
  • 网络Enterprise annuity fund
  1. 通过对典型案例的研究,阐明了企业年金基金投资过程中存在的风险。

    Through studying the typical cases , the thesis clarifies the investment risks of enterprise annuity fund .

  2. 劳动保障部负责企业年金基金管理机构资格认定。

    The Ministry of Labor and Social Security shall be responsible for the qualification accreditation of enterprise annuity fund management institutions .

  3. 通过对企业年金基金的DB和DC给付模式的比较分析,分析了给付模式优化选择的依据与精算模型,并结合实例进行分析与比较。第四,中国企业年金的绩效评价指标及模型研究。

    By the comparative analysis on the annuity fund DB and DC payment patterns , we analyze the selection of optimal payment mode and actuarial model , and make the analysis and comparison with examples . Fourthly , the performance evaluation and model research on Chinese enterprise annuity .

  4. 我国企业年金基金运作模式的法律问题研究

    The Legal Researching about Operation Form of Fund Pension in China

  5. 我国企业年金基金财务综合评价的研究

    Research on Financial Synthetic Evaluation on Our Country 's Employer Fund

  6. 信号与企业年金基金管理机构牌照竞争

    Signal and Competition for Licenses of Occupational Pension Fund Management Institutions

  7. 但对企业年金基金投资运营的管理各国却各不相同。

    But the management of occupational pension fund varies in different countries .

  8. 企业年金基金委托投资效率的模拟实证分析

    A Simulation Empirical Analysis of Investment Efficiency of Out-side Management

  9. 国外企业年金基金监管模式比较及启示

    A Comparison of Foreign Occupational Pension Fund Regulation Models and Its Implication

  10. 制度约束与企业年金基金管理模式选择

    The Choice of Management Model of Employer Pension Fund

  11. 企业年金基金监管法律制度研究

    Study on Legal System of Occupational Pension Fund Regulation

  12. 企业年金基金投资效益不佳等。

    The enterprise pension fund investment benefit is not good and so on .

  13. 中国企业年金基金治理研究

    Research on China Governance of Occupational Pension Funds

  14. 第三节是企业年金基金受托人信赖义务,分为忠实义务和注意义务。

    The fiduciary duty of trustee is including duty of loyal and duty of care .

  15. 本文以我国企业年金基金的投资运作为研究对象。随着社会老龄化的加剧,建立和完善我国的养老金制度成为必然趋势。

    With the tendency of aging society , it is necessary that we establish and consummate Chinese pension system .

  16. 第四,规模不断壮大的企业年金基金把大量即期消费资金转化为长期储蓄资金,有助于促进资本市场的发育和国民经济的增长。

    Forth , the growth of the scale of occupational pension fund turns the immediate consumption into permanent saving fund .

  17. 通过分析企业年金基金运营管理过程中的各种法律关系,明确企业年金的法律定位。

    And the analysis of various legal relations existing in the operation and management of occupational pension fund is followed .

  18. 并从两种监管模式对监管机构的不同要求中研究企业年金基金监管模式对监管主体责任的影响。

    From the two different requirements of regulatory bodies in the regulatory model of the ' main responsibilities of supervision .

  19. 正因为如此,资产负债管理已经越来越多地被运用于企业年金基金投资管理当中。

    Just for that reason , the Asset-Liability Management is more and more used in the occupational pension fund investment management .

  20. 本文主要从资产投资的角度出发,着重分析我国企业年金基金投资的问题所在。

    The article sets out from angle of the assets investment mainly , focus on analyzing the investment problem of our country .

  21. 我国企业年金基金的来源方式主要是年金计划参与者的缴费及缴费投资运作所获得的投资收益。

    The main source of Annuity fund is from the payment of plan participants and the investment operation income of the fund .

  22. 从系统构成上看,企业年金基金投资风险监测与预警系统由三部分组成:预警指标体系、动态监测体系和组织管理体系。本节分别就这三个构成部分提出了具体的构建思路和原理。

    An integrated risk management system of occupational pension fund investment is composed of risk-alarming system , risk-control system and risk-compensation system .

  23. 企业年金基金在退休之前不能领取,具有长期性和稳定性的特点。

    Annuity fund has the characteristics of the long-term and stability , which result that it can not be received before retirement .

  24. 构建了包括管理主体、管理客体和管理内容在内的基于财务视角的企业年金基金管理框架;

    In the article I have built up the framework of our country 's employer pension fund management based on financial perspective .

  25. 从这个意义上讲,确定企业年金基金的基本法律运作模式,可以说是年金市场的重中之重。

    To chose a proper legal operate system of fund pension could be the most important thing to the fund pension market .

  26. 而加强对企业年金基金的监管,控制基金运营的风险,对于促进企业年金基金事业的规范发展具有深远意义。

    Controlling the risk of the occupational pension funds has profound and lasting significance for improving the developing of these funds under standardization .

  27. 最后,探讨我国企业年金基金监管主体责任所存在问题以及产生这些问题的原因。

    Finally , investigate and study the occupational pension fund , the main responsibility for monitoring the problems and causes of these problems .

  28. 由于企业年金基金投资监管涉及到的内容和问题实在太多,本论文限于篇幅无法一一进行深入的讨论,因此在一个全面简要介绍的基础上主要探讨在国内外争议最多的三个方面内容。

    Therefore , based on a general and brief introduction , the chapter mainly discusses three most controversial regulatory questions in the world .

  29. 企业年金基金管理的风险链比较长,风险面比较大,从而使得风险管理相当困难。

    The enterprise pension fund risk chain is long and the risk is big , which causes the risk management to be quite difficult .

  30. 本章是论文的核心部分,旨在研究我国现有企业年金基金投资风险控制问题。

    This chapter is the core of the whole paper , aiming to study the investment risk control of enterprise annuity fund in China .