
  1. 对于那些没有完成募集目标的公司来说,有一个因素可能会迅速扭转其rqfii基金销售困局,这就是获得全额认购的基金公司的表现。

    One thing that could quickly turn round rqfii fund sales at companies that have not hit their fundraising target would be the performance of those that were fully subscribed .

  2. 余义表示,过去几年,台湾的零售销售稳步增长,离岸基金销售表现强劲,可转让证券集合投资计划(ucits)基金的认购情况也相当不错。

    Over the years , retail sales have been growing steadily in Taiwan , offshore fund sales have been strong , and there has been a good take up of UCITS funds , according to Mr EU .

  3. 台湾是一个利润可观的基金销售市场。

    Taiwan is a lucrative place to sell funds .

  4. 本文正是把这个开放式基金销售系统做为研究课题,而作者有幸参与了该系统的设计、开发工作。

    The author had the honor to participate in the system designing and developing project .

  5. 自台湾去年解除对共同基金销售体系的管制以来,外国基金大量拥入台湾。

    Since Taiwan deregulated its distribution architecture for mutual funds last year , foreign funds have been storming in .

  6. 基金销售中的误导推销给中小投资者,尤其是中低收入投资者造成了巨大损失。

    Misleading marketing in the sale of funds to small investors , especially in low-income investors , causing huge losses .

  7. 基金销售在那个时期出现放缓,银行则一直在努力适应新的监管程序。

    Fund sales have been slower in that period , and banks have been getting used to new regulatory processes .

  8. 普尔表示,基金销售方式的转变,推动了“多重经理人”产品的增长。

    The growth of multi-manager products has been driven by changes in the way funds are sold , says Mr poor .

  9. 在美国推出首轮定量宽松期间,共同基金销售刚刚摆脱了全球金融危机的影响。

    During the first round of us quantitative easing mutual fund sales recovered from the effects of the global financial crisis .

  10. 考虑到地理上的困难,中国基金销售市场的新加入者很难独立打造出一块具有全国影响力的品牌、并对该市场的现有参与者构成挑战。

    There is little hope for new entrants to independently develop a country-wide brand and challenge the incumbents given the geographical challenges .

  11. 企稳、好转的中国股市,可能将是亚洲地区股票型基金销售势头持续的前提。

    A stable and better-performing Chinese stock market is likely to be a pre-requisite for continued momentum in equity fund sales across the region .

  12. 如今国内银行垄断着基金销售市场,这意味着基金公司必须争夺有限的销售渠道。

    Domestic banks now dominate the fund distribution market , [ and ] that means fund firms have to compete for the limited channels .

  13. 本文以中信建投证券公司基金销售业务管理与分析系统开发为例,分析了基金销售业务组织结构、主要业务流程,然后进行统一建模和优化。

    After analyzing the organizational structure of the fund sales and the main operational flow , we optimized the system with a uniform model .

  14. 他们并非都认真阅读过基金销售文件,当基金获得两位数或三位数的回报时,几乎没人反对过限制性条款。

    Not all of them read their offering documents carefully and few rallied against restrictive terms when funds were earning double - and triple-digit returns .

  15. 我们必须清醒地认识到,我国商业银行基金销售缺乏经验,而且其营销体系还不是很成熟,存在巨大的风险。

    We must realise soberly , our country commercial bank fund sales experience , especially the fund marketing system is still underdeveloped , face huge risk .

  16. 尽管与中国市场的发展相比,日本邮政早期的基金销售较为稳定,势头没有那么迅猛,但很多因素正导致日本储蓄市场出现重大变化。

    Although the early sales through Japan Post have been steady rather than meteoric when compared with developments in China , there are a number of factors causing significant change in the Japanese savings market .

  17. 国内各商业银行也已经认识到发展投资银行业务的重要意义,积极开展债券买卖、基金销售和托管、短期融资券等投资银行业务,并取得了一定成效。

    Domestic commercial bank has also been recognized the importance of investment banking business , has Active trading of the sale of bonds , marketing and hosting fund , short-term financing bill and has achieved some success .

  18. 占据共同基金销售主导地位的中国四大国有银行,对宣传长期投资兴趣索然,原因是它们可以收取前期托管费和销售费用。以国际标准衡量,这些费率非常高。

    China 's big four banks , which dominate mutual fund distribution , have very little interest in promoting long-term investing because they can pocket up-front custody and distribution fees that are unusually high by international standards .

  19. 债券基金销售总额在8月底保持在近230亿美元的水平上,其中高收益债券的销售占到26%;第四季度继续延续这种趋势。

    Total bond fund sales stood at almost US $ 23bn at the end of August with high yield bonds accounting for 26 per cent of these gross sales ; the trend has continued in the fourth quarter .

  20. 总部在中国境外的外国资产管理公司可以向中国境内有QDII许可证的银行分销商提供共同基金进行销售。

    Foreign asset managers based outside China are allowed to provide mutual funds to bank distributors in China for sale under the banks ' QDII licences .

  21. goldentree等对冲基金在销售文件中警告投资者,它们有权“以货”偿还投资者,而不是用现金。

    Hedge funds such as Goldentree warn investors in offering documents that they have the right to pay investors back " in kind " not cash .

  22. 毕竟,指数型基金的销售人员或许能笑到最后。

    The Index Tracker salesmen may have the last laugh after all .

  23. 从去年到最近这次市场动荡之前,香港共同基金的销售情况要更好一些。

    Mutual fund sales in Hong Kong have had a better time last year and this year ahead of the recent market turbulence .

  24. 股票市场及债券市场的持续低迷使得基金的销售和发展成了大家关注的焦点。

    The continuous downturn in both stock market and bond market made the sales and development of funds the focus of everybody 's attention .

  25. 蔡凤仪表示,香港地区或许最早今年三季度就看到第一款获批的内地基金上市销售。

    Hong Kong might see the first approved mainland fund start selling in the territory as soon as the third quarter , Ms Choi said .

  26. 至于其他银行管道,对新发行股票基金的销售费用更是“狮子大开口”,一次比一次高。

    As for other banking channels , the new issue of the cost of equity fund sales is the " lion 's big openings ," every time high .

  27. 彩票基金是销售总额扣除返奖和发行成本及管理费的全部资金,这是彩票发行获得的净收益。

    The lottery fund is the total amount of sales of lottery tickets minus awards , administrative expenses and costs , which represents the net profit of lottery issuance .

  28. 另一方面,基金的销售现在主要依靠银行和券商的代销,出于不同的获利目标,基金公司与代销机构之间存在着一定的冲突。

    On the other hand , certain conflicts exist between fund company and commission agent due to their different interests as fund marketing mainly relies on bank and commission agent .

  29. 然而,这种极为糟糕的表现,或许会使指数型基金的销售人员感到高兴,对冲基金公司包括大多数中外合资基金公司可能要面对心存不满的投资者的严厉质问。

    While these stunningly poor results may put a smile on the face of the Index Tracker salesmen , mutual fund providers including most Sino-foreign joint ventures are likely to face tough questions from disgruntled investors .

  30. 本文是“全球基金管理行业销售现状”系列报道之一

    This is part of a series on distribution in the global fund management industry