
  • 网络fund fee
  1. 对完善我国开放式基金费用信息披露制度的思考

    Improvements on Information Disclosure System of Open-style Fund Fee

  2. 基金费用结构对基金经理投资策略的影响研究

    The Impact of Fee Structure on Fund Managers ' Investment Strategies

  3. 证券投资基金费用价值化模型研究及实证分析

    The Model Research and Empirical Analysis on the Valuing Expenses of the Mutual Fund

  4. 对我国证券投资基金费用的探讨

    Probing into Expenses of Security Investment Fund

  5. 证券投资基金费用与管理质量关系研究

    A Study on the Relationship between Managerial Quality and Management Expenses in the Mutual Fund

  6. 开放式基金费用结构的国际比较

    International Comparison of Open-end Fund Fees

  7. 就整体而言,基金费用率与基金业绩呈负相关,这是符合投资者利益的。

    At large scale , the fund expense rate and the fund performance have a negative correlation , this accord with the benefits of investors .

  8. 费用比率可让投资者更容易比较基金费用,在美国属必须提供的资料,但香港并未强制基金披露有关数据。

    While the expense ratio offers a convenient tool to compare fund fees , it is not required to disclose in Hong Kong but in the US .

  9. 总体来看,基金费用率与风险是呈显著的正相关关系;这体现了监督机制的不力与基金经理人市场的不发达。

    Totally , the fund expense rate and the risk have a distinctly positive correlation , this show the weak supervision system and the underdevelopment of the fund managers market .

  10. 但新农合基金费用有限、以及医疗费用增长过快,新农合报销不能彻底解决生病农民的真正困难。

    However , the new rural cooperative funds are limited , and the rapid growth of medical costs , the new rural cooperative medical reimbursement can not solve the real problems for the people .

  11. 对基金费用与基金规模提出假设,即基金费用率与其规模正或负相关,验证基金管理的规模效应。

    The paper propose a hypothesis of the expense ratio and the fund size : there is a positive or negative correlation between the fund expense ratio and size which tried to demonstrate the size effect .

  12. 信托基金和费用分摊安排

    Trusts Funds and Cost-sharing Arrangements

  13. 管理基金的费用须从立法局的拨款中支付。

    The cost of administering the fund shall be defrayed out of moneys provided by the legislative council .

  14. 在台湾,购买离岸基金的费用与香港相同,银行分销占基金销售的比例仅为30%。

    In Taiwan , where banks account for only 30 per cent of funds sold , the fees charged for offshore funds are the same as in Hong Kong .

  15. 标准普尔表示,基础设施基金的费用结构,促使其迅速配置资本,运用过高的杠杆水平,以产生向投资者承诺的收益。

    Infrastructure funds ' fee structures were encouraging them to deploy capital quickly and apply excessive leverage to generate the yields promised to investors , according to the ratings agency .

  16. 通用汽车在这一季度计入了建立受害者赔偿基金的费用,公司表示为此要支付高达6亿美元。此外,维修今年以来召回的近3000万辆汽车也耗费了通用汽车8.74亿美元。

    The quarter included charges for the establishment of a victims " compensation fund , which GM said could cost the company as much as $ 600 million , as well as an additional $ 874 million for the cost of repairing the nearly 30 million cars it has recalled so far this year .

  17. 业绩差的基金,基金费用率与基金的詹森指数Jp显著正相关;

    But there is a positive correlation between the fund expense rate and the James index Jp for the fund of worse performance .

  18. 实证结果发现,业绩好的基金,基金费用率与基金的詹森指数Jp呈显著的负相关;

    The results of empirical study suggest that for the fund of better performance , there is a negative correlation between the fund expense rate and the James index Jp ;

  19. 不过,alpinvest基金收取的费用比一般私人股本基金要少。

    However , the alpinvest funds earn lower fees than private equity funds generally command .

  20. 由此可确定这些基金在正常费用下相应的基金管理费大小。

    From this we can determine these investment funds ' base fees .

  21. 国内外学者对基金规模与其费用、流动性和业绩之间关系的研究较少。

    There exists an inversed U nonlinear relationship between fund size and fund performance .

  22. 华信惠悦的特里克特也认为,基金经理的费用将受到审查。

    At Watson Wyatt , Mr Trickett also believes fees will come under scrutiny .

  23. 进一步改革企业固定资产补偿基金和修理费用的财务制度

    Reforming the Financial System of Compensatory Fund for Fixed Assets and Repair Expenses in Enterprises

  24. 投资该基金无前置费用,每年的管理费为资产的1.42%。

    There is no upfront sales charge and yearly expenses are 1.42 % of assets .

  25. 由于监管机构未有要求基金公布这些费用,令成本分析工作变得困难。

    Since regulators do not require the disclosure of these expenses , it makes cost analysis difficult .

  26. 各基金之一切费用、收费和支出将每日累积计算直至缴付为止。

    All fees , charges and expenses of the funds will be accrued daily until they are payable .

  27. 该校在去年12月已停止用捐赠基金支付各项费用,并让各系自行寻找经费。

    The University in December stopped pay-outs from its endowment , leaving departments to find their own money for costs .

  28. 季刊的资金是多渠道筹募,但主要源于中国经济学社基金、广告费用和私人捐助。

    Quarterly of funds is also a multi-channel fund-raising , mainly from the fun of the Society , advertising fees and private donations .

  29. 业绩好的基金,其费用率与投资组合风险正相关;

    For the fund of better performance and the fund of worse performance , its fund expense rate and its risk of the portfolio have a positive correlation ;

  30. 对冲基金收取的费用很高,理由是它们要为投资者赚钱,而不是像共同基金那样,只是向投资者提供投资某种资产类别的通道。

    The hedge fund industry justified its high fees by making money for investors , not by providing access to asset classes in the way mutual funds do .