
  1. 接下来是对冲基金收费。

    Then there are the hedge fund fees .

  2. 正如私募股本一样,多数投资者没能抓住对冲基金收费的罪恶本质。

    As in private equity , many investors failed to grasp the penal nature of hedge fund charges .

  3. 报告解释道,多元化的分销链往往会增加基金收费方面的竞争,亦给予投资者更多选择。

    The report explains that diversified distribution chains tend to lead to greater fee competition and more investor choice .

  4. 如果说从这些文件中可以看出当前流行的投资者思潮,那么对冲基金收费即将面临下行压力。

    If these documents are any guide to the prevailing investor zeitgeist , downward pressure on hedge fund fees is in the offing .

  5. 建议尽快由依靠企业统筹社会保障基金收费过渡到依靠税务机关征收社会保障税,以法律手段取代行政手段。

    So I suggest that social security tax should be levied from pooling it from enterprises to tax authorities and administrative means should be replaced by law ones .

  6. 业绩最好的基金公司收费高达利润的50%。

    The best performing funds charge as much as 50 per cent of profits .

  7. 不合法、不合理基金和收费项目。

    Illegal and unjustifiable funds and charges .

  8. 论文最后是对我国养老保险基金管理收费模式的制度设计。

    As a conculsion of this paper , fees based on assests are considered prior to the other one .

  9. 同时,美国共同基金的收费方式和费用补偿机制的创新也正在向组合灵活、适应投资者多样化需求的目标发展。

    In addition , the charging mode and cost compensation mechanism is more and more flexibly organized to meet varieties of investors needs .

  10. 股市回报让人失望,因此基金经理的收费也看起来不那么合理。

    Equity returns have been disappointing , and the fees earned by fund managers look harder to justify as a result .

  11. 具有税收性质的政府性基金或专项性收费

    Government funds and special charges of a tax nature

  12. 主要是看你吃有何种基金,有些基金修改基金的分红方式不收费,有些基金修改基金的分红方式收费,具体看基金分配方案。

    Advocate if see you eat , have why to plant fund , some fund revise the means of share out bonus of fund not to collect fees , some fund revise the means of share out bonus of fund to collect fees , specific see fund allocation plan .

  13. 这一状况的出现促使我们在综合分析基金的收益和费用之后,对我国基金的收费问题提出改革措施。

    These questions make us to put forward some improvement measures to fund 's expense policy of our country .

  14. 对于基金经理而言,收取全额费用甚至对正被清算的基金收费的事情,也并非闻所未闻。

    And it is not unheard of for managers to collect full fees and even charge expenses on funds that are being liquidated .

  15. 《机构投资者》的《阿尔法》专刊是根据对冲基金向投资者收取的费率计算收入的,而各家基金的费率各有不同,同时还根据基金经理在赚取收费的管理公司持有的股权计算收入。

    Institutional Investor 's Alpha calculates the earnings based on what fees the hedge fund charges its investors , which can vary from fund to fund , and also based on the stake managers hold in the management company that earns the fees .