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  1. 但分析师预计,随着信贷过度繁荣带来的问题开始显现,今年晚些时候其他基金的投资者就没那么幸运了。

    Analysts expect investors in other funds later in the year will not be as fortunate , as the excesses of the credit boom begin to unwind .

  2. 这笔资金将投资于收购交易,以及这两家资产管理公司运营的其他基金,如投资公司债的基金。

    The cash is to be invested in buyouts , as well as other funds run by the asset managers , such as those investing in corporate debt .

  3. 这对于GIC(和其他基金)应当如何运作,提出了一些重要的问题。

    That raises some big questions about how the GIC ( and others ) should conduct themselves .

  4. 他还说研究机构已经要求政府通过棉花技术团(TMC)或其他基金组织给高质量种子的生产提供补助金。

    He added that the research body has asked the government to grant subsidy for production of high quality seeds through the Technology Mission for Cotton ( TMC ) or some other fund .

  5. 其他基金经理正在采取一种类似的策略。

    Other fund managers are pursuing a similar strategy .

  6. 本文研究的第三个问题是分析明星基金对其他基金家族的影响。

    The third problem studies the impact of star fund to other fund families .

  7. 社会保障基金与其他基金相同,面临着系统风险和非系统风险。

    Generally speaking , social security fund is facing systematic risks and unsystematic risks .

  8. 与其他基金相匹配提供的基金。

    Funds that will be supplied in an amount matching the funds available from other sources .

  9. 多年来,政府、研究所、高校和其他基金中心都对其进行了投资。

    Over the years , governments , laboratories , universities and other centers paid for the rest .

  10. 基金资助:指以基金形式资助的项目:国家自然科学基金或其他基金;

    Foundation : Refers to projects that are financed by foundations : National Natural Science Foundation or others ;

  11. 同时他也没有进行对冲基金跟其他基金的表现对比,例如私募基金。

    Nor does he analyse how hedge-fund performance compares with other asset classes , such as private equity .

  12. 买有养老基金及其他基金的人也担心他们最终会被保管人收取更高的保险费。

    Eg. pension funds and others fear they will be charged a higher premium by custodians as a result .

  13. 其他基金发起机构的高管也在私下里承认,他们为了扩大市场份额,目前都在承受亏损。

    Executives at other fund sponsors privately acknowledge they are absorbing losses in a bid to gain market share .

  14. 本文的研究相信对其他基金管理公司的发展也具有一定的指导意义。

    It can be believed that the other companies in the field of fund can obtain significant benefits by the research of this essay .

  15. 当日健康博客问题:州政府和当地政府是否该资助生物医药研究还是将这个问题留给华尔街和其他基金?

    Health Blog Question of the Day : Should state and local governments subsidize biomedical research or leave the task to Wall Street and the feds ?

  16. 其他基金经理则选择了成熟市场与回报及风险更高的中国、印度、越南和韩国等发展中市场的组合。

    Others are selecting a mix of mature markets with developing ones such as China , India , Vietnam and South Korea where returns and risks are higher .

  17. 此类基金因其自身的性质,存在着许多区别于其他基金的重要特点,即目的性、特定对象性、强制性、互济性、增值性。

    Such funds for its own nature , there are many funds from other important feature , namely , purpose , object-specific , mandatory , mutual relief , and value-added .

  18. 一开始,主权财富基金投资比较隐蔽,相对于其他基金来说规模较小,并未引起全球的关注。

    At first , compared with other funds , the scale of sovereign wealth funds is small , its investment is covert , so it has not attracted global attention .

  19. 赎回投资者的潜在收益高于其他基金投资者的平均累积未实现收益,其赎回行为对其他投资者存在负向的外部效应,反之,赎回行为则对其他投资者存在正向的外部效应。

    Supposing that the potential income of redeeming investors is higher than the average accumulated unrealized income of fund investors , the external effect of redeeming behavior is negative to other investors .

  20. 机构投资者助长了这一局面,他们每个季度(或频率更高)都要评估基金经理相对于市场的业绩,而市场在很大程度上受到其他基金经理和交易员的从众行为的影响。

    Institutional investors connive in this by measuring fund managers ' performance quarterly ( or less ) against markets that are heavily influenced by the herd behaviour of other fund managers and traders .

  21. 经实证检验发现,明星基金不仅为自身带来更多的资金流入,而且确实存在溢出效应,为同一家族旗下的其他基金带来了更多的资金流入。

    Through the empirical test , we find that the star fund not only creates more capital inflows , but also has a spillover effect which can create more capital inflows for other funds under the same fund family .

  22. 有时,一般合伙人会拿出最有吸引力的基金(所有投资者都想投资的基金),规定有限合伙人如果想投资这只基金,就必须同时投资他们旗下的其他基金。

    Sometimes the GP will hold out the most attractive fund – the fund that every investor wants to get into – and stipulate that in order to get into that fund , the LP must invest in their other funds as well .

  23. 因为在投资私人股本和对冲基金之后,GIC(和其他主权基金)最终往往会受制于共同投资者的变幻莫测&而这些共同投资者有一些目光短浅,或者实行逐日盯市制度。

    For by investing in private equity and hedge funds , the GIC ( and others ) ended up being exposed to the vagaries of their co-investors – and some of those had short-term horizons , or mark-to-market triggers .

  24. 在2年半的时间里,他们多次收到通知,提醒他们对退休储蓄进行多元化配置的重要性,以及他们可以选择投资的其他401K基金的信息和如何进行配置调整的说明。

    They received multiple reminders during the 2 ½ - year process about the importance of diversification of retirement savings along with information on options available to them in other 401k funds and instructions on making changes .

  25. 我预计,其他(基金管理公司)将会跟进。

    I would expect other [ fund managers ] to follow .

  26. 话虽如此,其他捐赠基金也得应对金融危机的挑战。

    That said , other endowments also had to weather the financial crisis .

  27. 这很快引发了投资者挤兑,而政府部门则出手干预,防止其他同类基金倒闭。

    That led to a rapid run on its deposits and official intervention to stop other funds toppling .

  28. 这引发了相关风险:即其他此类基金中的散户投资者可能出现恐慌,并撤离自己的资金。

    This raised the risk that retail investors in other such funds could panic and pull out their money .

  29. 因此外汇基金的投资策略与退休基金及其他投资基金的投资策略差别很大。

    The strategy is therefore significantly different from the strategies of , for example , pension funds and other investment funds .

  30. 其他所有基金在招股说明书的第一行都会写道:本基金存在风险,有可能跌破面值。

    The first line of all other funds ' prospectuses would state : This fund is risky and can break the buck .