
jī jīn
  • fund;foundation
基金 [jī jīn]
  • [fund] 为兴办、维持或发展某种事业而储备的资金款项

基金[jī jīn]
  1. 我们向地震基金捐赠了5000英镑。

    We contributed £ 5 000 to the earthquake fund .

  2. 总统授意发起了一项救援基金。

    An appeal fund was launched at the instigation of the President .

  3. 这笔钱将交给旧金山艾滋病基金会。

    The money will go to the San Francisco AIDS Foundation .

  4. 养老基金由商业银行经管。

    The pension funds are administered by commercial banks .

  5. 国际货币基金组织已经调低对未来十年的增长预测。

    The IMF has scaled back its growth forecasts for the next decade .

  6. 国际货币基金组织已经调低了它对未来十年的增长预测。

    The IMF has scaled back its growth forecasts for the next decade .

  7. 这笔钱将投资于管理基金。

    The money will be invested in managed funds .

  8. 这个基金是无偿管理的。

    The fund is voluntarily administered .

  9. 英格兰国教委员会正在减少对教区基金的善款拨付。

    The church commissioners are cutting their contributions to diocesan funds .

  10. 这项新的提议将建立一个现金储备基金。

    The new proposal would create a reserve pool of cash .

  11. 布什基金会已经资助了许多教员发展项目。

    The Bush Foundation has funded a variety of faculty development programs

  12. 他们为一个旨在帮助军人家属的基金筹集捐款。

    They collected donations for a fund to help military families .

  13. 我已从公共基金里拿了一些钱买包装纸。

    I 've taken some money from the pot for wrapping paper .

  14. 基金会正举办某个纪念宴会。

    The Foundation is holding a dinner in honour of something or other

  15. 大型海外基金的投资前景非常好。

    Large overseas-based trusts are an excellent each way bet .

  16. 保险基金将需要进行补充。

    The insurance fund will need to be replenished .

  17. 该基金大部分用于了资助联邦监狱的建造。

    The fund has been used largely to finance the construction of federal prisons

  18. 经常光顾他的酒吧的人伸出援手成立了一个基金会。

    Regulars at his local pub have set up a fund to help out

  19. 他是自然资源保护基金会的创办负责人。

    He is founding director of The Conservation Foundation .

  20. 基金管理人不适合监管公司。

    Fund managers are poorly placed to monitor firms .

  21. 最重要的一个变化涉及养老保险基金的投资。

    One of the most important changes concerns the investment of pension contributions .

  22. 他计划对保险基金进行重组。

    He plans to recapitalize the insurance fund .

  23. 该基金大致上由政府借款支持。

    The fund is largely financed through government borrowing

  24. 她代表“拯救儿童基金会”接受了礼物。

    She accepted the gift in the name of the Save the Children Fund .

  25. 该基金明年的支付额刚好过10亿英镑。

    The fund will make payments of just over £ 1 billion next year .

  26. 这项基金将在保险公司不能偿付的情况下对投保人进行赔付。

    The funds are supposed to reimburse policyholders in the event of insurer failure .

  27. 该方案提供种子基金融资,其贷款只收取4%的利息。

    The scheme offers seed corn finance with loans at only 4 % interest .

  28. 个人赞助只占去年所有艺术基金的三分之一。

    Private sponsorships only accounted for a third of all arts funding last year .

  29. 哈利韦尔女士以联合国儿童基金会特别代表的身份访问了菲律宾。

    Ms Halliwell visited the Philippines in her capacity as a Special Representative of Unicef

  30. 国家生育信托基金会最近对1,271位新妈妈做了一个调查。

    The National Childbirth Trust has recently conducted a survey of 1,271 new mothers .