
jué cè ɡuò chénɡ
  • decision-making process;decision process;process of decision-making;decision procedure
  1. 基于Markov决策过程的离散过程风险度量

    Discrete - time Risk Measures Based on Markov Decision Process

  2. 一类Markov决策过程自适应决策的新方法

    New Algorithm for a Class of Adaptive Markov Decision Process

  3. 缩短决策过程会是一个解决办法。

    Shortening the decision-making process would provide one solution .

  4. 当人们将自己想象成提建议者并将他们自己的决定想象成别人面临的抉择时,他们的疲劳程度会减轻,并且会在决策过程中更少地依赖走捷径

    When people imagine themselves as advisers and imagine their own choices as belonging to someone else , they feel less tired and relyless on decision shortcuts to make those choices .

  5. 这种在编辑、发行人、销售市场部之间来来回回的决策过程会一直持续到各方都满意为止。

    A process of to-and-fro between editor , publisher , sales and marketing continues until everyone is happy .

  6. 针对单个Agent的决策过程,描述了其感知、决策与动作执行的行为模型。

    For the single agent , describe the behavior model of sensing , decision and action .

  7. 基于Internet的公共问题群体研讨决策过程的信息表示研究

    Study on the Information Representation in the Course of Group Argumentation Decision Based on Internet for Public Issues

  8. 决策过程中的背景(context)内涵及特性分析

    Analysis on the Intension and the Properties of Context Utilized in the Process of Decision

  9. 组织决策过程的随机有色Petri网模型

    A Stochastic Colored Petri Net Model of Organization Decision Making Process

  10. 一种有限时段Markov决策过程的强化学习算法

    An algorithm of reinforcement learning for finite-horizon Markov decision processes

  11. 有限规划水平自适应Markov决策过程的参数决策

    Parameter Decision Making in Adaptive Markov Decision Process with Finite Planning Horizon

  12. 半Markov决策过程的数值迭代优化

    Value Iteration Optimization for Semi - Markov Decision Processes

  13. 受约束Markov决策过程基于性能势的优化算法

    Potential based optimization algorithm of constrained Markov decision processes

  14. 参数Markov决策过程的随机逼近算法

    A stochastic approximation for parameters Markov decision processes

  15. 通过研究Markov决策过程与再励学习算法,设计了基于Q学习方法的射门模块。

    Through studying Markov decision-making process and reinforcement learning algorithm , have designed the shoot module based on Q learning method .

  16. 通过基于zone的反向宽度优先搜索算法,得到宽松区间Markov决策过程。

    Through a reverse breadth-first searching algorithm based on zone , interval Markov decision process with loose condition ( LIMDP ) is obtained from IPTA .

  17. 决策过程参见图1A中的流程图。

    The decision process is illustrated by the flowchart diagram in Figure1A .

  18. 研究了供应链协同决策过程中基于OLAP的分布决策信息获取与分析机制;

    The architecture of data warehouse linked with OLAP in Collaborative Supply Chain decision-making environment is discussed .

  19. 在Markov性能势基础上讨论了一种基于强化学习的马尔可夫决策过程(MDP)优化方法。

    We discuss the reinforcement learning-based optimization methods of Markov decision processes ( MDPs ) using the Markov performance potentials .

  20. 在随机用户平衡(SUE)配流中引入动态规划的思想,把配流过程看做是多阶段决策过程。

    Dynamic programming is used in Stochastic User Equilibrium ( SUE ) assignment and the assignment process is regarded as a multi-period decision in this paper .

  21. 为适应实际大规模Markov系统的需要,讨论Markov决策过程(MDP)基于仿真的学习优化问题。

    Motivated by the need of practical large-scale Markov systems , we considered in this paper the learning optimization problems for Markov decision processes ( MDPs ) .

  22. 本文在研究了多维建模的基本原理和基本方法的基础上,针对企业决策过程的迫切需要,建立了多个OLAP模型。

    After discussing the base rules and methods of dimensional modeling , this paper designed and implemented a few OLAP analysis models to meet the needs of the enterprise .

  23. 我们还必须改变决策过程,使政策能跟上动态医疗市场的步伐,例如加强联邦医疗保险支付顾问委员会(medicarepaymentadvisorycommission)等机构的作用。

    We must also change the process of policymaking so that policy can keep pace with a dynamic health market , for example by expanding the role of bodies such as the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission .

  24. 小集团思维(Groupthink)是外交决策过程中的特殊现象,也是外交政策分析的特殊模式。

    Groupthink is a special phenomena in foreign policy decision-making , and also a model of foreign policy analysis .

  25. 许多RL的理论及实际应用均集中于其学习环境可被描述为一马氏决策过程(MDP)的情形。

    Most of the theory and the practice of RL has focused on learning tasks that can be described as Markov decision processes ( MDP ) .

  26. 针对配电设备,论文对配电产品装配信息描述及产品装配过程进行研究,分析了CAPP中产品装配决策过程,并给出实例。

    For electrodynamic equipment , This paper deals with the process information of the product assembly ; research on the assembly process decision ; expatiate on the assembly process decision of CAPP , and give an example .

  27. 在供应商选择决策过程中,采用层次分析法(AHP)和数据包络分析法(DEA)相结合的方法对供应商进行评价选择,克服两种方法各自的不足,具有一定的独创性。

    In the supplier selection decision , it applies an original approach , which is the combination of Date Envelopment Analysis with Analytic Hierarchy Process , to select and evaluate supplier in order to overcome each shortcomings .

  28. 在分析群决策过程中Agent角色和功能的基础上,为智能群决策支持系统生成器设计了一个3层MultiAgent框架,并对该框架在群决策支持系统开发中的应用进行了说明。

    A three levels ' Multiagent framework is designed after analyzing the Agent 's roles and function on Intelligent Group Decision Support System . Finally , the application development method based on this framework is expatiated .

  29. 同时,在Agent的决策过程中应用了模糊控制技术,使Agent个体模拟人类的思维决策,从而使整个模拟系统更加贴近现实世界的交通系统。

    At the same time , in the course of decision-making of Agent , the Fuzzy Logic technology , which makes Agent that has no intelligence initially simulate thinking and decision originated in human , is adopted to finally achieve the more realistic simulation to true-world traffic system .

  30. 接着详细设计了车辆路线优化模型在Arc/info平台上与GIS整合的具体步骤,并编程和举例模拟了这一问题决策过程。

    Secondly we design concrete steps that how to combine vehicle route optimize model with GIS on the platform of Arc / Info in detail . Then we design the program of C-W Saving Heuristic Algorithm and simulate the VRP problem by giving an example .