
  • 网络Unit;DPU;Fund units
  1. 警告:基金单位价格可升可跌。

    Warning : unit prices may fall as well as rise .

  2. 根据不同标准,可以将证券投资基金划分为不同的种类:根据基金单位是否可增加或赎回,可分为开放式基金和封闭式基金。

    According to different level , can differentiate fund of negotiable securities investment for different sort : whether can increase according to fund unit or redemptive , can divide mix for open mode fund enclosed fund .

  3. 投资者可通过实际交付或收取一篮子恒生指数股份,新增或赎回盈富基金单位。

    Units in TraHK can be created or redeemed in kind by delivery or receipt of baskets of Hang Seng Index shares .

  4. 董事会拟于二零一零年五月十一日(星期二)以平邮方式向有关基金单位持有人寄发建议中期分派的支票。

    The Board intends to post the Proposed Interim Distribution cheques to the relevant Unitholders by ordinary post on Tuesday , 11 May2010 .

  5. 赎回基金单位时,基金会提供一篮子基准债券,以换回被赎回的单位。

    In the case of redemption , the fund will provide a basket of benchmark securities in exchange for the units being redeemed .

  6. 其实,只要投资者继续持有基金单位便不用负担该项开支,所以赎回费有利于长线投资人士。

    So , redemption fees benefit long-term investors , for there is no need to pay this fee if investors are still sticking with the fund .

  7. 每个基金单位售价为12.88元,较参考市场价格(即三日平均价格)折让5.25%。

    The units were priced at $ 12.88 each , representing 5.25 per cent discount to a reference market price ( being essentially a three-day averaged market price ) .

  8. 根据信托契据睿富中国商业房地产投资信托基金单位权益通知由管理人收妥后,已刊登于香港交易所的网站。

    The notifications pursuant to the Trust Deed with respect to interests in Units in RREEF China Commercial Trust received by the Manager have been published on the website of HKEx .

  9. 范例包括共同基金、单位信讬、保本基金与替代投资。

    Examples are mutual funds , unit trusts , capital guaranteed funds and alternative investments .

  10. 现在,风险投资业内出现了两个并行不悖的趋势,导致以基金为单位的考量体系正在慢慢失效。

    There have been two parallel trends in the venture capital industry that are eroding the utility of the fund as the unit of measurement in the industry .

  11. 据公司发言人宣布阿斯利康作为新研究的基金资助单位已向食品与卫生管理局提交了申请,用以开发它包括预防动脉粥样硬化在内的广阔应用前景。

    Manufacturer AstraZeneca , which funded the new study , has submitted an application to the FDA to expand its use to include prevention of atherosclerosis , according to a company spokesperson .

  12. 但是,风投行业以基金为单位的考评体系赖以存在的根本假设正在慢慢失效,即人们可以、且仅可以投资于某一只基金。

    But the utility of the fund as the metric of measurement for the venture capital industry relies on a fundamental assumption which is slowly , but increasingly untrue : that you can invest in that fund , and only that fund .

  13. 赎回风潮直到美国财政部公布了一项临时担保计划方才得到遏制,财政部将担保所有付费参与该计划基金的单位资产净值不低于1美元。

    The resulting investor anxiety led to billions of dollars of outflows from money funds that were only stemmed when the Treasury announced a temporary guarantee of the $ 1 net asset value for all funds that paid a fee to participate in the programme .

  14. 保险基金投资的单位风险收益最优化模型研究

    Research on the Unit Risk-Return Optimization Model of Insurance Funds Investment

  15. 科学基金项目依托单位如何实施卓越管理战略

    How to implement excellent management strategy

  16. 本文利用上海封闭式基金最小报价单位分改厘之前与之后的分笔交易数据,考查了最小报价单位的减小对上海封闭式基金市场质量的影响。

    Using tick-by-tick trade and quote data around the onset of reduction in minimum tick size of Shanghai closed-end funds , we examine the impact of the reduction in minimum tick size on market quality .

