
  1. 市场普遍推测,对冲基金将被迫清算资产,以满足追加保证金要求。

    The market is rife with speculation that funds are being forced to liquidate assets to meet margin calls .

  2. 报道说,该基金现在处于清算资产的过程中,预计将在下周一向剩余的投资者初步发放200亿美元。

    It is now in the process of liquidating its assets and was expected to make an initial distribution of $ 20bn to remaining investors on Monday , according to reports .

  3. BCPartners将希望,在其最新的基金于11月份清算之前,约100亿欧元的首次公开发行计划会取得成功。

    BC Partners will hope that its plans for some € 10bn of public offerings are successful before its latest fund winds up in November .

  4. 比如说,收盘价通常被用来计算共同基金资产净值,清算衍生品合约,设定股票发行价,或者银行接受股票作为抵押品的贷款合约的定价。

    Closing prices are typically used , for example , to set mutual fund net asset values , to settle derivatives contracts , for pricing equity offerings or for lending covenants from banks that have taken stock as collateral for loans .