
  • 网络Fund contract
  1. 自基金合同生效以来,截至2009年12月31日止,除央企ETF和治理ETF由于上市时间较短涨幅不大之外,其余五只ETF都有极大的涨幅。

    Since fund contract has become effective , Central Enterprises ETF and Corporate Governance ETF increased a little owing to the short time of being put into market , all the other 5 ETFs have increased tremendously by December 31,2009 .

  2. 基金合同的规定应当粗放,以突出当事人的意思自由。

    The regulation of the fund contract should be extensive , stressing the party 's free meaning .

  3. 基金合同是事前合同,是不完全契约,合同无法就基金相关事由进行事前完全约定。

    Fund contract prior contract is incomplete contract , the contract can not be related to the subject of the Fund fully agreed in advance .

  4. 按照有关法律法规、基金合同和集合资产管理合同的规定以受托人名义或其指定的代理人名义登记资产;

    Registering the assets in the name of the custodian or the designated agent in accordance with related laws , regulations , as well as the fund contract or the asset pool management contract ;

  5. 学校在1996至1997年间从校外提供的研究基金与合同中得到的总收入逾一亿七百万英镑。

    The University is income from externally funded research grants and contracts in1996-7 totaled over £ 107 million .

  6. 有一个交易所买卖基金购买期货合同的PowerSharesDB贱金属,购买铝,锌,铜,和不同的合同购买,以尽量减少价差。

    There is one ETF that buys futures contracts & PowerShares DB Base Metals , which purchases aluminum , zinc and copper and varies the contracts it buys to minimize contango .

  7. 基金最优激励合同研究

    The Research of Optimal Fund Management Stimulating Contract

  8. 电器集团西门子(Siemens)在2006年被曝出设立贿赂基金行贿以赢取合同之后,不得不支付20亿美元罚款和咨询费用。

    Siemens , the electronics group , had to shell out $ 2bn in fines and advisory payments after the 2006 discovery that slush funds were used to pay bribes to win contracts .

  9. 基金民事责任包括合同责任和侵权责任,两者共同承担着保护基金持有人的职责。

    The civil liability of the fund includes the responsibility of the contract and liability for tort , the two are bearing the protection fund holder 's duty together .

  10. 网上发售时,投资者以组合证券认购基金份额的,本所按照基金合同和基金招募说明书的规定,确认其是否拥有对应的足额组合证券。

    In during sales through the net , where investors subscribe unit fundfund units with synthetic securities , this bourse shall confirm whether the investors have corresponding adequate synthetic securities in accordance with the stipulations of the funds contracts and prospectus of funds prospectus .

  11. 他提出,可能会指定俄罗斯或西方的基金经理来管理这项基金这项合同可能会吸引激烈的竞争。

    He suggested Russian or Western fund managers could be appointed to manage the fund a contract likely to attract vigorous competition .

  12. 开放式基金是指基金份额不固定,可以在基金合同约定的时间和场所进行申购或者赎回的一种基金运作方式。

    Open-end fund is the fund shares are not fixed , fund shares may be carried out in the time and place of the fund contract to purchase or redemption .

  13. 证券投资基金的不起诉行为不但违背了其设立目的,也违反了基金合同的约定。《合同法》的约定从优原则

    The securities investment fund also have the rights to sue . On the Priority of Agreement in the Contract Law