
  • 网络Investment Manager;portfolio managers
  1. 这当中有一个一个上海投资管理人IsaacMao的站点,在教育和技术方面聚集了一批人。

    One of the leading sites was run by Isaac Mao , a Shanghai investment manager who had built a following writing about education and technology .

  2. 知情人士表示,汇丰银行(HSBC)成为伯纳德•马多夫(BernardMadoff)涉嫌欺诈案中最大的受害者之一,在该投资管理人倒闭的公司中,潜在的风险敞口约为15亿美元。

    HSBC has emerged as one the largest victims of Bernard Madoff 's alleged fraud with potential exposure of around $ 1.5bn to the investment manager 's collapsed venture , according to people close to the situation .

  3. 社保基金投资管理人选择的一种定量方法

    Quantitative Method of Manager Selection for the Social Security Fund

  4. 社保基金投资管理人控制机制研究

    The Research on the Investment Manager Control System of the Social Security Fund

  5. 这些人依然是活跃的投资管理人,

    who are still active as investment managers ,

  6. 天才的投资管理人,一种稀缺资源

    Talented investment manager & the Scarce Resource

  7. 不同的投资管理人由于投资风格不同,对投资组合的资产配置也会不同。

    Due to the different investment styles of portfolio , different investment managers make the asset allocation differently too .

  8. 在此背景下,如何完善现有的社保基金投资管理人控制机制是本文的研究重点。

    Herein it is the focus of this thesis how to perfect the forthcoming investment manager control system of the social security fund .

  9. 分析师相信,投资管理人获得总计约15亿美元的初始配额,这些资产已存在香港的离案账户上。

    Analysts believe managers will receive an initial total allocation of about $ 1.5bn , which is already held in offshore accounts in Hong Kong .

  10. 本基金可按投资管理人接受的条款,就为基金持有的任何证券作借出活动。

    The funds may engage in security lending in respect of any securities held for the funds on terms that are acceptable to the investment manager .

  11. 此外,还就保险公司在企业年金管理中充当受托人、账户管理人、投资管理人以及托管人的优势等问题进行了深入探讨。

    It also probes into the advantages of insurance company in acting as trustee , account manager , investment manager and custodian in the administration process of occupational pension schemes .

  12. 太投方面称,埃尔连是在2006年离开太投去哈佛的,他将和格罗斯共同担任首席投资管理人,同比尔·汤姆普森分享首席执行官一职。

    El-Erian , who left Pimco for Harvard in2006 , will share the position of chief investment officer with Gross and the CEO post with Bill Thompson , Pimco said .

  13. 在社保基金运营体系中,投资管理人对于确保社保基金保值增值起着关键的作用,各方主体需要对其实施有效的控制。

    In the process of the social security fund movement , the investment manager is the key to secure and increase its value , effective control is necessary applied to it .

  14. 比如在第三部分以企业年金基金受托人与投资管理人之间关系为例,从博弈论的角度建模分析,使得研究更加深入。

    For example , in the third part of the enterprise annuity fund trustees and investment relations between managers , for example , from the perspective of game theory modeling analysis , making more in-depth research .

  15. 本文研究的重点是利用了委托&代理理论对风险资本运营的道德风险、投资管理人与风险企业家之间的合谋进行分析,并提出了规避风险的方法。

    It is the focus of study that we make use of Agency theory to analyze the Moral hazard and conspiracy risk between the entrepreneur and investment administrator and put forward the method of evading risks .

  16. 为了有效的保护受益人的合法权益,激励约束机制凸显重要价值,成为防范受托人和投资管理人道德风险的核心。

    In order to protect the legal rights of beneficiary effectively , the incentive and restraint system is so important that it is the core of keeping away the moral venture of the trustee and the investment manger .

  17. 但很少有基金在文件中提到马多夫或其中间商的名字,其它一些基金则竭力宣称它们在监督投资管理人的表现,以确保交易内容与其通告相符。

    But few of the funds named Mr Madoff or his brokerage in their documents , while others went out of their way to claim they were monitoring the performance of their manager to ensure trades were executed as claimed .

  18. 企业年金基金的投资管理人、托管人应对所提交材料的真实性、准确性、完整性负责,不得有虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏。

    The investment manager and custodian of the enterprise annuity funds shall be responsible for the truthfulness , accuracy and completeness of the submitted materials and guarantee that the materials are free from any false records , misleading statements or material omissions .

  19. 证券投资基金管理人选择中的信号传递博弈

    A Signaling Games Model for Choice of Stock Investment Fund Manager

  20. 证券投资基金管理人义务刍议

    On the Duty of Securities Investment Fund Manager

  21. 投资基金管理人信托投资义务问题探析

    A Theoretical Research on Duty of Trust Investment Performed by Fund 's Management Company

  22. 中美证券投资基金管理人行为:差别与原因

    The Sino-American Differences in the Behavior of Securities Investment Fund Managers and the Reasons Concerned

  23. 第二部分主要是对证券投资基金管理人信赖义务的法律基础进行全面系统的分析。

    The second chapter centers on the legal basis analysis of the investment fund manager 's fiduciary duty .

  24. 出色的证券投资基金管理人不但具有股票选择的微观能力,而且还具有市场时机把握的宏观能力。

    The excellent funds managers not only have the micro-ability to stock selecting but also have the macro-ability to market timing .

  25. 小型的亚洲公司通常较少关注于协调客户、投资组合管理人和公司的利益。

    Small Asian firms tend to pay less attention to the alignment of interest between clients , portfolio managers and the firm .

  26. 对于私人客户及其投资组合管理人来说,这些指数可以提供两种资产类别中客户投资组合表现的进一步基准。

    For private clients and their portfolio managers the indices can provide a further benchmark for client portfolio performance in the two asset classes .

  27. 证券投资基金管理人管理和运作着资金的分布,对基金业绩以及证券市场的稳定发展起到举足轻重的作用。

    Securities investment fund managers who operate and manage the distribution of the fund , have played an important role for the fund performance and stability of securities market .

  28. 其中证券投资基金管理人(指证券投资基金管理公司)的作用举足轻重,他们的行为在基金实际管理和运作中起到了非常重要的作用。

    The manager i.e. the Securities Investment Fund Management Company should assume primary responsibility for these problems since its behavior plays a substantial role in the fund operation and management .

  29. 投资基金管理人义务法律制度是基金投资者权益保障制度的根本所在,故世界各国均将基金管理人义务法律制度作为投资基金立法的重中之重。

    The fiduciary obligation of securities fund manger is the most important part of the law of securities fund in every country because the duty of manager is the foundation to protect the interests of beneficiary .

  30. 同时,在既定的资本市场中,投资基金管理人必须系统地考虑来自各方面的压力,投资基金的运作需要不断地寻找最大化收益与最小风险的动态均衡点。

    Simultaneously , in a certain capital market fund-managers have to systemically consider the pressure coming from various aspects . The operation of funds needs to find the dynamic equilibrium point of maximizing revenues and minimum venture .