
  • 网络fund index
  1. 过去一个季度,富时对冲基金指数(ftsehedgefundindex)下跌5%,而富时全类股指数(ftseallshare)则下跌11%。

    The FTSE hedge fund index has dropped 5 per cent over the past quarter , compared with an 11 per cent fall on the FTSE all share .

  2. 通过FFF方法,将该周期因子进行滤波处理以后,基金指数高频绝对收益不再具有明显周期性。

    And after the intraday periodicity factors are filtered through FFF regression , the high frequency absolute return of fund index doesn 't have obvious periodicity any longer .

  3. 沪深两市基金指数协整性分析

    The cointegration analysis about the fund index of Shanghai and Shenzhen

  4. 中国养老社会保险基金指数化策略分析

    The Analysis of the Indexing Strategy of Social Pension Funds

  5. 其它领先的对冲基金指数也报告,在扣除费用后,平均回报率达到12%至18%。

    Other leading hedge fund indices report average returns of between 12 and 18 per cent , after fees .

  6. 本文分析了6年多来中国证券市场大盘指数和基金指数的周内、月内及年内效应,并对其相互间的关联性进行了检验。

    This paper examines the Chinese stock and fund market indices for recent evidence of seasonal anomaly , such as weekend effects , month of the year , week of the month effect and their interrelation .

  7. 科学基金h指数:基金论文成果数量与影响力的综合衡量

    Science fund 's h-index : comprehensive characterization of the quantity and impact of papers supported by Science Fund

  8. 证券基金的指数投资组合和绩效度量

    The Index Portfolio and Performance Measurement of Security Investment Fund

  9. 浅析我国指数型证券投资基金的指数化构造方法

    Analysis on Indexation Investment Method of Our Country 's Investment Fund of Index-type Securities

  10. 指数基金及指数化投资的实证研究

    Index Funds Empirical Study on Index Stock Investment

  11. 当然,对冲基金或者指数基金通常会在交割之前将期货抛掉。

    Of course , the typical hedge fund or index fund sells the future before delivery has to be made .

  12. 投资者预期将减持股票、债券、个人养老金、房地产、投资信托基金和指数跟踪基金。

    Investors expected to reign in exposure to equities , bonds , personal pensions , property , investment trusts and tracker funds .

  13. 我们对证券基金的指数化投资、资产配置、风格投资和动量投资了比较。

    We compare index investing , asset allocation , style investing and momentum investing of funds between two countries and find some similarities and difference .

  14. 避免资产/贸易战的最安全之策,就是允许主权财富基金通过指数化产品或只做长线和多样化投资的外部经理人,进行被动型的股本投资。

    The safest way to avoid an asset / trade war is to allow SWFs to invest passively in equities via indexed products or via external , long-only , diversified investment managers .

  15. 大多数共同基金公司提供指数基金产品,要反复研究他们的收费情况,确保这些收费与合理的基准收费标准一致。

    Most mutual-fund companies offer index funds , so review their fees and ensure that they are aligned with an appropriate benchmark .

  16. 结果表明,开放式基金持股集中指数和业绩正相关,说明开放式基金具备信息优势,利用信息优势可以获得较高超额利润。

    The result showed that the open-end fund had information superiority and got higher exorbitant profit because of the positive relation between the open-end fund performance and the shareholding concentrated index .

  17. 由于我国基金尤其是指数基金出现的时间较晚,在2006年初也只有仅仅只有9只指数基金。

    The appearance of Security Investment Fund especially index model fund in China was much later than abroad . ,, and there was only 9 index model fund At the beginning of 2006 .

  18. 小基金则追踪冷门指数和行业,投资于不同的证券篮子。

    Small ones track esoteric indices and industries , using various baskets of securities .

  19. 美国传统基金会经济自由指数

    Heritage Foundation 's Index of Economic Freedom

  20. 有时,基金表现逊于指数或同类企业,是因为有热钱。

    Sometimes the fund underperforms the index or peer group because there are hot money flows .

  21. 但我们的基金所追踪的指数采用一组精心选定的发行者,以最大化流动性。

    But the index our fund tracks uses a carefully chosen universe of issuers to maximise liquidity .

  22. 同样,部分投资者认准了整体股市指数型基金或整体债市指数型基金等关注某一总体市场的基金。

    Similarly , some investors stick with broad-based funds , such as total-stock-market index funds and total-bond-market index funds .

  23. 比如,去年就有84%的共同基金表现不如类似指数。

    Last year , for example , 84 % of mutual fund managers failed to best a similar index .

  24. 按照投资理念的不同,可分为主动型基金和被动(指数)型基金。

    Differ according to what invest a concept , can divide for active model fund and passivity ( index ) model fund .

  25. 指数基金管理存在很多指数基金组合的构建方法,这些构建方法一般都包括两个独立的过程:确定投资对象的选股过程,和确定各投资对象权重的资金配置过程。

    In the field of index fund management , there are lots of models to construct portfolios , which include two separate processes , stock selection process and asset allocation process .

  26. 一些艺术品基金也使用这些指数,这些已推向市场的基金希望吸引一些投资者的资金。有不少投资者渴望从这种新资产类别中获得回报。

    The indices are also used by the handful of art funds that have launched , hoping to attract money from investors eager to reap returns from the new asset class .

  27. 尽管分销商和基金经理认为。指数投资可能会加速推动该市场的复苏,但目前看来,在一段时期内全球危机可能会抑制投资者对于海外投资的兴趣。

    It seems the global crisis is likely to have stalled interest in overseas investing for some time , despite a belief among distributors and managers alike that index investing may provide the catalyst .

  28. 然而实际情况是指数基金的走势与标的指数并不一定同步,追踪同一标的指数的指数基金在走势方面也存在的偏差,指数基金跟踪指数的效果千差万别。

    However , the reality is that the trend of index fund is not necessarily synchronized with the underlying index ; even to track the same underlying index , index fund still exists in the trend deviation . So index fund tracks the index effects vary widely .

  29. 业绩差的基金,基金费用率与基金的詹森指数Jp显著正相关;

    But there is a positive correlation between the fund expense rate and the James index Jp for the fund of worse performance .

  30. 在首阶段,只有一般型股票基金、债券基金、混合基金、非上市指数基金和实物跟踪指数交易所买卖基金(ETF)才符合资格参与基金互认安排。

    Initially , only general equity funds , bond funds , mixed funds , unlisted index funds and physical index-tracking exchange traded funds will qualify .