
  • 网络The Principle of Comparative Advantage
  1. 我国产业结构的调整,必须遵循比较优势原则。

    The principle of comparative advantage should be observed in China 's industrial structural readjustment .

  2. 长期以来,我国一直采用比较优势原则作为对外贸易的指导理论。

    For a long time , China has adopted the principle of comparative advantage as the guiding theory of foreign trade .

  3. 在技术跨越的前期,应该根据比较优势原则,通过FDI等方式引进技术能力要求低并且变迁速度慢的成熟技术,从成熟期进入;

    In the prophase of technological leapfrogging , based on the relative advantage principle , developing countries should introduce the mature technologies that evolve slowly and need low technological capabilities by FDI etc.

  4. 遵循比较优势原则,确立和提升旅游产业地位;

    Based on comparative advantage , confirm and promote the status of tourism ;

  5. 这种贸易是建立在比较优势原则上的。

    This kind of trade is to build up at compare the advantage is in principle .

  6. 以比较优势原则调整农业经济结构;

    ( c ) To make readjustment of economic structure in agriculture by using principle of relative advantage ;

  7. 根据比较优势原则,当每个人专职从事某种商品生产或服务时,总产出将会最大。返回辅导页。

    Total production of every good or service will be greatest when individuals specialize according to their comparative advantage .

  8. 长期坚持比较优势原则会给一国的经济发展带来许多负面影响,例如比较优势陷阱、出口贫困化增长等。

    It will take much bad influence if one country uses comparative advantage principle chronically , such as immiserizing growth etc.

  9. 根据评价指数的大小对备选技术项目进行分析,确定按照比较优势原则应优先发展的项目。

    Analyzing the alternative technology projects to determine which projects should be given priority development in accordance with the comparative advantages principle .

  10. 贸易自由化以后我国农业部门应该基于比较优势原则进口土地密集型产品,出口劳动密集型产品,实现贸易交换的经济福利。

    Based on the principle of comparative advantage , we will import more land-intensive agri-productions and export labor-intensive productions to achieve economic welfare from liberal trade .

  11. 从经济学意义上讲,基础设施的提供应遵循比较优势原则,如果政府提供比市场提供更具有优势时,就应该由政府提供,如果政府在提供基础设施方面处于比较劣势,就应该转变政府职能。

    For economics sense , the provision of infrastructure should follow the principle of comparative advantage and provided by the side between government and market with more advantages .

  12. 开放经济条件下的贸易模式与产业结构之间存在着以比较优势原则为基础的互动转型关系。

    Under the condition of open economy , there is a relationship of mutual transformation based on the comparative advantage between the import-export trade pattern and the industrial structure .

  13. 由于市场需求结构遵循比较优势原则,机械产业的技术发展受到抑制,本应为技术密集型产业的机械工业沦为技术能力低下的劳动密集型产业。

    Because the free market followed the principle of comparative advantage , the technique development of machinery industry was contained . The supposed technology-intensive industry was reduced to be labor-intensive industry .

  14. 阐述了对于财务管理原则的理解与应用,重点分析了自利行为原则、信号传递原则、有价值的创意原则与比较优势原则。

    By analyzing the judicial practices of American courts both theoretically and practically , and by comparing with other countries , this thesis mainly discusses the act of state doctrine in U.

  15. 为此,必须正确认识比较优势原则、存量调整与增量调整的关系以及地方政府在产业结构调整中的作用等问题。

    For this purpose , we should recognize impartially the principle of comparative advantages , relationship between stock adjustment and increment adjustment , local governmentss role in the restructure and so on .

  16. 产业选择的一般原则:比较优势原则、体现地区特色与可持续发展原则、移动优势原则;

    The general laws of industry encouraging : the law of comparative advantage 、 the law of embodying the characteristic 、 the law of sustainable development 、 the law of moving advantage ;

  17. 按照比较优势原则,多层面地推进了产业结构调整和区域经济发展,地区生产力布局优化;

    So the provincial government , in light of comparative advantage principle , has promoted the adjustment of industrial structure , the development of territorial economy and the optimizing of territorial productivity distribution .

