
  • 网络fund raising;fundraiser
  1. 私募股权投资人在基金募集阶段、项目投资及投后管理阶段、项目退出阶段均会受到由于信息不对称、代理成本等原因引起的风险。

    Private equity investors meet the risk due to information asymmetry and agency costs in all the stages including the fund raising , the project investment and investment management .

  2. 1998年,长期资本管理公司(long-termcapitalmanagement)被迫接受银行援救之后,几个主管又继续为一些新对冲基金募集了数十亿美元的资金,这其中至少有两只基金在去年陷入困境。

    Several executives of long-term capital management , which had to be rescued by banks in 1998 , went on to secure billions of dollars for new hedge funds , though at least two of those hit problems last year .

  3. 销售:该岗位主要是为尚未“封闭”的基金募集额外资产。做好准备,好好谈谈建立人际关系的策略、CRM(客户关系管理)软件和你的高尔夫水平吧。

    Sales : These positions focus upon gathering additional assets for a fund that is not yet " closed . " Be prepared to talk about relationship building strategies , CRM software and your golf handicap .

  4. 在纽约,这一现象很明显:花旗(citigroup)与美林(merrilllynch)为了改善自己的资产负债状况,向日本、韩国及新加坡的基金募集了数十亿美元资金。

    It was noticeable in New York , where Citigroup and Merrill Lynch raised billions in capital from funds in Japan , South Korea and Singapore to shore up their balance sheets .

  5. 投资银行高盛(GoldmanSachs)向潜在投资者表示,该行将为一只新对冲基金募集40亿至60亿美元的资金,试图重建其在对冲基金领域受损的声誉。

    Goldman Sachs is aiming to raise $ 4bn - $ 6bn for a new hedge fund as the investment bank tries to rebuild its battered reputation in the hedge fund business , it has told potential investors .

  6. 现在又有数十亿美元资金正在通过新成立的人民币基金募集。

    Billions more are being raised now in new renminbi funds .

  7. 在使用此应用程序之前,您需要输入您的基金募集活动信息。

    Before using this application , you need to enter your campaign information .

  8. 他说,第一周,基金募集的资产总额就达到了7500万美金。

    He says the fund gathered $ 75 million in assets in its first week .

  9. 请在这里输入您的基金募集活动信息。通过关闭此窗体您将保存此信息。

    Enter your campaign information here . You will save the information by closing the form .

  10. 销售:该岗位主要是为尚未封闭的基金募集额外资产。

    Sales : These positions focus upon gathering additional assets for a fund that is not yet closed .

  11. 第一章概述了风险投资基金募集的有关问题。

    It includes four chapters : In Chapter 1 , this paper summarizes the relevant issues of venture capital fund .

  12. 合规官员的雇用以及内部运作上的更多支出将成为财务负担,尤其是在基金募集艰难的时候。

    Hiring a compliance officer and spending more on internal operations will be a financial burden , particularly at a time when fund-raising is difficult .

  13. 当时高调发行的几只基金募集了数十亿美元资金,散户投资者争先恐后参与到这场投资盛宴之中。

    Several high profile fund launches gathered several billions of dollars at the time , as retail investors queued to participate in an investment feeding frenzy .

  14. 第二章考察世界各国的存款保险制度,找出了其中制度设计的共性,对存款保险的承保方式、基金募集、投保费率、投保方式、管理模式以及制度环境进行了较为全面地利弊分析。

    Then the chapter attentively analyzes the pros and cons of different designs for DISs ' coverage , funding , premiums , management and so on .

  15. 应对现有风投基金募集规则加以整合和统一,解决包括风险投资基金在内的股权投资基金规则的无序状态。

    The current raising rules of venture capital fund should be integrated and unified in order to solve the disorder of private equity fund including venture capital fund .

  16. 目前,这家公司正在为首只基金募集1亿美元,其中3000万美元已经到位(主要来自库茨曼和他的合伙人)。

    It is seeking to raise $ 100 million for its debut fund , with $ 30 million already in hand ( mostly from kouzmine and his partners ) .

  17. 收购基金募集了总金额的约一半前10大基金就筹集了约1100亿美元资金其余募集资金流入了风险资本、房地产和基础设施基金。

    Buy-out funds collect roughly half the total with the 10 biggest funds raising about $ 110bn with the rest of the capital flowing into venture capital , real estate , and infrastructure funds .

  18. 认购:在开放式基金募集期内,投资人通过证券经营机构在证券交易所,或通过基金管理人及其代销机构购买基金份额的行为。

    Subscribeption : refers to the acts of the investors to purchase the unit fundsfunds unit through the securities operating agencies at stock exchanges or through the funds managers and the selling institutes on a commission basis thereofcommission institutions during the period of raising the open-ended funds .

  19. 前项事业及其人员于办理境外基金募集及销售业务时,对于境外基金投资人之个人数据、往来交易数据及其它相关数据,除法令另有规定外,应保守秘密。

    Unless otherwise provided by law or regulation , when handling the offering and sale of offshore funds , the enterprises and personnel thereof referred to in the preceding paragraph shall keep confidential all personal information , transaction information , and other relevant information of investors in offshore funds .

  20. KKR刚刚完成了一只20亿美元特殊情况基金的募集工作,并且正在扩充亚洲地区的人手。

    KKR just completed fundraising for a $ 2bn special situations fund and is adding people in the region .

  21. 在去年前后的时刻,像AndreessenHorowitz和KleinerPerkinsCaufield&Byers这样的Elite风险—资本公司,从新基金上募集到数十亿美元。

    Elite venture-capital firms such as Andreessen Horowitz and Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers have raised billions of dollars in new funds in the past year or so .

  22. 报道说,当时,这名女孩正和其家人一起参加MenehuneMac公司举办的第5届母亲节糖果生产活动。这是一项为夏威夷儿童癌症基金会募集资金的活动。

    The girl and her family were attending the company 's Fifth Annual Mother 's Day Candy Making Event , a fundraiser for the Hawaii Children 's Cancer Foundation .

  23. 正当投资者怀疑TPG是否有能力拿出资金运作大手笔交易时,这家大型国际收购集团却正在亚洲发起一只新基金,募集高达50亿美元资金。

    TPG is raising as much as $ 5bn for a new Asia fund at a time when investors are sceptical about the ability of the large international buy-out groups to put money to work in big deals .

  24. 按照数据公司Preqin的资料,目前有57家专注于非洲的私人股本投资基金寻求募集131亿美元资金,其中有一半基金位于南非。

    According to Preqin , the data company , 57 Africa-focused private equity funds are looking for $ 13.1bn , half of which are based in South Africa .

  25. 例如,研究公司Preqin的报告显示,2010年关闭募集的私募股权基金平均募集期为18个月,较2008年初延长了50%。

    For example , research firm PreQin reports that the average private equity fund closed in 2010 had been in market for 18 months , up 50 % from early 2008 .

  26. GTCR是例外,只有8个月募集期,但很多私募股权基金的募集期超过了两年。

    Gtcr was an exception to this trend with just an 8-month fundraise , but there are plenty of shops that have been at it for more than two years .

  27. 国际私募股权基金的募集、投资、收益出现了较大幅度下降。

    International private equity fund raising , investment , income decreased substantially .

  28. 有消息称,该基金计划募集2000万美元资金。

    One source says that the plan is to raise around $ 20 million .

  29. 为此基金而募集捐款。

    A collection was made for the fund .

  30. 我们不得不设立一项基金,募集捐款来清偿她的债务。

    We had to open a fund and solicit contributions to pay off her debts .