
  • 网络fund governance structure
  1. 最后一章是基金治理结构的本土化研究。

    The last chapter is concerned the fund governance structure of our country ' s.

  2. 最后,对完善我国证券投资基金治理结构在六个方面提出了具体建议:1、适时加快推出公司型基金形式;

    At last , this thesis puts forward concrete suggestions in improving China 's securities investment fund governance structure in the following six aspects : 1 . Speed up the promotion of company fund governance mode ;

  3. 我国基金治理结构的现状和完善

    Situation and perfection of management structure of fund in our country

  4. 本文对基金治理结构体系进行了细致的分析。

    I take a deeply analysis on the fund governance system .

  5. 投资基金治理结构之法律分析

    Legal Analysis on the Corporate Governance in the Investment Fund

  6. 完善信息披露制度优化基金治理结构

    Improving the System of Information Announcement Optimizing the Structure of Fund Management

  7. 信托制证券投资基金治理结构研究

    Research on the Governance Structure of the Trust - type Investment Fund in Securities

  8. 风险投资基金治理结构的制度变迁

    Institutional Change of Governance Structure of Venture Fund

  9. 基金治理结构是基金业赖以生存和发展的基础。

    The structure of fund management is the base of funds existence and development .

  10. 目前来看,我国的投资基金治理结构仍然存在着比较大的问题。

    Currently , security investment funds in China share some important problems in their governance .

  11. 我国基金治理结构的改进:一是构建以“受托人委员会”为核心的治理结构;

    First , trustee committee should be set up as the core of the managerial structure .

  12. 第二,公司型基金治理结构优于契约型基金,可以弥补契约型基金治理的不足。

    Second , the governance structure of corporation fund is superior to that of contractual fund .

  13. 本文认为,风险投资基金治理结构具有强烈的制度变迁色彩,有限合伙制治理结构的出现其实是制度变迁的结果。

    The governance structure for venture investment fund is characterized as institutional change which results in limited partnership .

  14. 本文还指出,风险投资基金治理结构的制度变迁服从适应性假说。

    In addition , an assumption is put forward that governance structure of venture fund obeys the adaptive law .

  15. 第三章探讨公司型基金治理结构法律问题,这是本文的重点内容,也是公司型基金立法的主要内容。

    Chapter three is the most important part of the whole thesis , which analyzes the ruling structure of the corporate fund .

  16. 但是由于我国基金治理结构不完善,基金从开始时就存在不规范操作。

    But because our country fund 's administration structure is not complete from the beginning , The fund exists not standardize operation while beginning .

  17. 人们通过慈善基金治理结构来传达自己的一份慈爱之心,而慈善基金治理模式最主要的表现形态又是基金会。

    Human through the charitable fund governance expression in the heart of the charity , and charitable fund governance and the main forms of expression of the foundation .

  18. 最后,基于前文的分析,从建立有效的基金治理结构、强化基金管理公司的管理、引入声誉机制三大方面提出了优化我国基金业治理的具体建议。

    At last , it offers some suggestions from three aspects of establishing efficient governance structure , reinforcing governance of the fund governance company , introducing reputation system .

  19. 从不完全契约理论和委托代理框架的视角分析开放式基金治理结构,可以得出不存在最优的治理结构的结论。

    With the analysis under the incomplete contract theory and principal-agent theory , there is no such an optimum governance structure for open-end fund either contract style or corporate style .

  20. 在内部问题上,主要分析了基金治理结构所涉及到的三方当事人(基金持有人、管理人、托管人)之间所存在的问题;

    At the inside problems , it mainly analyzes the problems in three parties , namely , funds holder , funds manager and funds trustee , involved in the funds management configuration .

  21. 第一章对证券投资基金治理结构进行概念性的描述,并指出了其主要内容、理论根源,及其特殊性和复杂性。

    In chapter one , some definitions about funds governance structure are preliminarily depicted . The main content , theory origin , particularity and complexity of the funds governance structure are pointed out .

  22. 本文章详细地分析了我国基金治理结构和基金管理公司管理机制上的问题,找出了中国基金累次违规、损害基金持有人利益的制度诱因。

    The article details the governance structure of funds , operation of funds , and management of fund management companies and finds out the institutional inducement that leads to the continuing dishonest investment in China .

  23. 从法律的层面上,完善相应的法律,并且有条件的允许对证券从业人员进行个人交易;从其他方面,加强监管、完善基金治理结构、建立证券从业人员的诚信体系。

    Improve relevant laws and conditions to allow employees to make personal securities transactions ; From other areas to strengthen supervision and improve fund governance structure and establish the integrity of the system for securities practitioners .

  24. 因此,通过研究基金治理结构的基本理论,探求基金托管制度的革新,实现基金内部的有效监督,对于我国基金业的规范化经营和中小投资者利益的保护意义重大。

    Therefore , it is of great significance for regulation of fund industry and protection to the interests of investors that seek trusteeship innovation by studying theory of fund governance , in order to achieve effective internal supervision .

  25. 由于这种治理结构有效地适应了风险资本的供求变化和法律变化,有效地解决了利益相关者的矛盾,这种适应性效率使得它成为主流的风险投资基金治理结构。

    The limited partnership will be adopted by main stream venture fund for the advantages of the adaptive efficiency as it could adjusts to the supply , demand and legislative changes , and efficiently addresses the conflicts among stakeholders .

  26. 以基金治理结构规制利益冲突的优点在于外部性内部化,使当事人能在内部博弈中达到卡尔多-希克斯标准,既减少管制成本,有可避免第三方干涉可能产生的错误。

    The pros of regulation of funds governance is that it may internalize the externality and make the parties reach the Kaldor-Hicks Standard during the internal game . It may further reduce the regulatory cost and prevent inaccuracy caused by interference from third parties .

  27. 论坛公开阐述的目标是,协助维护稳定的全球金融体系,维护自由的投资流动,遵守投资目的地国家的法规,从经济考量出发进行投资,以及创建稳健的基金治理结构。

    Its stated purposes are to help maintain a stable global financial system , the free flow of investment , compliance with regulations in investment destination countries , investment on the basis of economic considerations , and the creation of sound governance structures for funds .

  28. 基金治理结构安排就是要通过建立一套既分权又能相互制衡的制度来对基金当事人的行为进行必要的激励和约束,降低代理成本和代理风险,防范利益的背离。

    Arrangement of funds governance structure is to set up a check-and-balance system to provide necessary incentives for and constrains over the behaviors of the parties to the funds , to reduce the cost and risks of agency and to prevent the deviation of interest .

  29. 本课题的基本思路是分析我国证券投资基金治理结构中存在的问题,通过对发达国家基金治理结构的比较研究,为进一步完善我国证券投资基金治理结构提出了具体的建议。

    The main task of this thesis is to analyze the existing problems in the governance structure of securities investment fund in China . Compared with the fund governance of developed countries , it puts forward concrete proposals for the improvement and perfection of the fund governance in China .

  30. 当前基金公司治理结构缺陷与改进

    The Defect and Improvement on the Management Construction of Fund Company