
  • 网络return on funds;Fund yields;Funds rate of return;fund yield rate
  1. 在同期内,市场风险溢价与基金收益率具有显著的正相关性。

    During the same period , market risk premium and the fund yields have a significant positive correlation .

  2. 封闭式基金收益率及投资策略分析

    Analysis about the Return of Closed-End Fund and Its Investment Tactics

  3. 从目前中国的金融环境而言,股票市场无疑成为了最直接最有效提高社保基金收益率的投资渠道。

    Now in China , the stock market has undoubtfully been a efficient way to increase the yield of investment .

  4. 可转换债券和股票,债券市场的信用价差等归纳为影响债券型基金收益率的主要因素。

    Convertible bond and stock , the bond market credit spreads and so on of the main factors influencing the bond fund returns .

  5. 根据国内的现实情况,采用应用较为广泛、成熟的基金收益率、特雷诺指数、詹森指数、夏普指数对部分基金进行了评价。

    Some of securities investment fund is evaluated by fund rate of return , Treynor Index , Jensen Index and Sharpe Index in this article .

  6. 基金收益率没有显著的风险溢价效应,没有体现出高风险高回报、低风险低回报的特征。

    The return of fund has not obvious risk premium effect and has does not show the characteristic of " high risk , high return " .

  7. 基金收益率与所跟踪的指数收益率之间的相关性分析表明:三个基金和他们所跟踪的指数相关性都不显著,说明他们的指数化投资失效。

    The analyse of the relativity of funds ' yield and the indexes they tracted shows the relativity is not strong and the index investment disabled .

  8. 基金收益率不服从正态分布,存在显著的尖峰厚尾特性,我国基金市场还不是有效市场;

    The return of fund is disobedient normally distribution and has obvious peak and fat tail . The fund market of China is not efficient totally .

  9. 第四章是回归结果分析,使用封闭式基金收益率分析了单变量及多变量条件下证券投资基金收益的可预测性,对实证结果进行了较深入的分析。

    The fourth chapter is the analysis of regressions . It analysis the predictability of closed-end fund returns using a single variable and multi variable analysis comprehensively .

  10. 从去年9月1日到11月底,该基金收益率下滑约18%,但仍超出行业整体基准约6%。

    The fund was down about 18 per cent from September 1 to the end of November , but has outperformed its combined industry benchmarks by about 6 per cent .

  11. 用实证方法分析了基金收益率、分红、基金规模和基金净值对赎回的影响以及基金赎回对基金流动性资产的关系。

    With the empirical way to analysis the influence of the return of fund , dividend , asset and net value to redemption , and to study the relationship between redemption and liquid assets .

  12. 封闭式基金交易收益率的ARCH效应分析

    ARCH Efficiency Analyzing of Close-ended Funds ' Returning Rate

  13. 本文利用传统的单指数模型和ARCH模型,分析了开放式基金的收益率的统计特征、ARCH效应及与股价指数的关系。

    By using the traditional single-index model and ARCH model , the paper analyzes the returns characteristic , ARCH effects and the relationship with stock indexes of the objects-vary open-end funds in China .

  14. 基金价格收益率的波动性大于其NAV收益率的波动性;

    The variance of price return of funds is higher than the NAV return .

  15. 去年,扣除费用,他的旗舰基金年度收益率上升了12%。

    Last year , his flagship fund was up 12 per cent net of fees .

  16. 养老保险基金投资收益率严重偏低,直接影响到养老保险基金的增值。

    The low rate of investment return of pension fund has influenced the value of pension funds seriously .

  17. 本期收益及留存收益表长期外汇基金债券收益率大致上与短期港元利率走势一致。

    The yields of long-term Exchange Fund Notes were largely consistent with movements in short-term Hong Kong dollar interest rates .

  18. 我国基本养老保险基金投资收益率低已经成为社会各界关注的热门话题。

    The topic about basic endowment insurance fund has attracted social attention in the decades , because of its low yields .

  19. 截至4月14日,该指数反弹了13点,而截至当日的3个月内,科技基金平均收益率为7%。

    The index gained 13 points to April 14 and the average technology fund returned 7 per cent over three months to that date .

  20. 实证结果表明,2003年我国开放式基金的收益率均高于市场基准组合;

    The empirical evidence of2003 indicates that the risk-adjusted performance is better than the market benchmark and the managers exhibit certain ability in selection of stocks .

  21. 计算债券型基金超额收益率,划分为七个因素是否真能全部概括影响债券型基金的收益率,是否需要引入更多的因素。

    Calculating excess return , bond funds is divided into seven factors can really all the general influence the yield of bond funds , whether to need to introduce more factors .

  22. 本文将从基金投资收益率水平、风险调整收益水平、基金经理人的选股择时能力和基金业绩持续性能力四个方面建立指标体系。

    An index system in this paper is established from four aspects namely , the rate of return of funds , risk-adjusted returns , stock picking and timing ability of fund managers and fund performance persistence .

  23. 文中首先对宏观经济周期以及宏观经济指标走势的研究,得出结论:宏观经济指标通过作用于金融指数,对各类基金的收益率产生不同程度的影响。

    First of all , study on economic cycle of macroscopic indicator tendency , and draw the conclusion : The macroscopical economic indicator has a in various degree impact on earning ratio of all kinds of funds acting on the banking index .

  24. 我国企业年金已形成包括社保机构经办、企业或行业自办以及商业保险公司经办这三种主要的运行模式,但它们均存在着年金资产易被挤占、挪用,基金投资收益率低等弊端。

    There are three main operating modes of occupational pension in China : social security institution administrating mode , enterprise or industry administrating mode and insurance company administrating mode . But many problems emerge during the operating process such as peculated pension assets , lower investment yield , etc.

  25. 1998年,MatrixPartners有一只基金的内部收益率达到令人瞠目的514%以上。

    Matrix partners had a fund in 1998 that yielded an eye-popping 514 + % IRR .

  26. 另外,杠杆收购(LBO)基金的平均收益率(除去管理费)低于标准普尔500指数。

    In addition , on average LBO ( leveraged buy-out ) funds returns net of fees are lower than those of the S & P 500 .

  27. 封闭式基金的绝对收益率明显高于市场基准,而且投资组合所承担的风险低于市场基准。

    As a whole , the closed-end fund has a higher absolute return rate and a lower risk than the market benchmark .

  28. 基金滞后年度收益率对资金净流量产生显著的正面影响,绩优基金会吸引更多新增资金流入。

    One year lagged return has positive effect on the fund flow ; mutual funds with superior performance will attract more inflow .

  29. 这与债券型基金投资固定收益率投资工具,追求稳定风险较低的收益有很大关系。

    The bond funds investment yields on fixed investment tools , the pursuit of stability risk has a lot to do with lower income .

  30. 尽管这个规模为8.27亿美元的杠杆基金往绩年收益率为了8.27%,但今年截至8月21日,该基金价格已经下跌13.65%。

    Despite its trailing 12-month yield of 8.27 per cent , the leveraged $ 827m fund was down 13.65 per cent year-to-date as of August 21 .