
  • 网络Decision Making;decision management;decision making management;Policy-making management
  1. R公司存在三种决策管理问题。

    There are three kinds of decision management problems in Company R.

  2. 基于Delphi的加工番茄施肥推荐及决策管理系统的构建

    Soil Fertilizer Recommendation and Decision Management systemin Tomato Land Based on Delphi

  3. 基于GIS城市抗震防灾辅助决策管理系统设计与实现

    The Design and Realization of Management System in Earthquake Prevention Decision-making based on GIS

  4. 最后,探讨了公路三维GIS在公路路线设计和辅助决策管理等相关方面的应用前景。

    Finally , authors discussed the application prospect of 3-D highway GIS for the geometrical route design and the facility management et al .

  5. ERP是建立在信息技术基础设施,并用系统化的管理思想,提供了决策管理平台服务手段,运用于企业决策者和一般工作人员。

    ERP is built on information technology infrastructure , and with the systematic management thinking , providing a means of decision management platform services to run the entERPrise decision makers and the general staff .

  6. Acegi提供了一些访问决策管理器,它们指定访问控制决策的方式有所不同。

    Acegi provides a number of access decision managers , which vary in how they make access control decisions .

  7. 动态财务分析(DFA)方法是一种将风险测度与决策管理过程结合起来的新的风险管理方法。

    Dynamic Financial Analysis ( DFA ) is a new tool that can help insurance company manager to evaluate risk and make strategy management .

  8. 设计决策管理模式研究

    Study on the model of designing of decision - making management

  9. 这个访问决策管理器负责制定授权决策。

    The access decision manager is responsible for making authorization decisions .

  10. 谈建立军队财经宏观决策管理机制

    On perfecting the management mechanism of macro policy decision of troops Finance

  11. 此外,论文还对不确定性的项目投资决策管理进行了深入探讨。

    The fourth , the author discusses the uncertain investment decision-making management .

  12. 空间环境模拟技术决策管理模式研究

    Discussion on decision-making management mode of space environment simulation techniques

  13. 微机辅助销售决策管理信息系统的设计

    Micro Computer Aided Marketing Decision Management Information System Design

  14. 城市固体废物决策管理系统研究进展

    Urban Solid Waste Decision-making Management System Research Update

  15. 建立施工企业内部定额提高项目决策管理水平

    Building of internal ration of construction enterprise to improve government level of project decision

  16. 三是完善农业决策管理体制,强化农业部门的综合管理职能。

    Perfecting agricultural decision management system , strengthening the synthetical management function of agricultural department .

  17. 大坝建设的决策管理

    Decision-making Management of Large Dam Construction

  18. 为相关的决策管理部门在环境治理方面提供有益的借鉴。

    In order to provides the beneficial references for management decision-making for the related departments in the environmental managers .

  19. 然而,3.27国债期货事件及其后遗症至今仍困扰着决策管理层和市场参与者。

    However , " March 27th " government bonds issue and its bad effects still confuse the policy makers and market participants .

  20. 文章介绍了房地产投资决策管理信息系统的构建,并对该系统的设计进行了分析。

    This paper introduces the construction of real estate investment and decision-making management information system and analyses the design of the system .

  21. 其次,研究了平面车库辅助决策管理系统中生成的线路重复利用的方法。

    Secondly , the thesis studies the method to reuse lines which have been generated in " Plane Garage Decision Support System " .

  22. 内部预警管理系统由财务管理、营销管理、生产管理、组织管理、决策管理为主要构成要素。

    The key elements of internal management precaution system include financial administration , marketing management , production management , organizational management , and decision-making control .

  23. 综合来讲,世界各国对电信行业的管理大致在三个层次上进行;最高政府决策管理层、准政府管理层及民间层。

    The telecom industrial management falls generally into three categories : the top government policy-making and management level , the quasi-government management level and the folk level .

  24. 同时在信息、逻辑上是现场控制和上层决策管理进行集成,实现管控一体化。

    Meanwhile , it can also integrate control and management from information and logic through on-site control and upper management , which is so-called control & management all-in-one .

  25. 针对汽车租赁企业的信息化需求,分别从硬件和软件角度提出实现运营与决策管理的信息化解决方案。

    The IT solution to business operation and decision-making management on the basis of software and hardware is offered to meet the IT needs of car rental enterprises .

  26. 企业经营业绩评价系统作为决策管理的子系统,应随着时代的变迁,管理系统的更新而不断发展。

    As the subsystem of the decision and management system , the enterprise operation performance evaluation system should develop with times and the renewing of the management system .

  27. 本文设计了有序用电决策管理系统以解决上述问题,帮助供电公司更好地进行有序用电管理。

    This thesis has designed the Decision-making and Management System for Orderly Power Utility to resolve the problems , helping power supplying companies to manage using power orderly .

  28. 目前,小城镇可持续发展评价、规划与决策管理工作多停留在定性的阶段,缺乏可操作的定量化研究成果。

    At present , the measurement and assessment of sustainable development of the town , the related planning and decision making are in principal more qualitative rather than quantitative .

  29. 风险决策管理是环境风险评价的目的,即环境风险决策管理是整个环境风险评价的最后环节。

    The aim of environmental risk assessment is to make decision of risk management , that is to say , decision-making is the last step of environmental risk assessment .

  30. 项目后评价是项目周期中一个不可缺少的重要环节,是项目决策管理不可缺少重要手段,它对改进和完善项目决策水平,提高投资效益具有重要意义。

    Post evaluation is an important tache of item , and it works indispensably in the item management . It has an important meaning to increase the benefit of investment .