
  • 网络annualized return
  1. 余额宝七天的年化收益率是5%到7%。

    Yu ' ebao offers a seven-day annualized yield of 5 to 7 percent .

  2. 主动策略基金整体不单在年化收益率上战胜了指数策略基金,而且在风险程度上也低于指数型基金。

    Active Fund as a whole , not only higher in the year yield than the index fund , but also in the degree of risk is also lower than index fund .

  3. 他的朋友欧阳傅杰称,上月投资了50万元的理财产品,年化收益率略超4%。

    His friend , Mr. Ouyang , said he had had 500,000 yuan invested in wealth management products last month , which he said fetched a yearly return of a little over 4 % .

  4. 阿里巴巴称,该产品的预期年化收益率为7%,但不能担保投资者获得回报。

    Though the company says it can 't guarantee returns , investors should expect a 7 % return from the year-long investment & and the ability to help cast the movies , it says .

  5. 舞团的成员赵女士说,她把所有积蓄都投到了一款中信理财产品上,预期年化收益率为4.5%。

    Ms. Zhao , a member of the dancing group who asked to only be identified by her surname , said she had put all of her savings into a Citic wealth management product with a projected annual return of 4.5 % .

  6. 这意味着年化平均收益率为18.1%。

    That 's an annual return of 18.1 % .

  7. 而在长期采用动量策略,其年化超额收益率虽然较低,但也显著为正,并维持在5%左右。

    In the long term , when choosing positive feedback strategy , we can obtain about 5 % returns in excess of market average return .

  8. 如今银行活期存款年利率只有0.35%(为了确保银行能获得丰厚的利润,政府将活期存款利率限制在这一水平),而过去一个月余额宝的平均年化收益率则为约5%。

    But while demand deposits earn an annualised rate of 0.35 per cent in banks - a level capped by the government to ensure that banks have plump profit margins - Yu'E Bao rates have averaged about 5 per cent over the past month .