
  1. 基于VaR的我国证券投资基金绩效评价方法

    The Methods of Evaluating Securities Investment Funds Performance Based on VaR

  2. 基于动态DEA模型的证券投资基金绩效评价

    Performance of Mutual Funds on Dynamic DEA

  3. 投资基金绩效评价的Sharpe指数与衰减度实证分析

    Empirical analysis of performance for investment fund through Sharpe ratio and decay rate

  4. 基于SFA效率值的我国开放式基金绩效评价研究

    A Study on the Performance Evaluation of Chinese Open-ended Funds Based on SFA Efficiency Value

  5. 将传统的基金绩效评价方法和DEA(数据包络分析)模型用于银行系基金的绩效评价是本文的核心部分。

    The major part of this paper is performance evaluation of the funds which raised by bank-owned fund management companies , using traditional methods and DEA ( Data Envelopment Analysis ) model .

  6. 基于VaR的证券投资基金绩效评价方法&RAROC,这种经风险调整后的绩效评价方法能更客观、准确地反映证券投资基金的绩效。

    However , Risk Adjusted Return on Capital ( RAROC ), the methods of evaluation based on VaR ( Value at Risk ), can describe the performance of securities investment funds objectively and accurately .

  7. 信息比率及其在基金绩效评价中的应用

    Information Ratio and Empirical Study of Security Funds Performance Evaluation

  8. 封闭式投资基金绩效评价及实证研究

    Evaluation and Positive Analysis on Performance of Closed Investment Fund

  9. 基金绩效评价的新方法及实证研究

    A new measure and empirical analysis for fund performance evaluation

  10. 基于时变β的基金绩效评价方法及实证研究

    The Assessment of Fund Performance and Empirical Research Based on Time-Varying Beta

  11. 并在此基础上,构建我国开放式基金绩效评价体系。

    Above all , conceive the system for open-end fund performance appraisal .

  12. 信息比率是证券投资基金绩效评价的一种得力工具。

    Information ratio is a powerful tool for security investment funds performance evaluation .

  13. 然后,提出设立证券投资基金绩效评价标准的原则。

    Secondly , The paper put forward the principles of performance measurement criterion .

  14. 在此基础上,本文综合运用了多种方法开展基金绩效评价研究。

    Lots of methods are used to evaluate fund performance in this thesis .

  15. 第五章,构建政府创投引导基金绩效评价的体系。

    The fifth chapter is building government performance evaluation system of venture capital fund .

  16. 西方证券投资基金绩效评价方法的发展已经积累了大量的研究成果。

    The development of evaluation methods for security fund performance has accumulated many research achievements .

  17. 证券投资基金绩效评价模型综述

    Performance Evaluation Model of Securities Investment Funds

  18. 新型农村合作医疗基金绩效评价指标体系构建的探索

    A Study on Building the Performance Evaluation Index System of the New Rural Cooperative Medical Fund

  19. 那么,是否可以避开这两个假定建立一套基金绩效评价方法?

    So , can we build a new framework of performance evaluation without these two assumptions .

  20. 因此,建立健全基金绩效评价体系,全面客观评价证券投资基金的管理绩效显得尤为重要。

    So the comprehensive and objective evaluation of the funds ' investment performance is very important and urgent .

  21. 第六章,政府创投引导基金绩效评价的案例分析以及对策研究。

    And the sixth chapter is case analysis of government performance evaluation of venture capital fund and countermeasures .

  22. 本文首先对国内外证券投资基金绩效评价理论与方法进行了系统分析与论述。

    This paper firstly analyses and reviews the theory and method of the securities investment fund evaluating performance systematically .

  23. 证券投资基金绩效评价,对投资者与基金公司都有重要意义。

    The evaluation of fund performance based on return and risk is very important for investors and fund corporations .

  24. 考虑决策者的有限理性,在行为金融范式下研究了开放式基金绩效评价问题。

    Considering decision-makers ' bounded rational , it 's studied the performance evaluation of open-end fund under the paradigm of behavioral finance .

  25. 基金绩效评价是基金研究的基础性问题,是以现代投资理论为基础的。

    The performance evaluation is the basic question of the study on mutual funds , which based on the modern investment theory .

  26. 第二章,阐述政府创投引导基金绩效评价的相关理论基础,包括相关概念的界定和相关理论基础的内容。

    The second chapter is the government investment fund performance evaluation theory , including definition and theory based on the concept of content .

  27. 设置新型农村合作医疗基金绩效评价的指标并给予赋值,构建了完整的指标体系。

    Then , the establishment of a new type of rural cooperative medical fund performance evaluation system is the focus of the article .

  28. 本文的第三章以及第四章主要介绍了投资基金绩效评价的发展历程以及绩效评价方法的模型。

    The third chapter and forth chapter of this dissertation mainly introduce the development course of funds performance measurement and the model of measurement .

  29. 另外,国内研究人员采用的评价方法仍然局限在传统的基金绩效评价指标,这些方法在我国的适用性一直受到理论界和实务界的质疑。

    More importantly , the evaluation methods adopted are limited in the range of traditional indexes , and the applicability always meets doubts in China .

  30. 目前,国内的开放式基金绩效评价体系大多缺乏整体性,评价标准各不相同,评价结果甚至相互矛盾。

    Currently , domestic Open-end fund performance evaluation system is mostly lacked for integrity , the standard of evaluation is various , some results of evaluation is conflicting .