
  • 网络dollar assets
  1. 巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)对1999年初以来,投资者持有美元资产所要求的风险溢价的分析,就证明了这一点。

    Indeed , Barclays Capital demonstrates this by analysing the risk premium investors have demanded for holding dollar assets since the beginning of 1999 .

  2. 渣打银行(StandardCharteredbank)上月表示,有证据表明,今年中国已经加快了外汇储备多元化的进程,将大约四分之三的新增外汇储备投入非美元资产。

    Standard Chartered Bank said last month that there was evidence that China had stepped up the pace of its reserve diversification this year by investing about three-quarters of its new foreign exchange holdings in non-US dollar assets .

  3. 与safe有密切工作关系的分析师和人士称,中国外汇储备约三分之二投资于美元资产。

    Around two thirds of the reserves are invested in US dollar-denominated assets , according to analysts and people who work closely with safe .

  4. 他效力于管理着3550亿美元资产的投资管理公司FederatedInvestors,担任首席固定收益策略师,他指出:“各类资产之间存在不平衡或差别待遇,市政债券是最突出的例子。”

    There are inconsistencies or discrepancies from one asset class to another , " he says . "

  5. 现年55岁、掌管超过8000亿美元资产的高盛资产管理(GoldmanSachsAssetManagement)董事长奥尼尔依然乐观。

    O'Neill , the 55-year-old chairman of Goldman Sachs asset management ( GS ) , which oversees more than $ 800 billion , remains optimistic .

  6. 与此同时,2000年成立的“碳排放披露项目”(carbondisclosureproject)现在接受2400家企业的报告,这些数据要传递给拥有超过41万亿美元资产的机构投资者。

    Meanwhile , the Carbon Disclosure Project , founded in 2000 , now receives reports from 2400 companies , data that is passed to institutional investors that have more than $ 41000bn in assets .

  7. 新增的短期刺激将降低美联储(FederalReserve)明年被迫扩大6000亿美元资产购买计划的可能性,但不太可能提早结束该计划。

    The added short-term stimulus will reduce the chances that the Federal Reserve has to expand on its $ 600bn programme of asset purchases next year , but is unlikely to cut it short .

  8. 截至今年6月底,伯克希尔拥有约1000亿美元资产,其中不到一半投资于股票,大多数是大型蓝筹公司的股票,例如可口可乐(Coca-Cola)、美国运通(AmericanExpress)和卡夫食品(KraftFoods)。

    Berkshire had about $ 100bn of assets at the end of June , of which under half were invested in equities , mostly large blue-chip companies such as Coca-Cola , American Express and Kraft Foods .

  9. 印度最大的石油集团正与英国石油(BP)展开谈判,计划收购后者的越南资产。BP目前正朝着墨西哥湾漏油事件发生后订立的100亿美元资产出售目标迈进。

    India 's largest oil group is in talks with BP to buy its Vietnamese assets as the UK company works towards the $ 10bn of sales it has targeted in the wake of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill .

  10. 香港市场监管机构禁止总部位于纽约的亚洲老虎基金(TigerAsia)在港从事任何上市证券或衍生产品交易、并冻结逾3000万美元资产的努力,取得了重大胜利。

    The Hong Kong market regulator has won an important victory in its efforts to ban the New-York based Tiger Asia hedge fund from trading listed stocks and derivatives in the territory and freeze more than $ 30m in assets .

  11. AbraajGroup管理着80多亿美元资产,通过七个业务中心在35座城市开展经营活动,从拉美到中国,从哈萨克斯坦到南非,到处都有它的投资印记。

    It manages over $ 8 billion , operating out of seven hubs across 35 cities , with investments from Latin America to China , from Kazakhstan to South Africa .

  12. 美国财长汉克保尔森(hankpaulson)最近表示,有报道称中国计划降低美元资产在其外汇储备中的比重,对此,他并不担忧。

    Hank Paulson , the US Treasury Secretary , says he is not worried about reports that China plans to cut the share of its foreign exchange reserves held in dollars .

  13. 实证研究结果认为我国的美元资产可以在保证基本的流动性和安全性前提下,适当提高AAA级公司债券的投资,以提高整个组合收益,分散资产风险。

    Empirical study concludes that our country should increase investment in AAA-rated corporate bonds to increase the portfolio returns and diversify risk , with the premise of ensuring the liquidity and safety .

