
  • 网络miscellaneous assets;Other Asset
  1. 一条警告指出,其他资产需要Application,如果继续操作,依赖资产将被清除。

    A warning indicates that other assets require Application and dependent assets will be cleared if you continue .

  2. 在记录由BusinessEvents运行时处理的事件、动作、过滤器和其他资产的历史表中跟踪历史。

    History is tracked in history tables that record events , actions , filters and other assets that are processed by the Business Events runtime .

  3. 在解决方案或RationalAssetManager中的其他资产的开发期间,可以使用其确定重用资产。

    You can use it to source assets for reuse during the development of solutions or other assets from Rational Asset Manager .

  4. 一个大型数据库(称为资产服务器)存储每个3D模型、纹理、角色和其他资产的详细信息。

    A large database ( known as the Asset Server ) holds the details of every 3D model , texture , avatar , or other asset .

  5. 它使IBM推动了高价值的可重用软件组件的开发,同时促进使用开源实践的其他资产的开发,以供我们的商用产品使用。

    This allowed IBM to promote the development of reusable , high-value , software components and other assets using open source practices for use in our commercial products .

  6. 股票股息被SD分配不是一个责任,因为那里是没有义务派发现金或任何其他资产。

    The Stock Dividend to be Distributed account is not a liability , because there is no obligation to distribute cash or any other asset .

  7. 日本银行(BankofJapan)周五出人意料地宣布,将扩大购买政府债券和其他资产的行动,使之达到每年价值逾7000亿美元的规模。

    In an unexpected decision , the Bank of Japan said on Friday that it would expand its program of buying government bonds and other assets to the equivalent of more than $ 700 billion a year .

  8. CDO以次级抵押贷款债券、商业抵押贷款证券和其他资产作为担保。

    These securities are collateralized debt obligations backed by subprime-mortgage bonds , commercial-mortgage loans and other assets .

  9. 而测试员同样作为资产的消费者,他们将在RUP的构建和转换阶段搜寻测试实例或者其他资产。

    However , a tester , also acting as an asset consumer , would likely search for test cases or other assets during the RUP Construction and Transition phases .

  10. ATO负责战术情势,决定什么资产将被使用来实行目标并且处理其他资产状况的协调。

    The ATO is responsible for the tactical situation , deciding what assets will be used to prosecute the target and handling the coordination of other assets on scene .

  11. 但在通用电气(GeneralElectricCo.)和百事(PepsiCoInc.)等跨国公司到缅甸寻找机会之际,很多公司主要侧重于在缅甸销售产品,而不是投资建厂或投资于其他资产。

    But while multinational firms such as General Electric Co. GE - 0.90 % and PepsiCo Inc. PEP + 0.16 % are looking for opportunities in Myanmar , many have focused mainly on selling products here rather than investing capital to build factories or other assets .

  12. 莱丁斯(BarryRidings)是LazardLtd.的资深银行家,为企业提供破产或其他资产负债表重组交易的咨询服务。他说,听起来这次风暴似乎会非常非常严重。

    ' It sounds like it 's going to be really , really bad , ' said Barry Ridings , a veteran Lazard Ltd. banker who advises companies on bankruptcies and other balance-sheet restructuring deals .

  13. 相关资产:此资产如何与其他资产相关。

    Related assets : How this asset relates to other assets .

  14. 无形资产及其他资产核算;

    Intangible assets and other assets are checked and calculated ;

  15. 因此,到其他资产的连接被延迟了。

    So , the connection to other assets is delayed .

  16. 跟其他资产不同的是,黄金并不提供收入。

    Unlike other assets , gold provides no income .

  17. 但是,许多其他资产类别也受到了影响。

    But many other asset classes are affected too .

  18. 指存出供作保证用之现金或其他资产。

    Cash or other assets deposited for guarantee purpose .

  19. 这对债务、信贷市场以及其他资产产生重大影响。

    This has huge implications for debt , credit markets and other assets .

  20. 本文的结果还可应用到其他资产定价问题。

    The results can be used to other asset pricing problems as well .

  21. 在资产负债表中,开办费出现在其他资产项目下。

    In the balance sheet , organization costs appear under the other assets caption .

  22. 第三十三条其他资产是指除以上各项目以外的资产。

    Article 33 Other assets refer to the assets except all items mentioned above .

  23. 购买或销售商品以外的其他资产。

    Purchasing or selling assets other than goods ;

  24. 其他资产类别大多发生了资金外流。

    Most other asset classes have seen outflows .

  25. 这意味着房价理应高昂,因为其他资产也很昂贵。

    That means that house prices should be expensive because other assets are expensive too .

  26. 与其他资产不同,房地产既被视为一项投资,又被视为某种消费品。

    Unlike other assets , housing is seen both as an investment and something to consume .

  27. 由于通货紧缩,货币相对于其他资产升值,社会的持币意愿增强。

    Owing to deflation , money is preferred as its price increases relative to other assets .

  28. 他就像国家篮球协会、全国橄榄球联盟或其他资产一样,是一笔财产。

    He 's a property much like the NBA , NFL , or any other property .

  29. 国家,抑或是亲克里姆林宫的企业,接管了多家电视台和其他资产。

    The state , or Kremlin-friendly businesses , have taken over various television stations and other assets .

  30. 这家集团向共同基金及其他资产管理机构售出了25亿美元的债券。

    The developer sold $ 2.5 billion in bonds to mutual funds and other major money managers .