
  • 网络Fund Investment;Funding Investments;Fund of Funds;FOF
  1. 主权财富基金投资法律环境新变化&评IMF圣地亚哥原则

    Changes in the Legal Context of Sovereign Wealth Fund Investment : Comments on the Santiago Principles by IMF

  2. 第三章是对VaR模型在养老基金投资风险控制中的应用的一般研究,是一个重要章节。

    In Chapter Two , the author studies the application of VaR Model in China 's pension fund investment risk control .

  3. 本章研究了VaR模型在社会保障基金投资风险管理中四个方面的应用:风险控制、业绩评价、投资组合管理和资产负债管理。

    Specifically , Chapter Four is about the application of VaR model to social security fund risk management .

  4. 养老基金投资组合的常方差弹性(CEV)模型和解析决策

    Constant Elasticity of Variance ( CEV ) Model and Analytical Strategies for Annuity Contracts

  5. 常数比例投资组合保险(CPPI)策略&捐赠型基金投资策略的最优选择

    Constant proportional portfolio insurance ( cppi ) strategy-the optimal choice of investment strategy of donation fund

  6. 高盛金砖四国基金投资组合联席经理理查德•弗拉克斯(RichardFlax)表示:这是一个自下而上型基金,相对集中于投资组合中的20至40只股票。我们力求通过选股来产生大部分回报。

    It is very much a bottom-up fund and is relatively concentrated with 20 to 40 names in the portfolio , says Richard Flax , co-portfolio manager of the Goldman Sachs Bric fund . We are aiming to generate most of our return from stock selection .

  7. 摩根士丹利外汇策略师任永力(StephenJen)担心,随着主权财富基金投资于西方银行和高科技企业这既是为了寻求财务回报,也是为了获得人才及其自身无法开发的技术保护主义压力将有所加大。

    Stephen Jen , its currency strategist , worries that protectionist pressures will increase as SWFs invest in western banks and high-technology companies both for the financial returns and to acquire skills and technology that they would not be able to develop on their own .

  8. 据知情人士表示,中国国家外汇管理局已同意向TPG最新基金投资逾25亿美元。这可能是迄今为止对私人股本公司做出的最大投资承诺。

    China 's State Administration of Foreign Exchange has agreed to invest more than $ 2.5bn in the latest TPG fund , in what could be the largest commitment ever made to a private equity firm , people familiar with the matter say .

  9. 基于组合保险技术的养老保险基金投资策略分析

    Investment Strategies Analysis of Pension Funds Based on Portfolio Insurance Technique

  10. 第三章分析了因《全国社保基金投资管理暂行办法》规定的不足而产生的委托投资资产配置风险,及其风险控制制度。

    Chapter three analyses the disposition risk of social insurance property .

  11. 保险基金投资的单位风险收益最优化模型研究

    Research on the Unit Risk-Return Optimization Model of Insurance Funds Investment

  12. 对冲基金投资收益与风险理论文献综述

    Literature Review of Investment Returns and Risks Theories of Hedge Fund

  13. 但对企业年金基金投资运营的管理各国却各不相同。

    But the management of occupational pension fund varies in different countries .

  14. 基金投资崇尚研究发现价值投资创造价值,开放式基金在稳定证券市场,推行价值投资理念方面起到了举足轻重的作用。

    Funds investment advocates that study finds value while investment makes value .

  15. 社保基金投资的国际趋势及对我国的借鉴

    Lessons from the International Trend of Social Insurance Fund Investment

  16. 年金基金投资理论与经验研究综述

    Summary of Theoretical and Empirical Study on Corporate Pension Investment

  17. 中国基本养老保险基金投资与监管

    The Investment and Supervision of Basic Pension Fund for China

  18. 股票基金投资业务风险管理研究

    Research on Risk Management of Stock Fund in Investment Operation

  19. 我国社保基金投资的改革方向

    The Reform Prospects for the Investment Reform of China Social Security Fund

  20. 社保基金投资的比例控制与安全性

    On the Ratio Control and Safety of the Investment of Social Security Fund

  21. 私募基金投资组合的构建和最优化问题

    Model and Optimum of Investment Combination for Private Fund

  22. 开放式基金投资组合理论及策略研究

    Research on Investment Portfolio Theory Tactics of Open-end Fund

  23. 海外基金投资北京房地产动态研究

    A Dynamic Research on Investment of Overseas Fund in Beijing Real Estate Market

  24. 开放式基金投资管理系统的开发研究

    Research and Developing of Open Fund Invest Management System

  25. 权益型房地产投资信托基金投资研究

    Study of Investment of Equity Real Estate Investment Trust

  26. 我国社保基金投资的风险预算与控制方法研究

    Risk Budgeting and Control Method Research of Social Insurance Funds Investment in China

  27. 我国养老基金投资的财务分析

    The Financial Analysis of Chinese Pension Fund Investment

  28. 我国风险投资基金投资高科技企业的发展策略研究

    A Research on the Development Strategy of Chinese Venture Fund Investing in High-tech Enterprises

  29. 文章回顾了我国社会保障储备基金投资的发展历程。

    The thesis figures out the development history of the social security reserve fund .

  30. 养老保险基金投资运营研究

    Research on the Pension Funds Investment Operation