
  • 网络Enterprise Mobility
  1. 它试图更精确地瞄准价格和信贷发放,采取了旨在增强企业流动性的商业票据计划和旨在刺激消费类贷款的talf举措等。

    It has tried to target the price and distribution of credit more precisely . This has been done through schemes such as the commercial paper programme designed to boost corporate liquidity , or the TALF initiative designed to boost consumer lending .

  2. 企业流动性研究已经在理论和实践上日益受到了广泛的重视。

    The research of enterprise liquidity has caused increasingly wide attention practically and theoretically .

  3. 现金作为企业流动性最强的资产,对企业的正常运营、投融资等发挥着重要作用。

    Cash plays an important role onthe operation business of enterprises , investment and financing as the most liquid assets .

  4. 这一方法有助于控制由未来现金流量的不确定性而带来的风险,并尽量减少投资对企业流动性的影响。

    This method can help control the risks associated with the uncertainty of future cash flows and minimize the impact of an investment on a firm 's liquidity problems .

  5. 本文提出流动性风险的管理目标是通过选择最优的营运资本策略及建立合适的流动性整体框架,最终实现企业流动性与盈利性均衡,实现企业价值的最大化。

    This paper proposes that the object of liquidity risk management is by choosing the best strategy for working capital and establishing an appropriate overall framework of the liquidity to balance the liquidity and profitability , and ultimately to maximize enterprise value .

  6. 营运资本是企业流动性最强的资金,贯穿于企业整个生产经营活动,是企业进行持续生产经营活动必不可少的资金,被誉为企业生产经营活动的血液。

    Working capital which is essential to the continued production and management , is the most liquid capital and exists in the whole process of the production and operation activities of enterprises . That is why it is known as the blood of the production and operation activities of enterprises .

  7. 之后对房地产企业的流动性及流动性评价指标进行了分析。

    Second , we analyze the liquidity and its indicators of Real Estate Company .

  8. 企业债券流动性差;

    Poor mobility of enterprise bonds ;

  9. 因此企业资产流动性不足是企业陷入财务困境的重要原因。

    Therefore , the lack of assets liquidity can be regarded as the important reason for financial distress of enterprises .

  10. 资产证券化作为一种崭新的结构化融资技术,较好的解决了银行和企业的流动性不足的问题。

    Securitization is a new structured financing technology , it resolve the problems of liquidity crisis of bank and enterprise well .

  11. 首先它能够有效促进企业资产流动性,提高企业版权资产的利用效率。

    First , it could promote the liquidity of those company . Second , Copyright Securitisation could enhance the utilization rate .

  12. 本文研究对于了解房地产行业的流动性水平、加强房地产企业的流动性管理并避免流动性危机均有着一定的实际意义。

    This paper exerts some practical significance on understanding liquidity level and intensifying the liquidity administration of the real estate industry and avoiding liquidity crisis .

  13. 接下来通过运用我国房地产上市公司的财务数据对房地产企业的流动性及盈利性的相关关系进行了实证分析。

    Then we work out the correlation between the profitability and the liquidity of Real Estate Company based on the finance data of Chinese stock company .

  14. 信用风险是各类企业出现流动性危机的主要根源,也是导致区域性乃至全球性金融危机的根本原因之一。

    Credit risk is the main source of liquidity crisis for enterprises of all types , and may contribute to regional or even global financial crisis fundamentally .

  15. 结果显示,两个市场的企业债流动性收益率存在较大偏差,市场分割现象明显,交易所企业债券对流动性更敏感。

    The results show that there exist deviation of liquidity and yield between the two market , market segmentation phenomenon is obvious , enterprise bonds in Exchange bond market are more sensitive to liquidity .

  16. 信息的不完全使国际贷款人突然紧缩了对新兴市场的信贷,造成了企业的流动性危机以及对钉住汇率的投机冲击,使本不该发生危机的经济发生了危机。

    Imperfect information can make international creditors contract their lending to emerging markets , resulting in enterprises liquidity crises and speculative attacks to the pegged exchange rates , putting the economies to crises which can otherwise be avoided .

  17. 昨日发布的新数据显示,苹果(Apple)和其他一些科技公司的现金储备不断增加,使美国企业的整体流动性达到创纪录水平。

    The swelling cash reserves of Apple and a handful of other technology companies have raised the overall liquidity of corporate America to record levels , new   data   revealed   yesterday .

  18. 所以,欧元区领导人需要监控企业部门的流动性风险。

    So eurozone leaders need to be monitoring liquidity risks in the corporate sector .

  19. 中小企业板市场流动性问题研究

    Study on Liquidity of the SME Board

  20. 第二章企业知识员工流动性的理论基础。

    The theory of knowledge workers turnover .

  21. 大部分这类企业都缺乏流动性,其股东不能或不愿提供必要的资金。

    Most are illiquid and their shareholders are unable or unwilling to provide the necessary funds .

  22. 不过一旦抛弃这一政策,之前流入互联网新创企业的充裕流动性就可能会迅速枯竭。

    But without QE3 , a good deal of liquidity that has been flowing into web startups could dry up very quickly .

  23. 结果表明,运用营运资本需求法能够更准确地判断企业资金的流动性和偿债能力。

    The results show that using working capital requirement to analyze enterprises'asset liquidity and debt capacity is more correct than that using traditional one .

  24. 本文首先从企业资源的流动性与企业间相互依赖程度的相关性的角度,对企业组建虚拟企业联盟的合作动力进行了初步分析。

    The cooperative drive of setting up VE is analyzed from the point of the relativity consisted in the fluidity of the virtual enterprise resource and the interdependence between enterprises .

  25. 回购活动的下降,凸显出美国企业在面对流动性紧缩和经济衰退可能性上升时所采取的防御性姿态。

    The drop in buy-back activity highlights the defensive stance adopted by US companies in the face of a liquidity squeeze and the increased probability of the economy slipping into recession .

  26. 采用营运资本需求概念来分析企业资金的流动性和融资的匹配性,同时与传统的比率法进行比较。

    The concept of working capital requirement is used for analyzing current ratio of assets and marching strategy , meanwhile comparative to the results with traditional current ratio in this paper .

  27. 面对企业债市场流动性匮乏、外国投资者抛售美国股票而美国投资者大举购买外国股票和债券,美元无法摆脱影响。

    There is no way to get away from the lack of corporate bond inflows , the foreign selling of US equities and the countervailing strong US purchases of foreign equities and bonds .

  28. 由于企业员工的流动性不断加大,尤其是经验丰富、技能高超的员工外流,企业对专利等知识产权的掌控越来越困难。

    Because the liquidity of employees continue to increase , in particular , experienced , skilled employees ' outflow let the control of patents and other intellectual property rights is increasingly difficult for companies .

  29. 在金融危机席卷的浪潮中,IT企业员工的流动性进一步加大,有的企业忙于裁员,有的企业暗暗加大了人才的招聘力度,悄悄进行人才储备。

    In the trend of financial crisis , the mobility of employees are increasing in IT enterprises , some of them are busy with redundancy , others are secretly strengthen the recruitment for storage of talents .

  30. 本文拟在这一时点对中国银行间债券市场中的企业债券的流动性特征进行研究。

    This article intends to study liquidity characteristics of corporate bonds in the bond market of China , especially the inter-bank bond market , which is the most important bond market in China for the time being .