
jī jīn zī chǎn
  • fund asset
  1. 金融衍生产品对对冲基金资产管理业务的影响

    Finance derivates ' influence on fund asset management business

  2. 研究结果证明了此模型在我国基金资产配置中是有效的。

    It is proved that the model is efficient to the fund asset allocation in China .

  3. 据《上海日报》(ShanghaiDaily)报道,去年中国基金资产总额缩水了9%以上。

    According to reports in the Shanghai Daily , total fund assets fell by more than 9 per cent last year .

  4. 据汇丰(hsbc)表示,该国养老基金资产相当于其经济产出的109%。

    The country has pension fund assets of 109 per cent of its output , according to HSBC .

  5. 第四,为了实现基金资产流动性风险的最优控制,根据Hamilton函数方程和常微分方程求解最小执行成本的变现策略,并加以实证检验。

    Fourth , in order to achieve the optimal liquidity risk control we realized strategy for solving the minimum cost of implementation functions according to Hamilton equations and ordinary differential equations , and the result was empirical tested .

  6. Bridgewater管理着约700亿美元的对冲基金资产,还管理着500亿美元主要面向养老基金的贝塔产品。

    Bridgewater manages about $ 70bn in hedge fund assets , and another $ 50bn in beta products , mainly for pension funds .

  7. 专业研究机构Z-BenAdvisors编纂的数据显示,去年12月底,24家中外合资公司管理的资产,约占内地共同基金资产总额的40%,高于去年初的25%。

    Figures compiled by Z-Ben Advisors , a specialist research firm , show that the 24 Sino - foreign joint ventures accounted for almost 40 per cent of total domestic mutual fund assets at the end of December , up from a quarter at the start of last year .

  8. 下列一些费用项目会定期从基金资产中扣除。

    The fees listed below are deducted regularly from fund assets .

  9. 配置型基金资产配置管理研究

    Research on the Asset Allocation Management of the Asset Allocation Fund

  10. 承诺利用基金资产进行利益输送;

    Undertake to use fund assets to illegally convey benefits ;

  11. 本文作者为富达国际基金资产配置总监

    Trevor Greetham is director of asset allocation at Fidelity International

  12. 贝叶斯方法在养老基金资产负债管理中的应用

    The Application of Bayesian Method in ALM for Pension Fund

  13. 三.开放式基金资产配置绩效的理论研究。

    And the third , the study in the performance of assets allocation .

  14. 在最近的一次政府申报中,他们透露基金资产为4500万美元。

    In a recent government filing , they disclosed $ 45 million in assets .

  15. 证券投资基金资产构建与管理部分。

    The construction and management of mutual fund .

  16. 中国证券投资基金资产配置效率实证研究

    Empirical Research on the Efficiency of Assets Allocation of China 's Securities Investment Fund

  17. 前者主要集中于对基金资产组合中配置的资产对基金的业绩可能产生的影响进行分析。

    The former mainly focused on the how fund portfolio affect performance of it .

  18. 基金资产管理中的信号传递规律

    Signaling Processes in Fund Management

  19. 去年的净赎回额达到了基金资产管理规模的5%左右,约合7亿美元。

    Net redemptions last year reached about 5 % of fund assets , or around $ 700 million .

  20. 美国的共有基金资产从2008年开始下降了2.4万亿美元,这相当于其价值的五分之一。

    American mutual-fund assets have declined by $ 2.4 trillion a fifth of their value since the start of2008 ;

  21. 例如,可以进一步提升货币市场基金资产的流动性、久期以及质量标准。

    For example , the liquidity , duration , and quality standards for money funds could be further strengthened .

  22. 而进一步分析发现基金资产规模及基金资产集中度对我国开放式证券投资基金的绩效有显著的影响。

    Further more , the scale of open-end funds and the concentration in position has positive effect to the performance .

  23. 证券投资基金资产配置效率研究,旨在度量资产配置对证券投资基金业绩的贡献程度。

    The study on the asset allocation efficiency focus on the contribution degree of asset allocation to securities investment fund performance .

  24. 在2008年10月的一周之内,全球退休基金资产就缩水了20%左右。

    In one week of October 2008 , the value of global retirement assets took a hit of about 20 per cent .

  25. 李选进表示:在中国的共同基金资产中,前十大城市和地区所占的份额仅为二分之一。

    The top 10 cities and regions in China only account for half of the assets in mutual funds , says Mr Lee .

  26. 2006年底,中外合资公司在1100亿美元国内共同基金资产中所占比例接近40%。

    Sino-foreign firms ac-counted for almost 40 per cent of the $ 110bn in domestic mutual fund assets at the end of 2006 .

  27. 本文建立了一个养老基金资产负债管理的动态模型,解决养老基金在相关性资产之间的配置问题。

    A dynamic model for asset liability management of pension fund which accounts for correlations among financial assets is presented in this paper .

  28. 截至去年年底,夏皮罗的慈善基金资产总额达3.45亿美元,但如今已经损失了近半数的资产。

    Mr Shapiro 's charitable foundation lost nearly half its assets , which were estimated at $ 345m at the end of last year .

  29. 证券投资基金资产配置是指基金管理人决定如何在可投资的资产类别之间进行分配资金的过程。

    The asset allocation of security investment fund is the process that the fund managers decide on how to allocate fund among various asset class .

  30. 考虑到这些银行股票近几个月的大幅上涨,该基金资产总值估计已增至400亿美元。

    Given the sharp rise of these shares in recent months , the fund 's total assets are estimated to have jumped to $ 40bn .