
  1. 不过,他们的收入会按照普通收入的税率缴税,而非按照对冲基金资本收益15%的税率来缴税。

    Their income will be taxed as ordinary income rather than the 15 % rate on capital gains that hedge funds benefit from .

  2. 本文首先分析了开放式基金资本的混合型特性,然后对流动性和流动性风险进行了界定。

    In this paper the mixed characteristic of open-end fund is analysed , its circulation , as well as circulation risk , is defined .

  3. 第三,应拓宽风险投资基金资本募集渠道,修改、完善相关法律制度以促进风险资本来源多元化。

    Thirdly , the raising channels of venture capital fund should be broadened and the relevant legal system should be modified and completed in order to promote the pluralism of venture capital .

  4. 第三章剖析在社保基金资本化运营中具有先驱意义的典型国家智利的社会养老保险基金的投资运营与监管及其成功经验与失败教训。

    Analyze in National Social Security Fund how is it run with pioneer 's meaning typical country in run on behalf of investment of basic old-age pension system of Chile to capitalizing in detail And successful experience and lesson of failing with supervising in Chapter Three .

  5. 1998年,在对冲基金长期资本管理公司(long-termcapitalmanagement)倒闭后,利率被大幅下调,2001年股市崩盘时又被进一步下调。

    Rates were then sharply reduced in 1998 , after the collapse of the hedge fund long-term capital management , and were lowered again when the stock market collapsed in 2001 .

  6. 希尔德布兰德夫妇均曾为美国对冲基金摩尔资本(moorecapital)工作,在此期间相识,他俩至今保持着一种国际化的生活方式。

    The hildebrands met while both worked for Moore capital , the US hedge fund , and maintain an international lifestyle .

  7. 上周,美国大型对冲基金埃利奥特资本管理公司(ElliottManagement)要求三星改革公司结构,这让三星的高层面临压力,要证明自己的行动的合理性。

    Last week , a large American hedge fund , Elliott Management , called for the company to overhaul its structure , putting pressure on Samsung 's leaders to justify their actions .

  8. 昆仑万维最初得到了硅谷领先风投基金红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)的支持,其核心业务是游戏、社交平台和技术投资。

    Beijing Kunlun was originally backed by leading Silicon Valley venture capital fund Sequoia Capital , and has core businesses in gaming , social communications platforms and technology investments .

  9. 纽约联邦储备银行(NewYorkFed)一名高级官员曾在1998年与塞恩共事,营救破产的对冲基金长期资本管理公司(LTCM)。这位官员将当时的塞恩形容为冰冷如石的杀手。

    A senior New York Fed official who worked with him in 1998 , on the rescue of the failed hedge fund Long-Term Capital Management , describes Thain at that time as a stone-cold killer .

  10. 市场一旦出现崩盘,达德利将在稳定市场方面发挥关键作用,就像对冲基金长期资本管理公司(longtermcapitalmanagement)濒临破产之后,其前任之一彼得费希尔(peterfisher)所做的那样。

    Mr Dudley would also play a crucial role in stabilising the markets in the event of a meltdown , as one of his predecessors , Peter Fisher , did following the near collapse of long term capital management , the hedge fund .

  11. 私募股权基金作为资本市场的新宠,近年来不断发展壮大,已经成为规模上仅次于银行贷款和IPO的融资方式。

    As the new favorite of the capital market , Private equity funds develop rapidly in recent years , having become the most important financing method just next to bank credit and IPO in aspect of scale .

  12. 1997年,罗伯特•默顿(RobertMerton)和迈伦•斯克尔斯(MyronScholes)凭借在期权定价领域的研究成果获得诺贝尔经济学奖,此后不到一年默顿和斯克尔斯担任合伙人的对冲基金长期资本管理公司(Long-TermCapitalManagement)就受到了戏剧性的救助。

    Robert Merton and Myron Scholes won in 1997 for their work on option pricing - less than a year before the dramatic bailout of Long-Term Capital Management , a hedge fund in which Merton and Scholes were closely involved .

  13. 去年成立的中国私募股权基金汉德资本(AgicCapital)收购了一家欧洲工业机器人公司——这是中国努力获取西方自动化技术的最新一例。

    Agic Capital , the Chinese private equity fund launched last year , has bought a European industrial robotics business - in the latest example of the country 's push to gain access to western automation technology .

  14. 论我国基本养老保险基金进入资本市场的方式选择

    Research on the Means by which Basic Pension Funds Enter Capital Market

  15. 私募股权投资基金人力资本特性的经济学分析

    The Economic Analysis on Human Capital of Private Equity

  16. 养老保险基金进入资本市场的监管问题研究

    Studies of Supervision over Pension Fund in Capital Market

  17. 社保基金投资资本市场风险管理研究

    Study on Risk Management of Social Security Funds Investment

  18. 第二部分为养老保险基金和资本市场。

    The second part is the relationship of pension fund and capital market .

  19. 本论文主要论述的是我国社会保险基金的资本市场运作问题。

    This thesis focuses on problems of the investment of Chinese Social Security Funds .

  20. 第二部分探讨了养老保险基金在资本市场的投资运营。

    The chapter 2 discusses the pension fund investment running in the capital market .

  21. 我国基本养老保险基金与资本市场互动关系研究

    Study of the Interactive Relationship between Basic Pension Fund and Capital Market in China

  22. 修改制定相应法律法规,促成养老基金进入资本市场;

    Modification and formulation of corresponding laws ;

  23. 这家公司把储备基金用作资本。

    The company capitalized its reserve funds .

  24. 养老保险基金与资本市场

    Funds of Retirement Insurance and Capital Market

  25. 证券投资基金作为资本市场上重要的机构投资者,在经济环境中扮演着越来越重要的角色。

    Securities investment funds as an important capital market institutional investors in the economic environment play an increasingly important role .

  26. 在市场导向型公司治理结构中,养老基金通过资本市场能够发挥较大的控制影响作用;

    In a market-led corporate governance structure , pension fund can play a relatively important controlling role via the capital market .

  27. 由此,应该充分利用证券投资基金的资本运作优势建立合理的股权结构。

    Herein , we should take advantage of the capital operation of the mutual fund to shape an optimized structure of the shareholders .

  28. 随着资本市场的完善,养老基金进入资本市场已经提上议事日程。

    With the improvement of the capital market , there are many discussions on the necessity that the basic pension funds enter the market .

  29. 本文从养老保险基金与资本市场的互动关系出发,论述养老保险基金市场化运营的可行性与必要性;

    Starting with the mutual relationship between endowment insurance fund and capital market , this article discusses the workability and necessity of marketed operation .

  30. 接着,介绍了风险投资基金的资本募集方式,结合风险投资的特殊性,确定风险投资基金的募集一般应以私募为主。

    Combining with the particularity of venture capital , it makes a conclusion that the raising of venture capital fund should be mainly private placement .