  14. 活动人士称,合计控制着约2.6万亿美元资产的投资者承诺,将缩减或出清他们在化石燃料公司持有的股份。此举标志着,“撤资运动”(divestmentmovement)的势头正日益高涨。

    Investors controlling about $ 2.6tn in total assets have made commitments to cut back or sell out of their holdings in fossil fuel companies , campaigners say , signalling the growing momentum of the divestment movement .

  15. Vanguard上周就对机构投资者关闭了两只货币市场基金。瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)也表示,将退出在美国的货币市场基金管理业务,并将三只货币市场基金的80亿美元资产变现。

    Vanguard last week closed two of its money market funds to institutional investors , while Credit Suisse said it would quit managing money market funds in the US and liquidate $ 8bn in assets across its three funds .

  16. 管理着110亿美元资产的伦敦对冲基金CQS,对中国及全球的经济增长前景持乐观看法。

    CQS , the $ 11bn London-based hedge fund , has a bullish outlook on China and global growth .

  17. 美国联邦存款保险公司(fdic)正在制定计划,将破产银行的数十亿美元资产打包成证券出售,此举将有助于重启依然运转失常的抵押贷款支持债券(mortgage-backedbonds)市场。

    The US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is working on plans to package billions of dollars of assets from failed banks into securities , a move that will help restart the still dysfunctional markets for mortgage-backed bonds .

  18. 再加上美联储购入美国长期国债的“扭转操作”(operationtwist),这意味着美联储在今年剩余时间每月将购入总共850亿美元资产,与2010年qe2计划相仿。

    Combined with its purchases of long-dated Treasuries under " operation twist " , this will see the Fed buying a total of $ 85bn of assets a month for the rest of the year , similar to its QE2 programme in 2010 .

  19. 证券公司里昂证券(CLSA)驻上海的安迪•罗斯曼(ANDYROTHMAN)表示,中国不太可能抛售美元资产,因为它将对中国持有的巨额美国国债产生不利影响。

    Andy Rothman , of CLSA , the brokerage in Shanghai , said any Chinese sell-off of dollar assets was unlikely as it would rebound on China 's substantial holdings of US Treasuries .

  20. GSOG拥有逾20亿美元资产,包括在亚洲的特殊情况贷款业务,以及在美国和欧洲的一项次级债或夹层(mezzanine)业务。

    The JPMorgan unit , which has more than $ 2bn of assets , involves special situation lending in Asia and a junior debt or mezzanine business in the US and Europe .

  21. TMZ网站曾报道,比伯从他2.25亿美元资产中豪掷500万美元购置安大略湖一所四室宅邸,这所宅子拥有私人马术设施、养马场以及5/8英里长的跑道。

    TMZ reported that Bieber dropped $ 5M of his $ 225M fortune on a four-bedroom Ontario mansion featuring a private equestrian facility with stables and a 5 / 8 mile race track .

  22. 而伦敦资产管理公司millenniumglobalinvestments的董事总经理艾伦爱斯纳(alaneisner)指出,另一方面,全球各国央行或许希望将手中持有的大量美元资产分散为其他投资。

    On the other hand , global central banks still ' hold a lot of dollars that they would like to diversify into other investments , ' said Alan Eisner , managing director at Millennium global investments , a London asset-management firm specializing in currencies .

  23. 2008年,社会摄影师弗朗索瓦-玛丽·巴尼耶(Francois-MarieBanier)被指从贝当古处用花言巧语得手超过10亿美元资产,之后弗朗索瓦便开始了诉讼。

    She started proceedings in2008 , after society photographer Francois-Marie Banier allegedly charmed Bettencourt out of well over $ 1 billion in assets .

  24. 从外国人的角度来看,这提高了美元资产的吸引力。

    From a foreign perspective , dollar assets become more attractive .

  25. 这些拥有上亿美元资产的公司努力吸引更多的顾客。

    These multi-million dollar companies work hard to get more customers .

  26. 美元资产不足以满足国际储备的需求。

    There are not enough dollar assets to accommodate the demand for international reserves .

  27. 该公司拥有1130亿美元资产。

    The company has $ 113bn in assets .

  28. 中国的银行和其它金融机构拒绝购买贬值趋势明显的美元资产。

    Chinese banks and other financial institutions refused to acquire predictably depreciating dollar assets .

  29. 至少还有四分之一投资于美国国债和其它美元资产。

    At least another quarter is in treasury bonds and other US dollar assets .

  30. 当美国其它贸易伙伴国减持美元资产时,中国却增持美元。

    China increased its holding of dollars as America 's other trading partners reduced theirs .