备保障维修的基本优化决策

    Optimization Decision of Function Electronic Equipments in Repairing

  20. 本文讨论了在一条通讯通道上执行基本控制决策的信息传输问题。

    This paper considers information transmission over a communication channel on which basic control decisions are carried out .

  21. 货币供给调控处于重要的地位,是任何一个国家基本经济决策的核心之一。

    The regulating of money supply is the key of basic economic policy . The responsibility is the key .

  22. 这不是因为设计人员不胜任,而在于留到现有语言内的基本设计决策从本质来说是保守的。

    This is not due to inadequacies of the designers , but in the conservative nature of their fundamental design choice to remain within the existing language .

  23. 为了在竞争激烈的市场环境中获利并得到发展,营销商所面临的一个具体且基本的决策就是制定有效的分销渠道策略,做好分销渠道选择与分销渠道管理等工作。

    For earning profit and being developed in the highly competitive market environment , a concrete and fundamental decision-making been confronted with Marketing trader is to work out effective distribution channel tactics , to choose and manage distribution channel .

  24. 最后,结合上述的研究成果,并针对具体的开发内容实现了空间决策支持中的一些基本的决策。例如,最佳路线决策和最佳兵力分布决策。

    In the end , some basic decisions in spatial decision supporting , such as best route decision and best troop distribute decision , are realized in accordance with specific developing contents , taking into consideration the research result discussed above .

  25. 新建铁路基本走向决策研究从资本市场的基本定位和市场配置资源的角度,研究我国资本市场由资金推动型向价值推动型转变的基本方向和途径。

    Decision Making for the Fundamental Direction of New Railway Location in view of fundamental positioning of capital market and resources arrangement in market , studied fundamental direction and approach of transition from capital promotion to value promotion in our country .

  26. 农户是农村经济行为最基本的决策主体,其土地利用过程是农户生产、消费以及配置劳动力的综合决策过程,农户模型可以有效的解释这一过程。

    Peasant household is the most basic decision-making body of rural economy , the Process of land use is the peasant household production , consumption , and allocation of labor comprehensive decision-making process , and peasant household model can effectively explain it .

  27. 它应该以饭店的生命周期、市场需求和资源柔性作为其基本的决策维度,这同时也是饭店资源需求战略系统定位模式的建构基础。

    And whose orientation should lie on three factors , namely hotel 's lifecycle , demand of market and flexibility of resources . These three factors are also the base to construct the systematic oriented model of the resources needed in hotel business .

  28. 通过计算物流价值效能系数,可以在物流价值决策矩阵基础上,建立基本的决策策略模式,分别是:扩张战略、成本战略、价值战略和外包战略。

    Based on the performance coefficient of logistics value , we establish the logistics value decision-making matrix for the strategic decisions related to logistics value , and the basic mode of decision-making strategies are the expansion strategy , the cost strategy , the value strategy and the outsourcing strategy .

  29. 应用期权理论进行投资决策分析,给以NPV为基本方法的决策研究提供了一种新的思路。

    NPV method ignores the value of timing and it has some shortages . Applying option pricing theory to analyze investment decision provides a new train of thought .

  30. 2将DS证据推理应用于多传感器的证据组合,并给出了基于基本概率赋值决策的目标识别时序累积方法。

    Dempster-Shafer evidence reasoning is applied to combining different evidences coming from various sensors ; To consider the evidences for a long time , a method of consequent target identification based on the decision from basic belief assignment is put forward .