
  • 网络Enterprise Asset Management;eam
  1. 介绍了外高桥发电厂引进企业资产管理系统R/3,实施ERP项目的情况。

    The Enterprise Asset Management System of R / 3 imported by Waigaoqiao Power Plant for implement of ERP program was introduced .

  2. 电力企业资产管理系统(EAM)设计及开发

    Design and Development of Enterprise Asset Management System

  3. 企业资产管理(EAM)系统的应用

    The Application of Enterprise Assets Management ( EAM ) System

  4. 企业资产管理系统(EAM)的建立及其作用

    Establishment of enterprise assets management system and its action

  5. EAM即企业资产管理,它是资产密集型企业在生产维修领域的信息化解决方案。

    EAM , the Enterprise Asset Management , grew out of the CMMS , the Computerized Maintenance Management System .

  6. 本文针对电力行业缺乏设备编码的现状,基于EAM基本原理和KKS体系结构提出的EAM的资产管理思想对于提高企业资产管理效益,加强设备的可利用性具有现实的指导意义。

    It has guiding significance to enhance the management benefit and strengthen the availability of equipment .

  7. 最后,通过提出完善企业资产管理,完善企业内部控制制度,创建良好的基于EAM的全面预算及工程项目管理氛围等三个方面的保障措施,促使新系统良好运行。

    Finally , improving Enterprise Asset Management , perfecting the internal control system , creating a good climate are three protection measures to promote good operation of the new system .

  8. 通过配网生产管理系统的建设,引入EAM平台,实现对资产生命周期管理,推动企业资产管理向国际先进的理念靠拢。

    Through the construction of system , the introduction of EAM platform , and to realize the whole life cycle of asset management , and promote enterprise asset management to international advanced the concept of close .

  9. 依托企业资产管理系统提升设备大修管理水平

    Relying on enterprise asset management increasing the management level of equipment overhaul

  10. 发电企业资产管理系统应用分析

    Application analysis of enterprise assets management system in power plants

  11. 企业资产管理系统在电力企业的应用

    Application of enterprise asset management system in power enterprises

  12. 企业资产管理系统中计划模块的开发

    Development of Planning Module in Enterprise Asset Management System

  13. 以一个集团型企业资产管理系统的开发为背景,首先分析了该集团企业管理模式和工作流程。

    At first , enterprise management mode and work flow technology are analyzed .

  14. 县级供电企业资产管理现状的调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Current Status in Assets Management for County Power Supply Utilities

  15. 使用企业资产管理管理实现点检制

    Using Enterprise Asset Management to achieve dot-maintain system

  16. 企业资产管理是发电企业经营管理的一项重要工作。

    Management of fixed assets is an important work for assets management of power enterprise .

  17. 企业资产管理系统中资源子系统的开发

    The Development of Resource Subsystem in EAM

  18. 企业资产管理的思想与方法

    Thoughts and Methods of Enterprise Asset Management

  19. 解决这些问题,电子化系统替代纸质单据进行企业资产管理应该成为主流。

    Solve these problems , electronic system to replace paper documents for enterprise asset management should become mainstream .

  20. 加强货币资金安全性、效益性管理在企业资产管理中显得尤为重要。

    So strengthening the security and efficient management of currency capital appears to be specially important in the management of enterprise property .

  21. 它还允许将决策逻辑作为一项企业资产管理,从而支持更轻松地理解和更新决策逻辑。

    The repository allows decision logic to be managed as an enterprise asset , making it easier to understand and update decision logic .

  22. 如何解决这些问题,降低企业资产管理成本,将是矿山企业转型的首要任务。

    How to solve these problems and reduce the cost of the asset management business will be the primary task of mining enterprise transformation .

  23. 企业资产管理系统是科学的管理思想与方法、先进的计算机应用技术同具体的管理实践相结合的产物,它是资产密集型企业增强自身核心竞争力的必由之路。

    Enterprise Asset Management System is combined the outcome by scientific management ideas and methods , and advanced information technique , and management practice .

  24. 还能对每台主机性能进行监控,及时有效地查看各台主机的工作情况,加强对重点设备的监管,并且本方案在企业资产管理方式上实现了一种创新的管理模式。

    Monitoring each host performance can timely and effective viewed the work of a host , and this program is an innovative management model in the way of enterprise asset management .

  25. 如何合理调配闲置固定资产,使其得到充分利用,以实现投资收益的最大化,是当前石油开发企业资产管理的重点。

    How to allocate idle fixed assets reasonably to fully utilize them to achieve the maximum return on investment is currently the major work for asset management of oil development enterprise .

  26. 虽然企业资产管理的重要性被大多数企业所意识到了,但现实中企业仍旧是传统的人工来记录的方式来进行管理企业固定资产。

    Although the importance of enterprise asset management was aware of most businesses , but the reality is still in business is to record the traditional manual way to manage corporate fixed assets .

  27. 由于轨道交通企业资产管理和一般意义的企业资产管理存在明显区别,需要把资产管理技术和轨道交通运输,特别是与轨道交通运营结合起来。

    Because of rail transit enterprise asset management and general meaning enterprise asset management exist obvious difference , need to put the asset management techniques and rail transportation , particularly with metro operation together .

  28. 论文试图从现行国有企业资产管理体制的弊端入手,以产权理论和委托代理理论等为依据,在考察了国内外国有企业资产管理实践的基础上,提出了新的国有企业资产管理模式。

    The article , guided by theory of property right and principal-agent , based on the practice of own-stated enterprise management in world , brings forward a new mode of administrative systemof state-owned enterprise assets .

  29. 通过对公路经营企业资产管理方面的特点进行分析,指出了现有公路经营企业财务评价指标体系的不足,提出了完善该指标体系的基本思路。

    This paper analyzes the existing character of asset-management of highway operating enterprise , and points out the defects of the present financial evaluation index system . It also gives some basic ideas to improve the system .

  30. 随着这几年国家对资产管理的重视,信息化建设从原来注重财务管理信息化逐渐向资产管理信息化发展,作为企业资产管理的领导正承担一种责任和使命。

    With the state attaching great importances to asset management over the years , informatization construction gradually develops toward asset management informatization from financial administration informationization . As the leadership of enterprise asset management bear a responsibility and mission .