
  1. 所用的数据挖掘软件在一定程度上是基于SEC开发的一种模型,该模型用于筛查对冲基金回报率,以探测马多夫(Madoff)式欺诈的迹象。

    The data mining software is partly based on a model the SEC developed to trawl through hedge fund returns for signs of Madoff-style chicanery .

  2. 1997年,CharlesRiverVentures的基金回报率达到惊人的15倍,投资股票包括Ciena、Vignette和Flycast等超级明星股。

    In 1997 , Charles River Ventures yielded a stunning 15x return for its fund , backing such superstars as ciena , vignette and FlyCast .

  3. 可作参考的是,马萨诸塞州养老金系统只披露五年及五年以上的风投基金回报率,因为它发现早期业绩的统计意义不大(由于J曲线效应,这是普遍看法)。

    For context , the Massachusetts state pension system only discloses returns for VC funds that are at least five years-old , because it finds earlier results to be statistically irrelevant ( a common sentiment , due to the so-called J-curve ) .

  4. 2005年,该基金回报率为35%,去年为78%。

    In 2005 , returns totalled 35 per cent . Last year they were 78 per cent .

  5. 而资产在10亿美元以下的小型捐赠基金回报率为8.3%,同那些表现欠佳的机构基金相当。

    Small endowments with assets of less than $ 1bn had returns of 8.3 per cent , marginally under-performing institutions .

  6. 从正态分布检定中,本研究发现,从20个样本基金回报的平均值都不符合正态分布的条件。

    From the normality test , we found that the averages of the daily return from twenty sample funds are not normally distributed .

  7. 衡量对冲基金回报率比较困难,因为投资者往往反复无常基金做得好,他们就趋之若鹜;做亏了,他们就会抛售。

    Measuring hedge fund returns is complicated by the fact that investors tend to be flighty , flocking to funds which have done well and selling out after losses .

  8. 哪怕基金回报率增加的仅是百分点的一个零头,也足以使一只投资基金跻身业绩排名前25%的行列了&多数潜在客户都青睐这些基金。

    Even an extra fraction of a percentage point of performance can be enough to nudge an investment fund into the top quarter of performers & the group most prospective clients prefer .

  9. 第一季度,中国国内只有不足5%的股票基金回报率跑赢大盘,原因是基金经理被迫保留比例高得异乎寻常的现金,以应对资金流波动性猛增。

    Less than 5 per cent of Chinese domestic equity funds beat their benchmark in the first quarter , because managers were forced to hold an unusually high level of cash to cope with a sharp rise in fund flow volatility .

  10. 克莱森斯表示,通过交换支付给律师和私人银行家的费用、离岸财产和对冲基金回报等方面的详细信息,该社交团体的会员或许可以降低各项成本,提高其投资组合的个人回报率。

    By swapping details on fees paid to lawyers and private bankers , offshore holdings , and returns on hedge funds , members of the group may be able to lower costs and boost personal returns on their own portfolios , Claessens claims .

  11. 一些杠杆率高的基金的回报率降幅高达三分之二以上。

    Some highly leveraged funds saw returns down by more than two-thirds .

  12. 1980年至今,对冲基金年均回报率为12.6%。

    Since 1980 , the average hedge fund annual return was 12.6 per cent .

  13. 截止12月1日,对冲基金整体回报严重落后于市场。

    Through December 1 , aggregate hedge fund returns trailed the market to the point of farce .

  14. 格芬对中国仍然看好,其基金的回报率表明这种看法是正确的。

    Mr Geffen remains bullish on the country and the returns of his fund suggest this is appropriate .

  15. 他在2003年以前掌管了13年之久的欧洲基金的回报率也较基准高出很多。

    The European fund he ran for 13 years until 2003 also beat its benchmark by a handsome margin .

  16. 尽管指数基金的回报率仍差强人意,但惠理投资旗下的基金却业绩抢眼。

    While index funds ' returns still fail to impress , the funds in value partners ' stable are showing strong results .

  17. 该公司已确认的数据显示,今年截至7月末的期间,对冲基金平均回报率为1.29%。

    The average fund was up 1.29 per cent this year until the end of July , according to confirmed HFR figures .

  18. 初初一看,我的反应是“哇,考夫曼数据集里包含有这些基金,回报率这么差?”

    At first glance , my reaction was " Wow , Kauffman has such lousy returns with those funds included in the data set ? "

  19. 在过去的5年当中,该基金的回报率为7.4%,对比2.2%的现金回报率,几乎刚好高出5%。

    Over the past five years , the gars has delivered 7.4 % returns , almost exactly 5 % more than the cash return of 2.2 % .

  20. 虽然有关私人股本基金实际回报率的争论在继续上演,但投资者似乎十分乐意投入资金。

    While the debate about the real returns made by private equity funds continues to play out , investors seem more than happy to prime the pump .

  21. 去年,多数股票型共同基金的回报率未能超过他们的基准指数,即便基金经理有权去持币和选股。

    Last year , most equity mutual funds failed to beat their benchmark indices , even though their managers had the freedom to move into cash and to pick stocks .

  22. 自1985年以来,他的基金年均回报率超过了13%。巧合的是,这也是对冲基金同期创造的平均回报率。

    Since 1985 , his fund has returned an annual average of more than 13 per cent - coincidentally , about the same return as the average hedge fund over that time .

  23. 为了把钱给该基金的回报时,购买股票,股东收到的基金资产状况,并在实际上,在其各相关证券。

    In return for the money they give to the fund when purchasing shares , shareholders receive an equity position in the fund and , in effect , in each of its underlying securities .

  24. 固定收益基金的平均回报率也比巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)美国综合债券指数(U.S.AggregateBondIndex)落后了4个百分点。

    And the average fixed-income fund trailed the Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Bond Index by four percentage points .

  25. 但另一方面,私募股权基金的最低回报率却基本保持了稳定。

    Hurdle rates , on the other hand , have mostly remained stable .

  26. 仅专注中国内地及周边市场的“中国基金”投资回报一直很强劲。

    Returns from China funds , focused only on the mainland and neighbouring markets , have been strong .

  27. 如果成功,新基金的投资回报甚至会超过旗舰基金。

    The new fund will stand to deliver even larger gains than those for the main fund if successful .

  28. 相比之下,在截至12月的一年,股票多/空型对冲基金的平均回报率为22.17%。

    In comparison , the average equity long / short fund returned 22.17 per cent in the year to December .

  29. 数据显示,去年中国基本养老基金的投资回报率为9%。

    Data shows that the basic pension fund in China saw a return on investments of nine percent last year .

  30. 该年金基金提供的回报率为3%~6%,虽然算不上惊人,但还是明显高于美国政府票据。

    The annuity offers returns between 3 % and 6 % & not exactly bell-ringers but appreciably better than US Treasury notes .