
  • 网络Basic Policy;major policy;fundamental policy
  1. 加入WTO的金融与财政风险及其应对基本政策

    The Finance Risk Entering WTO and Replying Basic Policy

  2. 消费型增值税的涵义与基本政策框架研究

    The Connotation of Consumption Based VAT and Its Basic Policy Framework

  3. 政府利用这个机会重申其基本政策。

    The government took the opportunity to restate its basic policies .

  4. 然而他们的基本政策并没有很大的差别。

    However , their policies are not fundamentally against each other .

  5. 长江流域可持续发展基本政策研究

    Basic policy framework for sustainable development in Yangtze River Basin

  6. 上述各项,就是本军的基本政策。

    The above are the basic policies of our army .

  7. 这就是生态补偿机制的基本政策含义和目标。

    This is the basic policy implications and objectives in eco-compensation mechanism .

  8. 这种政策由不同层次的基本政策和具体政策构成。

    The policies included basic policies and specific policies .

  9. 对我国改革开放中几个基本政策问题的看法

    Basic Policies in China 's Reform and Opening Up to the Outside World

  10. 澳大利亚、新西兰保护和利用天然林的基本政策

    The Basic Strategies of Natural Forest Protection and Utilization in Australia and New Zealand

  11. 中国吸收外国投资的基本政策

    China 's basic policy of attracting foreign investment

  12. 教育与宗教相分离是我国的一项基本政策。

    It is a basic policy that education is separated from religion in China .

  13. 改革和完善农村卫生服务体系是建设社会主义新农村的基本政策之一。

    Developing rural hygiene enterprise actively is a fundamental policy of building socialism new country .

  14. 坚持宗教信仰自由的基本政策;

    The freedom in religious belief , a fundamental policy , should be sticked to ;

  15. 民族区域自治是解决中国民族问题的基本政策,又是新中国的一项基本国策。

    The regional national autonomy is the basic policy that could solve Chinese national problems .

  16. 今天我见到了新经理,发现我们在基本政策上意见是一致的。

    I met the new manager today and found that we agree on basic policies .

  17. 科技成果转化为生产力是我国的一项基本政策。

    Transforming the scientific achievements into productive forces is a fundamental policy of our country .

  18. 第二部分,加强我国消费者权益保护的若干建议。本文建议建立基本政策式的消费者权益保护法律体系。

    The second part : several suggestions to perfect consumers protection law of our country .

  19. 为秦实现政治统一、发展经济和各种基本政策提供了理论根据。

    It provided theoretical basis for realizing the political unity , economic development and basic policies .

  20. 我们的基本政策是不变的。

    Our radical policy is invariable .

  21. 具体而言,高管薪酬计划和基本政策必须提交股东表决,不过决议是非强制性的。

    Specifically , senior executive compensation plans and rationale must be submitted to a non-binding shareholder resolution .

  22. 发展城市集中供热区已成为我国城市建设的一项基本政策。

    The development of urban central heating zone has become a chinese basic policy of urban construction .

  23. 但是相比日本而言,中国中小企业基本政策发展还比较缓慢和滞后。

    But compared with Japan , the development of Chinese SMEs basic policy is still relatively lagging behind .

  24. 支持和发展中小企业已成为我国发展经济的一项长期、稳定的基本政策。

    Supporting and developing SME have become a long-term and stable basic policy to our development of economy .

  25. 这种理论创新涵盖了指导思想、战略全局、奋斗目标、实现方针、基本政策以及一系列具体战略措施等方面。

    The theory covers a series of principles with guidelines , strategies , objectives , and basic policies .

  26. 不断完善农村基本政策,继续搞好农村改革;

    We should constantly perfect the basic policy of countryside and continue to do well in countryside reform ;

  27. 新时期中国对发展中国家基本政策的调整与实施

    The Adjusting and Actualizing of the Basic Policy of China to the Developing Country during the New Period

  28. 城乡改革的基本政策,一定要长期保持稳定。

    The basic policies for urban and rural reform must be kept stable for a long time to come .

  29. 坚持以发展经济为中心的基本政策,保持经济稳定增长,经济上的崛起之说并非空穴来风。

    The theory of maintaining stable economic growth and bringing about its economic rise is by no means groundless .

  30. 转型外交是布什第二任期对外战略的指导原则和基本政策。

    Transformational diplomacy is the governing principle and fundamental policy of Bushs external strategy during his second term of office .