
  • 网络decision object;decision goal
  1. 本文分析了收益管理决策目标的组成要素以及内外主要因素;

    Through the decomposition of revenue management decision object , compositive element and the major inside and outside factors of revenue management decision object are analyzed .

  2. 在决策支持模型中,元素体现为决策对象某一方面的性质,是决策对象所处的条件(决策限制条件);属性是决策对象在某一方面决策目标的取值(决策结果)。

    In decision support model , an element shows characters in a certain respect of the decision object .

  3. 模型求解采用重点单值法和时域上Laplace变换解法,可直接实现管理决策目标。

    Double dot single value method and Laplace transform for time are used in the solving process and management decision_making object is directly implemented .

  4. 提出了基于Vague集的综合优化方法,采用Vague集隶属函数来度量投资和风险对于决策目标的效用。

    Comprehensive optimization method based on Vague Sets is proposed , and membership function of Vague Sets is applied to measure the effectivity of investment and risk on decision target .

  5. 通过将局部Agent决策目标的总和与全局Agent决策目标进行对比,证明了所引入的内部结算价格就是全局Agent目标函数关于物流平衡约束的Lagrange乘子。

    Comparing the object of global agent and the sum of objective functions of local agents , it is verified that internal price just is Lagrange multipliers of the objective function of global agent for logistic balance constraints .

  6. 对所建数学模型进行目标联合仿真寻优,获得不同决策目标下RDI与农艺技术结合的优化方案。

    Various optimal schemes for the combination of RDI and agronomic techniques under various objectives were worked out by simulation .

  7. 民族地区财政决策目标的确立

    The Establishment of the Target of Financial Policy Making in Minority Regions

  8. 决策目标和认知需要对成本沉没效应的影响

    The Impact of Decision Goal and Cognition Needs on Sunk Cost Effect

  9. 多决策目标排序的层次分析与灰色关联法

    The Analytic Hierarchy Process and the Grey Relevancy Method on the Multi-decision-making Targets

  10. 编辑主体价值决策目标论略

    A Brief Comment on the Target of Value Decision of the Editorial Mainstay

  11. 农户决策目标关联分析与农业产业化发展

    Goal - correlation analysis for household decision - making

  12. 在决策目标上,遵循民本原则;

    People-based principle in light of decision-making target ;

  13. 该体系包括一个决策目标,即地质公园旅游竞争力。

    The system contains one decision goal , that is tourism competitiveness of Geopark .

  14. 将企业的人力资本引进视为投资而提出了企业人力资本引进投资概念,提出了以可行性为决策目标的企业人力资本引进投资决策方法。

    The concept of human capital in enterprise investment is put forward for the decision-making .

  15. 供应链战略目标可以分解为许多具体的供应链决策目标。

    Supply chain strategic object can be decompose kinds of objects of supply chain decisions .

  16. 探讨了绿色工艺规划的决策目标体系及决策模型。

    The decision-making object system and decision-making model of green process planning are probed into .

  17. 要实现这一决策目标,湖北还有很远的路要走。

    To achieve this objective decision-making , there is still a long way to go for Hubei Province .

  18. 决策目标(目的)与决策分析选择实施过程有机结合是赵对策技术的一个尚不完善之处。

    The defect of hypergame analysis appears in that the decision goal combines whit the course of the decision analysis .

  19. 整个供应链管理协调机制包括了两条达成供应链决策目标的路径,即外部路径和内部路径。

    There are two ways towards the objects of supply chain decisions , the outbound way and the inbound way .

  20. 把天然气开发技术经济评价的综合效用值看成是决策目标层;

    The integrated available value of technical and economic evaluation of gas exploitation is regarded as the target level of decision-making .

  21. 因此,理性消费者的决策目标是保持消费长期稳定增长而不仅仅是消费在各个时期的均匀分配。

    Therefore , rational consumers arrange to have their consumption stably increased across time instead of smoothing them to certain level .

  22. 非市场价值主要是指利他性的、不在生产者的决策目标之内而难以在市场上实现的那部分价值。

    The non-market value mainly means altruistic value which can 't be thought by producer and is difficultly achieved on market .

  23. 在对风险资本投资的安全性进行分析的基础上,提出超额收益极大化决策目标下的最优投资决定模型,给出了分段投资的序列决策方法。

    Based on analyses of investment safety , a series of optimal investment models are constructed to explain stage financing mechanism .

  24. 梁板结构设计的目标是取得技术安全、造价经济、质量容易控制的设计方案。价值工程在梁板结构设计中的应用,使得决策目标得到实现。

    The aim of the floor and girder structural design is to get a safe , economic and high quality design strategy .

  25. 通过两种决策目标下多元化投资政策的比较,分析了负债代理下股东存在的投资决策非最优化问题。

    After comparing investment decisions under these two different objectives , it analyzes the non-optimization problem resulted from conflicts between equity-holders and debt-holders .

  26. 企业风险项目投资的决策目标是在不确定的环境下做出正确的投资,实现其预期价值。

    The decision-making target of enterprise risk investment is to make the right investment under uncertainty so as to achieve its expected value .

  27. 对工艺路线已经拟定的情形建立了工艺路线绿色性评价模型,该模型以经济性、资源消耗和环境影响为决策目标,从若干可选方案中选择出一种最优或相对最优的方案。

    For the second case , establishing green evaluation of process routes model , which decision-making objectives are economical efficiency ( Ec ) .

  28. 现已建立了一种集时间、品质、成本、能源消耗和环境影响等五大决策目标的面向绿色制造的刀具选择数学模型及评价体系;

    This text has set up a kind of mathematics model and appraising system on cutter choice which to meet the green manufacturing .

  29. 许多研究表明成本沉没效应受决策目标、后悔、初始投资、心理账户、情境性因素的影响,然而并没有综合考虑决策目标和个体差异对成本沉没效应的作用。

    Many researches have demonstrated the sunk cost effect is affected by decision goal , regret , initial investment , mental account and situational factors .

  30. 根据海关管理的目标和原则,通过对海关风险管理中多个决策目标的客观量化和对制约因素的建模,建立了多目标的优化函数。

    According to the goal and principles of customs management , it sets up the Multi-objects Programming optimized function by measuring multi-objects in customs risk management .