
  1. 使得基金受益人的受益权不但有债权的性质,还有物权的性质,这也是信托法中对信托财产保护的特殊之处。

    So the fund beneficiary 's right to benefit is not only a creditor 's right but also a title in nature , which is precisely the peculiarity in the protection the law of trust offers to the trusts .

  2. 提出了以法律手段来维护基金受益人的合法权益和构建分权制衡式的社会保障基金监管新模式来保证社保基金运营的安全性。

    This paper proposed to Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Fund Beneficiaries and construct " Balance & separation of Power-style " regulatory mode for social fund to ensure the safety of operation of social security funds .

  3. 全球指数再保险基金的受益人包括农民和农业社区。

    The Global Index Reinsurance Facility targets farmers and agrarian communities among other beneficiaries .

  4. 养老金基金的受益人。

    The beneficiary of a pension fund .

  5. 如果养老基金等受益人更清楚地向基金经理表明,它们认为严肃解决薪酬问题是有意义的,这也会有所帮助。

    It will help if beneficiaries such as pension funds make clearer to fund managers that they see value in tackling remuneration seriously .

  6. 此前一份遗嘱则指定基金会成为主要受益人。

    A previous will made the foundation her primary beneficiary .

  7. 投资基金的当事方包括:基金投资人和基金受益人、基金管理人、基金托管人。

    Parties involved in mutual fund operations include the fund investor , the fund beneficiary , the fund manager and the fund depository .

  8. 结合我国的法律环境和基金运作的实际情况,本文认为基金管理人应为投资基金关系中的受托人,它对基金受益人所承担的义务是一种独特的义务形式。

    In light of China 's legal environment and the reality in China 's mutual fund operations , the author of this paper is of the opinion that the fund manager is the trustee of the mutual fund and is under a special type of obligation to the fund beneficiary .

  9. 但养老基金入市选择的方式,根据我国实际情况,能进入资本市场运作的只有个人帐户基金,投资受益人应是职工本人。

    Up to date , only the funds of individual accounts whose beneficiary is the worker himself are allowed to enter the capital market .