  18. 论文深入探讨了未来我国的棉花供需状况,提出了依据比较优势原则、利用国际棉花市场资源满足国内棉花需求的发展思路。

    Fifthly , this thesis analyzed the future situation of cotton supply and demand , brought forward a thought of using international cotton resource to meet domestic demand , according to the comparative advantage principle .

  19. 在全球化经济格局中,跨国公司根据比较优势原则安排生产各个环节,供应链的链条延伸至全球各个地域,跨国界、跨区域的经济合作日趋频繁。

    Globalization makes multinational enterprises arrange producing processes according to the theory of comparative advantage , which makes supply chain spread all over the world , cross-national and cross-regional economic cooperation become more and more frequently .

  20. 中国农业必将以世界市场为背景,按照比较优势原则,实现农业资源的最优配置和农村产业结构的全面提升。

    According to the principle of the comparative superiority , the Chinese agriculture must accomplish the most super disposition in natural resources and overall promotion in the rural industrial structure against the background of the world market .

  21. 依据比较优势的原则,调整农业产业结构。

    2nd , adjusting agriculture structure as per comparative advantage principle ;

  22. 中国糖业区域布局转变符合比较优势的原则。

    The regional distribution of china sugar industry accords with the comparative advantage principle .

  23. 新建地方本科院校要以先进的思想为指导,遵循比较优势的原则,找准办学定位,确定发展目标。

    The newly-built local universities must be guided by the advanced ideology , follow the more preponderant principle , and confirm the aim of development .

  24. 特岗教师所在的学校应当按照比较优势的原则优化特岗教师人力资本配置,最大限度的发挥特岗教师的价值,促进特岗教师的专业发展和自我发展。

    The school where the special-post teachers in should be optimized in accordance with the principle of comparative advantage configured to maximize the value of the special-post teachers to promote special-post teachers ' professional development and self-development .

  25. 就整体而言,完善我国农地流转市场法律制度需要遵循比较利益优势原则、求同存异性原则、利益协调与利益共享原则等。

    On the whole , improving the legal system of circulation market of agricultural land needs to follow the principle of comparative advantage , the principle of common ground while reserving differences , the principle of interests coordinated and benefit-sharing principle etc. From the specific system .

  26. 摘要现有的比较优势理论是成本原则,即机会(生产)成本越低,比较优势越大。

    The prevailing comparative advantage theories are based on the cost principal , i.e.those who produce with the lower opportunity costs can obtain comparative advantage .

  27. 必须遵循分类定位、服务面向、功能效益、市场竞争、比较优势等五项原则;

    It is necessary for scientific locating guided by the scientific theory of education development with five principles such as categorized ( locating ), service orientation , function & benefits , market competence , comparable advantage , etc.

  28. 本文认为要促进我国对外直接投资的健康快速发展,必须进行比较利益的动态转换,因而在对外投资中要遵循比较优势原则以期增加国际贸易收益。

    To promote the fast development well of China 's FDI and increase international trade return , there must have a dynamic transformation of comparative interest , so we must follow the comparative advantage principles in foreign investment .

  29. 比较优势理论告诉我们,在开放经济中,各国应当根据各自的资源禀赋状况,按照比较优势原则安排国内生产和贸易以实现资源的最优配置,增进社会福利。

    The theory of comparative advantage tells us that , in open economy , every country should arrange her domestic production and trade to improve the efficiency of resources allocation and to promote the social welfare according to the principle of comparative advantage .

  30. 在经济全球化的过程中,发展中国家经济稳定增长的基础在于按照比较优势参与国际分工,通过比较利益引导投资和调整经济结构,把国民经济建立在比较优势的原则之上。

    In the process of economic globalization , the foundation of stable growth of economy in developing countries lies in participating in international distribution of labour . According to the principle of comparative advantages , we can attract investment and adjust economic structure .