  17. 长期以来,风投行业一直以“基金”为单位来衡量投资表现;风投公司围绕特定策略、募集成立相互独立的资本池&基金,然后遵循这一策略,对公司进行投资。

    The unit of measurement in the venture capital industry has long been the " fund " & a discrete pool of capital that a firm raises around a particular strategy , and then deploys by investing into companies aligned with that strategy .

  18. 详细说明金岳文博古典家具设计中心是在全国工商业联古玩业商会、中国文物保护基金会等单位倡导支持下成立的,其宗旨是弘扬中国古典家具的艺术和文化。

    Jinyuewenbo classic furniture design center , established under the sponsorship and support of chamber of Commerce for antique of All-China Federation of industry & commerce and China cultural heritage protection fund , is aimed at inheriting and carrying forward art and culture of the Chinese classic furniture .

  19. 专用基金是《事业单位新会计制度》中规定的一个崭新的核算内容。

    The special fund is a new accounting content stimulated in the New Accountancy System of the Facility Units .

  20. 答:养老保险基金的来源包括单位和被保险人缴纳的养老保险费;养老保险基金的银行存款利息;基金收益;滞纳金;地方财政拨款;社会捐赠;其他收入。

    Answer : the origin of endowment insurance fund includes the endowment insurance cost of unit and insurant pay ; the bank deposit accrual of endowment insurance fund ; fund income ; fine for delaying payment ; local finance allocates funds ; the society is donated ; other income .

  21. 如养老基金、投资信托基金、单位信托基金、海外基金等。

    Pension funds , investment trusts , unit trusts and offshore funds .

  22. 封闭式基金只投放一定数量基金单位,并在交易所交易的共同基金。

    Fund , closed-end a mutual fund that offers a limited number of shares which are traded on an exchange .

  23. 除个人金融规划以外,避税天堂还为企业、对冲基金、投资信托基金和单位信托基金提供服务。

    As well as personal financial planning , tax havens provide services to companies , hedge funds , investment trusts and unit trusts .

  24. 支持市场的措施包括,28家已获准在上海或深圳上市的公司自愿暂停IPO,以及25家基金公司承诺买入各自基金的单位并持股至少一年,以帮助稳定市场。

    Measures to support the market include the voluntary suspension of IPOs by 28 companies that had received earlier approvals to float on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges , and a pledge by 25 fund managers to help stabilise the market by buying units in their own funds and holding on to shares for at least a year .

  25. 其基本思路就是由陕西省委、省政府牵头,由陕西旅游集团公司和一家证券公司联合成立陕西大遗址旅游产业投资基金管理公司,通过发行基金单位,面对个人和机构投资者筹集资金。

    The essential thinking is that Shaanxi provincial party committee and provincial government take the lead and Shaanxi Tourism Group Company and a bond company found jointly Shaanxi big relics tourism industry investment fund management company that collects funds of individuals and organizations investors through publishing fund scrips .

  26. 基金的一种,发行的基金单位数目是固定的,通常在证券交易所挂牌交易。

    Type of fund that has a fixed number of shares usually listed on a major stock exchange .

  27. 基金公司的资金主要来源于发行基金单位,实现筹资。

    Capital of fund company is from fund issuing organization .

  28. 基金名称:隆元证券投资基金每份基金单位面值:1.00元。

    Name of funds : longyuan securities investment funds ; par value for each unit fundsfund units : rmb1.00 .

  29. 开放式基金是指基金发行总额不固定,基金单位总数随时增减,投资人可以按基金的报价在规定的营业场所申购或赎回基金单位的一种基金。

    The open-fund refers to the fund that the circulation is not fixed , the sum of fund unit may increase and decrease at any moment and the investors may ask to purchase or redeem the fund unit according to quoted price in a stated location .

  30. 开放式基金由于其自身的特点,即投资者随时可以单位资产净值中购或赎回基金单位,使得流动性风险成为了其面临的主要风险。

    Because open-end fund has characteristics itself , namely , investors may buy or sell fund units depends on unit net asset value , and liquidity risk become the major risk that open-end faces to .